Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1129 The straw man borrows arrows

Arrows were flying outside the city, and snores were heard all over the city.

Zhu Ping'an finally felt relieved when he saw that the young and strong people in the city who were taking turns to rest were recharging their energy and waiting for work. Everyone in the city can recharge their batteries, and the Japanese pirates' tired enemy plot will be of no use.

"Made, why does the little dwarf Japanese pirate have so many feather arrows? Did he rob the weapons store somewhere? He shoots endlessly, what a waste. Our feather arrows are almost exhausted."

The complaining voice of the guard Qingzhuang reached Zhu Pingan's ears.

A waste of arrows? !

Zhu Ping'an suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and thought of the scene in the Three Kingdoms when Wolong and Zhuge's straw boat borrowed arrows. Since the Japanese pirates have many feather arrows, and our own feather arrows are almost exhausted, why not "borrow" some feather arrows from the Japanese pirates outside the city, and then "return" them one by one when they attack the city!

"Brother Da Dao, come here."

When he thought of this, Zhu Pingan stood up from the ground without hesitation and waved to Liu Dadao.

After Zhu Pingan stood up, a heart-shaped wet mark appeared on the ground where he was sitting, um, in the shape of his butt.

In fact, if you look carefully, you will find that the official uniform Zhu Pingan is wearing also has a heart-shaped wet mark on the back of his buttocks, which is exactly the same as the wet mark on the ground. It is exactly the same, no, exactly the same.

After Zhu Pingan stood up, he seemed to have thought of something. After calling Liu Dadao, Zhu Pingan sat down again without leaving a trace.

In fact, before Chuanping shot over Zhu Pingan's bowl and broke Zhu Pingan's chopsticks, when Zhu Pingan showed his general style, impressed and inspired everyone, Zhu Pingan remained calm, but in fact his urethral sphincter was out of control!

Zhu Ping'an is not a god, nor is he an emotional machine. This is a normal physiological reaction when faced with a fright.

When the first feather arrow hit Zhu Pingan's rice bowl, Zhu Pingan said in his heart, "Holy shit," his little heart almost jumped out of his throat. However, in extraordinary times, Zhu Ping'an's ability to adapt was very strong. Even though he was frightened inside, his face remained calm and calm, and his emotions were the same.


It's just a coincidence!

Zhu Ping'an also hinted to himself in his heart that it was just a coincidence that the arrow knocked over his job. Such a coincidence would never happen again.


The second feathered arrow came and flew past Zhu Pingan's scalp, breaking Zhu Pingan's chopsticks for adding vegetables.

It’s so exciting!

The urethral sphincter was also excited.

Of course, just like when the first arrow knocked over his job, Zhu Ping'an's strong adaptability was demonstrated. Although his sphincter was out of control, his face remained calm and calm, and he had the same emotion.

In the eyes of everyone, Zhu Ping'an showed his general demeanor vividly, even if Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his color!

However, my family knows their own affairs.

What if he was discovered by everyone? So, Zhu Pingan stood up, suddenly thought of it, and quickly sat down again.


When Liu Dadao heard Zhu Pingan calling him, he quickly ran over.

"Da Dao, sit down and talk."

After Liu Dadao came over, Zhu Pingan sat on the ground, stretched out his hand and pressed down, asking Liu Dadao to sit down.

Liu Dadao sat down in response.

"Dadao, have you ever heard of borrowing arrows from a straw boat?" Zhu Pingan asked.

Liu Dadao shook his head.

"It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it. In this way, you organize some people and ask the folks in the city to help. Make some scarecrows according to the height and size of normal people, and make as many as possible. After you are done, give them to the scarecrows. We put on our clothes and put them in a conspicuous place where we can easily be shot, and let the Japanese pirates shoot as many arrows as possible at the scarecrow. Don’t the Japanese pirates have a lot of arrows? Let’s ‘borrow’ some from them and wait for them to attack the city. When the time comes, return them one by one to these turtle grandchildren."

Zhu Pingan said to Liu Dadao.

When Liu Dadao heard this, his eyes immediately lit up, and he confidently said, "Don't worry, sir, I will do it right away. I have pierced the scarecrow, and there are many birds in the yellow millet field. When the yellow millet starts to fill, We will all make some scarecrows and put them in the yellow millet fields to drive away birds. This time, we will make sure that the turtles outside the city will bleed profusely."

"Okay, the faster the better, the more the better." Zhu Pingan nodded happily and patted Liu Dadao on the shoulder.

"Sir, I'll do it right away." Liu Dadao took the order and stood up.

Liu Dadao organized more than a hundred young people on the city wall who had tied up scarecrows, and asked the folks below the city to help find some straw. When the people below the city heard that the county magistrate wanted to tie up a scarecrow and borrow arrows from the "Japanese pirates" outside the city, they all enthusiastically supported it. They not only pulled several carts of straw and bundles of hemp rope, but also helped tie up the scarecrow.

Everyone gathered firewood and the flames were high. The people in the city enthusiastically supported it, and soon more than 200 scarecrows were built.

Liu Dadao and the others took off the cloth breastplates and put them on the scarecrow. From a distance, the scarecrow looked exactly like the young man on duty.

Liu Dadao and the others crouched down and placed the scarecrow guards at places where they could be easily attacked and discovered, such as at the gates of the city wall. From time to time, they would deliberately stick out half of their bodies, just like observing the movements of Japanese pirates.

The Japanese pirates who were tasked with harassing the city found that some "young and strong common people" on the city wall dared to show their faces, and some "young and strong common people" even dared to peek out, hoping to spy on our military situation.


A Japanese archer took out an arrow from the quiver at his waist without hesitation, put it on the bowstring, aimed at the head of the young man on the city wall who was looking for death, fully drew the bowstring, and released his fingers.


The arrow flew straight up the city wall, hit the target, and accurately hit the forehead of the "young and strong commoner" on the city.

After the "young and strong commoner" in the city was hit by the arrow, he paused for two seconds. Um? not dead? The Japanese archer was stunned for a moment in surprise. However, soon, in the third second, the "young and strong commoner" fell to the ground.


The Japanese archer couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, waved his hand vigorously, and celebrated excitedly.

After the "young and strong common man" fell, a second later, another "young and strong common man" appeared to take over the duty.

"Hehe, here comes another one who is not afraid of death."

The Japanese archer twitched the corners of his lips and revealed a sarcastic smile. Then he drew out an arrow at lightning speed, quickly placed it on the bowstring, and drew the bow and shot the arrow like a flowing cloud.


The feather arrow seemed to have eyes, flying up the city wall with lightning speed, and nailed the replacement "young and strong common people" on the forehead, and the replacement "young and strong common people" fell down with a crash!

"Xinxi! Let you seek death! Satisfy you!"

The Japanese archer couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth again, waved vigorously again, and celebrated excitedly.

There are many Japanese pirate archers like this in the city.

For a time, they all accurately captured the "young and strong people" in the city and shot them down one after another.

On the city, the young and strong people were collecting intact arrows with excitement and piled them in piles.

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