Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1124 The battle is fierce

The Japanese pirate formation is really like a venomous snake, very ferocious and vicious. After discovering the shortcomings of the simplified version of the Yuanyang formation, including its stiffness and weak rear defense, it bites them to death. Using this as a breakthrough point, they rush forward and strangle the simplified version of the Mandarin Duck formation in the city crazily.

For a time, the Japanese pirates, who were outnumbered in the city, took advantage of the situation.

"Xinxi! That's it! A two-legged sheep is a two-legged sheep. No matter how hard you struggle, it will only be meat for the cooking pot!"

The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro, who was supervising the battle below the city, clenched his fists excitedly when he saw that the Japanese pirates above the city had the upper hand.

The dust of Jingnan's sudden collapse is about to fall to the ground, and there is no longer any suspense.



Another Daming County town fell at his feet! Daming, nothing more than that!

Heihachiro confidently inserted the Japanese sword into the scabbard, squinted his eyes and looked at Jingnan County, and grinned with pride.

"Kill me!"

The Japanese pirates shouted to kill, the pigs rushed forward, and the Japanese pirates below the city were also climbing up the city wall continuously along the ladders, human ladders, and flying claws to replenish the number of Japanese pirates on the city, and the Japanese pirates' advantage was constantly expanding.

"Brothers, hold on, below the city are our father and mother, below the city are our mothers and children!"

The young and strong people in the city were all red-eyed and clenched their teeth to hold on. However, the young and strong people in the back row were no match for the Japanese pirates' snake heads and tails.

Zhu Pingan noticed that the Japanese pirates used the back row of the Yuanyang Formation as a breakthrough. He frowned and carefully observed the battle situation. After a moment of careful observation, Zhu Pingan discovered that it was not the Japanese Snake Formation that broke through the simplified Yuanyang Formation on the city, but The personal force value of the Japanese pirates is better than that of the young and strong people in the back row of the mandarin duck formation on the city. After noticing this, Zhu Pingan's brain was running rapidly, simulating deductions in his mind.

If the authentic Yuanyang Formation is equipped with Teng Dun, Langzhen, Boring Palladium and other weapons, you will not be afraid of the Japanese pirates' Snake Formation at all; or if you give yourself more time to train, the simplified version of the Yuanyang Formation on the city will not be afraid of the Japanese pirates' Snake Formation.

However, the reality is cruel. There are not so many what-ifs, only the cruel reality: the Japanese pirate snake formation shows its power and uses the back row of the Yuanyang formation as a breakthrough. The pigs rush forward and attack the Yuanyang formation crazily. The defense on the city is crumbling.

Back row! The Japanese Snake Formation uses the back row of the Yuanyang Formation as a breakthrough point. Instead of the front row of the simplified version of the Yuanyang Formation having shield-hands and spear-hands cooperating, the Japanese Japanese Snake Formation cannot break the alliance between the shield-hands and spear-hands in the front row of the simplified version of the Yuanyang Formation. Instead, he was beaten to a bloody head by the front row. In the simplified version of the Yuanyang Formation, there were two swordsmen in the back row. The Japanese Snake Formation Snake Tail Japanese Pirates relied on their own martial arts to single-handedly take advantage of the two people in the back row of the Yuanyang Formation. , so the back row of the simplified version of the Yuanyang Formation is used as a breakthrough.

Since the Japanese pirates cannot break through the front row of the Yuanyang formation, why not merge the two Yuanyang formations into one Yuanyang formation. After the merger, the head and tail of the Yuanyang formation will be covered by shield hands, so that the Japanese snake formation cannot break through the Yuanyang formation. Although the number of Japanese pirates on the city continued to increase, the majority of the people on the city wall were from our own side. Merging the two mandarin duck formations into one was enough to surround and kill the snake formation of the Japanese pirates on the city.

Exploit strengths and avoid weaknesses!


"Head to tail, tail to head, the two groups form one group! Shield hand, pay attention to cover!"

After thinking of this, Zhu Ping'an's eyes lit up, and without hesitation he loudly gave orders to everyone, directing the young men in the city to change their formations.

"The county has an order: Head to tail, tail to head, the two groups form a group! Shield hand, pay attention to cover!"

Liu Dadao, Liu Daqiang and others followed and shouted, and Zhu Pingan's order spread throughout the city wall in a moment.

After the young and strong people in the city heard Zhu Pingan's order, they immediately carried it out without hesitation. The two adjacent simple mandarin duck formations were combined head to tail and tail to head to form a fat version of the mandarin duck formation.

"Kill one group, kill two groups. No matter how many two-legged sheep there are, they are still two-legged sheep! Kill! Kill! Kill! Leave no one behind!"

