Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1126 Heihachiro is full of clever tricks

"Jingnan, I can break it with my hands! You guys, let's see how I will break through the small town of Jingnan for you today!" In front of all the Japanese pirates, the leader of the Japanese pirates, Heihachiro, stretched out his palm and pointed at Jingnan County, and then slowly Slowly turning his palms to make a subversive movement, he raised the corners of his lips and said confidently.

The more frustrated you become, the braver you become!

Confidence is astounding!

At this moment, Heihachiro's image was high in the minds of all the Japanese pirates, and his confidence and domineering infected all the Japanese pirates. Heihachiro himself was very prestigious among the Japanese pirates, and it was even more prestigious now.

"Boss on board!"

"Destroy Jingnan!"

"Destroy Jingnan!"

A group of Japanese pirates howled as if they had been given blood.

Very good, the military morale is available, plus my strategy, haha, Jingnan County will be attacked today! Heihachiro was confident.

"Tietou San listens to the order, integrate all the crossbowmen under my command, divide them into three waves, and harass the Jingnan city wall in turn, so that they will not have a moment of peace." The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro called his fierce bandit Tietou San and gave the order. .

"I, Tietou San, will definitely carry out whatever the leader says. However, please forgive me for saying one more word, leader. Is this consumption of arrows too great? If it is consumed like this, it may not reach dark, and our arrows will be exhausted." It’s all used up. Wouldn’t it be better to keep these feathered arrows until the city is attacked, and use these feathered arrows to cover the siege and suppress the archers on the city and the young men who are throwing heavy objects?”

Tietou San touched his bald head, hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but said to the leader Heihachiro.

"Haha, you are working very short-sighted. You only focus on the few arrows in front of you, but you don't see the benefits of breaking through Jingnan."

What a short-sighted idiot. The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro glanced at Tietousan contemptuously, shook his head and sneered.

"Yes, yes, the leader is right to teach you a lesson." Tietou San shrank his neck, not daring to say anything more, but he disapproved of it in his heart. Shooting arrows at the city wall in turn would only be harassment at best, and it was impossible to capture Jing. South County.

The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro looked at Tietou San and knew that they had doubts in their hearts, but they didn't dare to speak out. He knew that there were many Japanese pirates who were like Tietousan, so he deliberately took advantage of this opportunity to explain. Firstly, he could enhance the morale of the army, and secondly, he could let these idiots know how extraordinary this leader was.

"Oh, you were born in the Ming Dynasty, have you ever heard of Chao Qin Mu Chu Yi?" Heihachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates, asked Tietou San with his eyes on him.

"Ahem, I've only heard of Chao San Mu Si." Tietou San touched his head in embarrassment.

"Idiot! The predecessor of Chao Qin Mu Chu is 'Chao Jin Mu Chu'. In your Ming Dynasty, we go back more than a thousand years to the Warring States Period. The Jin State and the Chu State were two powerful countries. In order to compete for hegemony, they fought against each other many times. Win or lose. The State of Zheng was a small country, sandwiched between two powerful countries, and it could not afford to offend anyone. In order to protect itself, it turned to the State of Jin for a while, and then to the State of Chu for another time, so it was called Chao Jin and Mu Chu."

The leader of the Japanese pirates, Heihachiro, was a Japanese who spoke allusions and allusions when talking about the ancient history of China. However, the Japanese pirates who were born and raised in the Ming Dynasty under his command were confused and very disobedient when they heard the allusions told by Heihachiro. .

"The leader is really knowledgeable!"

The Japanese pirates were all flattering, but some people still asked what this had to do with shooting arrows to harass the city wall.

"A bunch of idiots, why are you so anxious! The State of Jin is impatient with the State of Zheng, and wants the State of Zheng to completely fall over to it. However, Jin and Chu are equally powerful. If the State of Jin wants to completely conquer the state of Zheng, the State of Chu must decline, and the State of Jin must decline. The country must be prosperous and strong. So Jin came up with the strategy of "waiting for work" to tire Chu. Jin's army was divided into three parts, and they took turns harassing Chu and containing Chu's army. When one part of the army was harassing, the other two parts of the army rested. . The State of Chu was harassed by the State of Jin in this way, exhausted, worse off than dead, and weakened in national strength. The State of Jin got what it wanted, subdued the State of Zheng, and dominated the world." The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro glanced at the Japanese pirates with contempt and cursed After a while, he said slowly.

"The leader wants to use this trick against the people in the city?! The leader is wise!" Tietou and other Japanese pirates suddenly realized.

"It's not too stupid. So, remember, don't be stingy with the arrows. I will make them have to cope with it. I will make them unable to eat, unable to sleep, hungry, tired and sleepy, both physically and mentally. All exhausted!"

The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro glanced at the Japanese pirates, then looked at the city wall, and said sadly.

"The leader really is Zhuge. Since then, the two-legged sheep in the city must be hungry, tired and sleepy. Hahaha, how can they defend the city like this! If we attack the city again, we will definitely be able to easily capture Jing. South."

After the Japanese pirates figured it out, they found it very feasible, and they flattered Heihachiro with great enthusiasm.

"This is just an appetizer. The real killing move is yet to come." The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro shook his head and twitched the corner of his mouth in a sinister tone.

"What? This is just an appetizer. Does the leader have a killer move?"

"The leader really is Zhuge alive."

After the Japanese pirates were stunned for a second, they looked at Heihachirou with even more eager eyes.

"Aso-kun, please take the order of three hundred people to cut down trees and build ladders! Then build ten siege ladders." The Japanese pirate leader ordered again.


Yuji Aso obeyed the order and prepared to lead people to cut down the trees without saying a word.

"Aso, remember, you take 300 people to cut down the trees, 200 people pull the trees back, and leave 100 elites in the woods. Repeat this three times, leaving 300 elites behind. Remember, you must do it quietly. , don’t be discovered by the city. When the governor gives the order to attack the city again, you can ignore it and quietly lead the 300 elites in the woods around to the north gate to attack them unprepared! Raid the north gate and lead the army into the city."

The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro stopped Yuji Aso, narrowed his eyes like a poisonous snake, and ordered sinisterly.


Yuji Aso was stunned when he heard this, and then suddenly realized that this was the leader's plan. Cutting down trees and building ladders was just a cover. The real thing was to get the three hundred elites into the woods quietly, and when the main force was attacking the city, they raided the north gate. Purpose. When I attack the city next time, I will lead these 300 elites to attack the North Gate. They will all defend the West Gate. The other city gates, including the North Gate, will be empty. The North Gate will definitely be taken down by me in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, Aso Yuji could not help but tremble with excitement.

"Everyone follows the order. After the city is broken, no chickens or dogs will be left in Jingnan! They are all dead!"

The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro ordered with a ferocious expression.

Humph, with such a series of tactics to tire out the enemy and attack in the east and attack in the west, Jingnan will definitely fall at my feet!

The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro was convinced of this.


All the Japanese pirates responded in unison.

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