Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1125 I have a plan to go to Jingnan

After the merger, the Yuanyang formation used its strengths and avoided weaknesses, circumvented the weaknesses of the rear defense, and further took advantage of the number of people.

The menacing Japanese Snake Formation despised its superficiality, and as a result, each and every one of them had their heads bruised and bloody in front of the fat version of the Mandarin Duck Formation.

In an instant, the offensive and defensive positions on the city wall changed!

The ferocious, murderous, and kicking Japanese pirate formations turned from fierce poisonous snakes into small trembling insects huddled in the corner, no longer as arrogant as before.

The simple version of the Yuanyang Formation, which was struggling to support the city wall and was in danger, was merged with the fat version of the Mandarin Duck Formation. From the struggling fish on the chopping board, it turned into a domineering giant crab wearing armor, pressing down on the Japanese pirates with bared teeth and claws. The little bug formation, a slap in the face, hitting each Japanese pirate bug until their brains and blood were splashed!


Another hour of fighting!

The endless sounds of fighting and shouting on the city wall gradually fell silent, and then a burst of crying cheers echoed through the city wall.

The sun shines brightly.


A wall of blood and a mountain of corpses.

A strong gust of wind blew by, rolling up the burnt flags on the city wall and making a roaring sound, carrying the rich smell of blood and stench on the city wall and drifting into the distance.

Clean the battlefield, visit the wounded, inspect the city walls, arrange defenses...

Zhu Pingan was busy on the city wall without touching the ground. After noticing that the Japanese pirates below the city still had no intention of giving up, Zhu Pingan couldn't help but frowned. The Japanese pirates had lost more than a thousand people this day, and they still didn't give up. !

The Japanese pirates are ambitious and are determined to destroy us, so we must take more precautions!

Zhu Ping'an thought for a while and carefully considered the way the Japanese pirates might attack the city. He transferred 300 young men on the city to defend the other three city gates, and added 100 young men at each gate to prevent the Japanese pirates from dividing their forces to attack. Other city gates. Zhu Ping'an also divided the remaining young and strong people into two teams. One team was on duty to defend the city, and the other team was repairing and eating. They were replaced after half an hour to maintain physical strength and energy.

"Baga! Damn the little Jingnan thief! If I don't capture this city, I Honda Heihachi will not be a human being! Get up from where you fell. I will wash away today's shame with the blood of Jingnan city! Take your head!" Have a drink and take credit!"

The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro, who had lost his troops and generals under the city, was like a cobra, staring viciously at the small magistrate on the Jingnan city wall who was wearing the official uniform of the Ming Dynasty and running back and forth on inspections, and gritted his teeth and swore.

At this moment, nearly one-third of the Japanese pirates under his command have been lost, leaving only more than 2,000 Japanese pirates.

As the Japanese pirates were beaten and beaten again and again on the city wall of Jingnan County, the morale of the Japanese pirates was very low. They realized more and more that this small town in Jingnan was different from the county towns they had captured in the past. It was very different. This small town was not a fish for them to slaughter, but a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"Baga, cheer up and see what you've become! You are a pack of wolves that roamed the Ming Dynasty and devoured the entire Ming Dynasty. Now, each one of you looks like a lost dog! Isn't it a shame?"

When the Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro saw the low morale of the Japanese pirates under his command, he couldn't help but became furious. He fiercely grabbed a Japanese pirate by the collar, slapped him twice with his backhand, pushed him to the ground, and roared and cursed at all the Japanese pirates!


After being driven to the ground, the Japanese pirate got up from the ground, sat upright on the ground, and lowered his head in shame.

All the Japanese pirates also lowered their heads.

"Keep your head up! Proud wolves cannot lower their heads! Get up from where you fell!"

The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro shouted to all the Japanese pirates.


The Japanese pirates raised their heads, their eyes burning with fire.

"Very good, it seems you haven't become a piece of irredeemable shit!" The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro nodded, then turned to point at Jingnan County and said loudly, "See, it's this small town that brings shame to you. ! Capture it! Use the blood all over the city to prove your bravery! Capture it! Use the head of the Jingnan magistrate to prove that you are still the same pack of wolves that trampled and devoured the Ming Dynasty!"

"We are the wolf pack that controls the Ming Dynasty, not the lost dogs! Capture Jingnan! Use the blood all over the city to prove our bravery, and use the head of the Jingnan magistrate to prove that we are still the wolf pack that controls the Ming Dynasty!"

The Japanese pirates shouted in excitement, and their blood vessels swelled, as if they had been given medicine or chicken blood.

"very good!"

The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro raised his lips with satisfaction, and then said to the Japanese pirates, "Although we lost nearly a thousand, Jingnan is not feeling well. Their losses are no less than us! They originally had fewer people, and now they are even less!" We have more people than they do, and our people are more brave than their people, so why should they stop us!"

Yes, we have a lot of people. Although we lost more than a thousand people, Jingnan also suffered serious losses. Even if it was not as much as us, it still lost at least eight or nine hundred people. They originally had fewer people. There are fewer people now.

The Japanese pirates believed this, but they also thought of the strange formation put up by the young men on the city, which seemed a bit difficult to deal with.

"Hmph! The formation on the city is just superficial. It's just relying on the large number of people. If they are the same people, how can they be your opponents." The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro noticed the expression of the Japanese pirates under his command, snorted coldly, and loudly said.

Well, yes, the leader is right. The city only relies on the large number of people. At the beginning, they were in a formation with few people. They were not suppressed by our snake formation and beat them. Beating them was like beating a son. Later, they turned the other way. They had an advantage, but it was because their two formations merged into one and they had a numerical advantage. If we have the same number of people, how can they be our opponents? Even the regular army of the Ming Dynasty is no match for us, let alone common people like them. Well, that’s right, next time we will just increase the number of people in the snake formation. Can’t we also combine the two snake formations into one? ! One of our snake formations can stably defeat their other formation. If the two snake formations merge, won't we be able to stably defeat their merged formation? !

After hearing what the leader said, all the Japanese pirates nodded their heads in agreement, and their confidence returned to them.

"Xinxi, this is what the wolf cubs under my command should look like!"

The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro saw the changes in the spirit of the Japanese pirates and nodded with satisfaction.

"I have a plan, and I can definitely take down Jingnan in one fell swoop. As long as you act according to the plan, capturing Jingnan will be like picking something out of a bag."

The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro looked around at the Japanese pirates confidently, with a sinister smile on his lips.

"We are waiting for the leader to follow suit!"

"The leader tells us to go east, but we will never go west. The leader tells us to hunt dogs, but we will never chase chickens!"

"We listen to the leader."

A group of Japanese pirates howled and screamed, showing their loyalty.

"Very good, within an hour, Jingnan will fall at our feet!" The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro raised his lips and said confidently and arrogantly.

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