Seeing the young men on the city changing their formations, the Japanese pirates on the city didn't take it seriously. They thought that the snake formation was unparalleled. They raised their Japanese swords and howled. As usual, they rushed forward like a pig and rushed towards the fat version of the mandarin duck formation, intending to attack the young men on the city in one go. Zhuang kills everyone without leaving a piece of armor behind.

I have a snake formation, unparalleled in the world!

They have this self-confidence. In the past, when they formed snake formations and butterfly formations in field battles, they were often able to kill the Ming army in the guards, let alone the ordinary people who were temporarily recruited to defend the city.

"Die にやがれ!"

A Japanese pirate with the snake head of the Japanese snake formation roared ferociously and rushed towards the back row of the mandarin duck formation. His standard bird language and bare Tsukiyo head showed that he was a real Japanese. Judging from the bamboo armor on his body, he was among the Japanese pirates. His status is not low, this true Japanese figure is as fast as thunder, like a ghost. In the blink of an eye, he jumps to the back row of the fat mandarin duck formation, and draws his sword to kill at the moment of contact.

Draw the sword!

He was an ashigaru under a ruined lord of the Japanese country. After his lord was annexed by a powerful feudal lord, he was forced to wander and became a wandering samurai. This sword-drawing technique was learned by him during his wanderings. During his five-year career as a wandering warrior, he relied on his sword-drawing skills to survive the intrigues and predatory nature of his wandering life, and he also attacked and killed many hostile wandering warriors. In the actual battle of life and death, his sword-drawing skills became more and more perfect, and his performances became more and more ruthless.

He joined the ranks of Japanese pirates this year. As soon as he entered the industry, he won the favor of the leader Heihachiro with his sword-drawing skills and was appointed as the leader of the Centurion Team.

A scholar dies for a confidant!

Heihachiro trusts me, and I will break through Jingnan to repay Heihachiro.

In the first two waves of siege, he followed Hu Heihachiro and did not participate. After the Japanese pirates failed to attack the city twice, he volunteered to participate in this wave of siege, with the determination to break through Jingnan and repay Heihachiro's trust.

Since his arrival in the city, he has fought bravely and fearlessly. With the skill of drawing a sword with one hand, he led his snake formation to kick out two simple mandarin duck formations, and killed five young and strong civilians with his own hands. They were all covered in blood, like hell. Like an evil spirit crawling out of it.

The mandarin duck formation in front of him was the third mandarin duck formation he faced. Although there were a bit more people, he was confident! He is confident that he can easily penetrate this mandarin duck formation, just like the previous two.

Sure enough, as he expected.


He jumped to the back row of the Yuanyang Formation, and at the moment of contact, he drew his sword with his backhand. The white light flashed away, as fast as thunder. Before the young and strong people on the opposite side had time to react, their heads were already missing.

Blood splatters! The head fell to the ground!

The array is broken again!

Shino showed a ferocious smile. The art of drawing a sword is not just about drawing a sword. After drawing a sword, there are subsequent attacks such as slashing, slashing, and stabbing. Once the sword is drawn to kill, the situation is set. The subsequent attacks are invincible and no one can dodge them.

Zhenwa smiled confidently, and with the power of killing, he slashed at the young and strong people on the side, and launched subsequent attacks.


A shield appeared, blocking Shinobo's killing blow.


Shino cursed loudly, turned the knife in one direction and stabbed.


Another shield appeared and blocked Shino's thrust again.

"Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" At the same time, there were four spears poking at the Japanese pirates. There was no technical content, but the four spears blocked the four directions of the Japanese pirates.

The Japanese were so fierce that they advanced instead of retreating. They twisted to avoid two spears, used a Japanese sword to deflect one spear, stretched out their other hand to grab the fourth spear, and bravely pushed the young people holding the spears away from them. He was pulled out from behind the shield, kicked Qing Zhuang's chest in the air, and flew him onto the shield behind him, knocking the people holding the shield off their feet.

"Die にやがれ!"

The real Japanese screamed to kill ferociously, moved toward the gap, and killed with a knife.


Another shield behind the formation raised his shield and pushed it up, blocking Shinwa again.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

After the shield blocked the Shinobi, the four archers in the formation also reacted and aimed their bows and arrows at the Shinobi. The other spearmen and swordsmen in the formation also attacked the Shinobi from all directions.

He was so brave and brave, dashing to the left and blocking with the right, but after all, he only had two hands, and he went in alone. Finally, a spear broke through his defense and pierced his shoulder. Next, he was covered with long knives, spears, and arrows. his body.

A scholar dies for a confidant!

He did it!

As soon as the real Japanese died, the snake formation behind them was no match for the fat version of the mandarin duck formation. Soon they were all stabbed and chopped to the ground, ending their sinful lives.

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