Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1130 The Dusk of Japanese Pirates

Dusk fell, the twilight gathered, and the only remaining ray of the setting sun spattered the blood-colored afterglow on the city wall.


There was a sudden but expected cry of killing, and the Japanese pirates rushed toward the city wall in a swarm.

"Japanese pirates are attacking the city!"

The young and strong people on duty on the city wall shouted, woke up the young and strong people who were resting, picked up their weapons, and entered a defensive position.

The Japanese pirates' arrows had been exhausted in the previous continuous harassment. They only fired wildly for a while at the beginning of the siege to cover the Japanese siege. They stopped firing in less than ten minutes because they had no more arrows to shoot. .

On the contrary, a lot of arrows were accumulated in the city because of the straw men borrowing arrows, and more than a hundred bows were at full fire. After shooting arrows continuously for a day, there were enough feather arrows. The young and strong archers on the city opened fire, and the accuracy of the arrows also improved greatly. The Japanese pirates

"Hahaha... Brothers, don't worry, the Japanese pirates have no more arrows!"

Seeing that the Japanese pirates had no feathers and arrows, the young and strong people in the city were greatly relieved. They boldly leaned out and aimed at the climbing Japanese pirates from a high position. They threw stones at them, poured gold juice on them, and threw wood at them. Their accuracy was greatly improved. .

On the Jingnan City Wall, which is backed by thousands of people, there are now so many utensils to defend the city. Stones, millstones and other heavy objects are piled up in mountains, especially gold juice. It has become an ocean.

The Japanese pirates who climbed up the siege ladder were smashed and splashed one after another and fell to the bottom of the city. A group of Japanese pirates were smashed down, and the ground was already covered in blood.

"F*ck! Liar! Didn't you say that the people in the city are exhausted? How come they are all more energetic than me!"

When a climbing Japanese pirate was knocked down from the city, his mind was filled with resentment towards the leader Heihachiro.

"Ah, no!!"

"Heihachiro, you lied to me!"

"It hurts me too!"

A famous Japanese pirate screamed and was smashed and thrown down the siege ladder, ending their dirty and sinful life.

In this attack on the city, the Japanese pirates paid a higher price than in previous attacks. Before they even touched the edge of the city wall, hundreds of Japanese pirates were killed by arrows, falling rocks, millstones, and gold juice from the city. .

"Charge forward, don't stop! As long as you charge forward, Jingnan will be captured!"

The leader of the Japanese pirates, Heihachiro, brandished a Japanese sword, shouted ferociously, and led the war team to drive the Japanese pirates away from the city.

Although our own side suffered heavy casualties, and although the strategy of exhausting the enemy seemed to be ineffective, it didn't matter... By now, Aso should have led three hundred elites from the woods to the north gate to launch a surprise attack.

Humph, the defense of the north gate is empty. We have 300 elite troops on our side. We are caught by surprise and are unprepared. We can succeed with one blow! By the time other city gates heard the movement, it was already too late. Before their rescue could arrive, the city gates had already been captured.

By then, no chickens or dogs will be left in Jingnan, and they will all die!

The leader of the Japanese pirates, Heihachiro, looked at the Jingnan City Wall with a ferocious expression and vowed to massacre the city and wash away the shame of being unable to conquer it repeatedly with blood all over the city!

Things turned out exactly as Heihachiro thought.

When the Japanese pirates launched a massive attack on the west gate, Yuji Aso heard the shouts of killing in the woods outside the city. According to the order of the leader Heihachiro, he quietly led 300 elite Japanese pirates and carried five hastily constructed siege ladders. , lowered his body and walked through the woods, made a big circle, crawled through a ditch, and went around to the outside of the north city gate.


After fighting to the north gate, Yuji Aso remembered Heihachiro's order and without a moment's pause drew his Japanese sword and led his troops to attack the city.

The siege ladder was quickly put up on the city wall, and the Japanese pirates swarmed up the city wall with ferocious faces, shouting to kill.

"Japanese pirates are attacking the city?!"

Since the siege, the North Gate has never been attacked by Japanese pirates. When the city was attacked, there was a panic on the wall. However, fortunately, there were a hundred young and strong people sent by Zhu Ping'an in advance as a precaution. They had experienced several Japanese sieges. Facing the Japanese siege, they did not panic much and quickly stabilized themselves. situation.

"What are you afraid of? There are only so many Japanese pirates here. There are only five siege ladders in total, and these are the only flying claws. When we fought against Japanese pirates at the West Gate before, there were more than ten times more Japanese pirates than this! There are only 5 siege ladders in total! A city wall is covered with Japanese pirates flying claws! The dwarf Japanese pirates are climbing up like ants!"

"What are you doing stupidly? Moving rocks and pouring gold juice on them. Japanese pirates are also fleshy. One is smashed to death, and the other is splashed to death..."

"Haha, these turtles don't have bows and arrows, brothers, don't be shy, just open them up and smash them down!"

One hundred young and strong people who had experienced fighting took the lead in stabilizing the situation, and aimed at the Japanese pirates with stones, gold juice, and wood.

Damn it!

Why are there so many people at the city gate? There can't be more than a hundred people. Where is the defense empty? !

They screamed ferociously to kill the Japanese pirates who were climbing up the siege ladder. When they looked up, they saw more than a hundred heads of defenders protruding from the city wall. Everyone was holding stones and ladles of golden juice, but they were trying hard to Smash it down, splash it down. The Japanese pirates were stunned and stunned on the spot. This was different from what they had promised. Doesn't it mean that the defense of the north gate was empty? ! This is a defensive void! This is a strict defense, okay?

Yuji Aso was also confused. He was the first one to climb up. It went smoothly at the beginning. He climbed a third of the way and there was no reaction from the castle. He secretly rejoiced. As the leader said, the defenses on the North Gate were empty, but before he could smile, more than a hundred heads appeared on the city!

Then, the overwhelming rocks and the pouring hot golden juice crashed down on him. Even though he had a foundation in martial arts, when he saw this scene, not only did he feel the soul of the dead, but in an emergency, a kite turned around and turned behind the siege ladder, avoiding the deadly millstone, and then jumped off the siege ladder without daring to stop for a moment. When he came down, a lazy donkey rolled on the ground, rolling and crawling. He was in such a miserable state that he was lucky enough to save his life.

However, even though Aso Yuuji had a good foundation in martial arts and was agile and quick in reaction, his back was burned by the hot golden juice. The skin was so burned that his flesh was torn apart, and his legs were still limping from jumping from mid-air.

Other Japanese pirates did not have his strength and luck, and were killed and injured dozens of Japanese pirates on the spot.

"Baga! We are elites! How can we be afraid of these two-legged sheep! Charge forward, there are more of us than them!"

Aso Yuji reached out and touched his burned back, and became furious. When he saw a Japanese pirate retreating, he became even more furious. He drew his sword and hacked to death a Japanese pirate who was retreating, and forced all Japanese pirates to attack the city. Yuji Aso held a Japanese sword in his mouth and used his hands and feet to follow the Japanese pirates to attack the city. In critical moments, he used the Japanese pirates in front as a shield, put the Japanese pirates in front of him on his head, and rushed up quickly.

Under the leadership of Aso Yuji, the Japanese pirates climbed up with ferocious screams...

The battle at the North City Gate instantly became intense.

The sound of fighting at the North City Gate was heard in the distance on the West Gate City Wall. Zhu Ping'an's expression changed. He did not expect that the Japanese pirates would divide their troops. Fortunately, he went to the other city gates and sent an additional 100 people to each of them. Otherwise, he would have been killed by the Japanese pirates. You succeeded. In an emergency, Zhu Ping'an dispatched another hundred people from the city wall, and ordered Liu Daqiang to lead the reinforcements to the north gate. At the same time, he ordered the other two city gates to dispatch thirty people each to reinforce the north gate.

When Liu Daqiang led reinforcements and rushed to the North City Gate, the Japanese pirates had already rushed to the North City Gate and were fighting with the young men who defended the city.

With the addition of more than a hundred fresh troops like Liu Daqiang, the morale of the young men defending the city increased greatly, and the situation took an advantage.

As reinforcements from the other two city gates arrived, the Japanese pirates who rushed up the city wall became trapped animals. After a few fierce struggles, they were completely eliminated. There was no longer a single Japanese pirate standing on the city wall.

Aso Yuji saw that the situation was over, followed a hook, climbed down the city wall, and led the remaining Japanese pirates to escape to the west gate.

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