Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1131 The Japanese pirates retreated

"Aso-kun, you are extremely outstanding. You are worthy of being the son of the Aso family. You succeeded so quickly."

When Aso Yuji led fifty or sixty remnant soldiers to defeat the bandits and fled to the west gate, the Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro was overjoyed when he saw it. Before Aso Yuji could speak, he praised him profusely.

In Heihachiro's view, more than 300 elite Japanese pirates could attack the North City Gate unexpectedly and attack them unprepared, and they would definitely be able to knock it down with one blow. Now that Aso Yuji only led 50 or 60 Japanese pirates, the remaining 200 Japanese pirates must be controlling the city. Door, Aso Yuji brought these people here to inform and lead his army into the city.

Heihachiro praised Aso Yuji with a face full of joy, but while he was praising him, Heihachiro suddenly noticed that Aso Yuji was too humble. He had already taken down the north gate, but he still lowered his head, and his face was so red, and he was so casual. As he praised himself, his face became redder and redder, and his head lowered lower and lower. In the end, his head was almost hanging down to his crotch... No, the situation was very wrong. Heihachiro realized that the situation was wrong, and a wave of A strong ominous premonition came to my mind.

Could it be...

Heihachiro's face suddenly darkened, his eyes were like a devouring wolf, he stared at Aso Yuji fiercely, his cold voice escaped from between his teeth, "Aso-kun...how about the north gate?"

"Aso is incompetent and failed to capture the North Gate!"

Yuji Aso bowed his body at 90 degrees, his face turned red, he was so ashamed that he couldn't help himself!

"Baga! Our army is trying to contain it here, but you led three hundred elites to surprise them and attack them unprepared, and you still managed to fail!"

Although Heihachiro already knew it in his heart, he still had some illusions. Now that he received the confirmed news, his illusions were shattered. He couldn't help but became furious. His eyes were blood red. He wanted to eat Yuji Aso alive. He stepped forward and kicked Yuji Aso. , then he pulled out the Japanese sword from his waist and prepared to kill this waste with one strike!

"Leader, Jingnan is on guard. The north gate is not empty at all. There are more than two hundred defenders!"

Aso Yuji was kicked to the ground, and when he was about to die under Heihachiro's sword, he shouted.

The tip of the knife stopped at the tip of Yuji Aso's nose!

Yuji Aso looked at the tip of the knife in front of him, sweating all over his body!

Heihachiro stopped his Japanese sword, turned to look at the Japanese pirates who had fled with Yuji Aso, and asked with his eyes.

"Yes, leader, we were halfway through the siege. More than two hundred heads suddenly appeared from the north gate, throwing rocks and throwing feces. The brothers suffered heavy casualties... Captain Aso desperately led us to the top of the city. But reinforcements from other city gates soon arrived. They were so numerous that the brothers simply couldn’t resist them..."

"Leader, the north gate is not empty. There are more than 200 defenders there, and more than 200 reinforcements are coming from behind..."

The Japanese pirates who fled with Yuji Aso hurriedly started to explain, fearing that if they explained too slowly, they and Yuji Aso would be killed by the angry leader.

"Trash! There are only more than two hundred sheep at the north gate, but you three hundred elites can't take it down!"

The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro roared and cursed like a leader of anger, but he withdrew his Japanese sword.

He also knew in his heart that Jingnan's two-legged sheep were not ordinary two-legged sheep...

The strategy of weakening the enemy has long gone bankrupt.

The attacks from the east to the west and the raid on the north gate failed again. Looking at the Japanese pirates who finally managed to attack the Jingnan City, they were besieged in a corner by the city's defenders in a strange military formation. Their defeat was only a matter of time.

Thinking that only half of the more than 3,000 Japanese pirates under his command were now left, the Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro already wanted to retreat.

"One day, I'm going to take your head and drink it with you!"

Heihachiro glared unwillingly at the young man in official uniform running around giving orders on the wall of Jingnan County, and swore fiercely.

"withdraw troops!"

Heihachiro closed his eyes and was quiet for two seconds, then opened his speech, yelled angrily, and put the Japanese sword back into its sheath!

"withdraw troops!"

The Japanese pirate team shouted loudly.

When the Japanese pirates under the city heard the order to withdraw their troops, they dispersed like birds and beasts with lightning speed.

The Japanese pirates in the city also wanted to disperse, but unfortunately they wanted to retreat and had to ask the defenders in the city if they would agree.

No need to ask, the answer is definitely no!

This is a good opportunity to beat the drowned dog and expand the victory. Of course, the defenders on the city will not miss this good opportunity.

Because of the order to withdraw troops, the Japanese pirates in the city lost their fighting spirit and scrambled for ladders to climb down. The young and strong people in the city took the opportunity to beat the Japanese pirates hard and chased the Japanese pirates to death. Most of the Japanese pirates were chopped down before they could grab the ladders and escape. After turning over, the few Japanese pirates who grabbed the ladder and escaped did not escape the arrows, stones and gold juice. Except for a small number of highly skilled Japanese pirates who luckily escaped with their lives, the rest of the Japanese pirates ended their sinful lives here.

"The Japanese pirates have escaped!"

"We defended again!"

The young and strong people in the city waved their weapons and celebrated loudly, celebrating that they had defended Jingnan again.

The sun has gone down and the sky is getting dark.

"The Japanese pirates haven't withdrawn their troops yet, so brothers worked hard and persisted. They lit more fires on the city wall, and also hung several fires under the city with hooks. They illuminated the city both above and below to prevent Japanese pirates from sneaking up on the city at night."

After visiting the wounded, Zhu Pingan inspected the city wall and directed everyone to light more bonfires above and below the city to guard against night raids by Japanese pirates.

In addition to the west gate, Zhu Ping'an also inspected the other three gates. He also directed everyone to light more fires to guard against Japanese pirates' night attacks, and encouraged everyone to persevere hard.

It was also a rotation in the evening. This time, Zhu Pingan divided everyone into three waves, taking turns to watch and repair, giving everyone as much time as possible to rest and recuperate, conserve their physical strength, and recharge their batteries.

A peaceful night.

The Japanese pirates did not attack the city at night, or even harassed them. Jingnan quietly spent a tense but relaxing night.

The next morning, all the young people in the city were having breakfast, but the Japanese pirate camp below the city was still as quiet as last night. There was not even a trace of smoke from cooking pots, nor was there a single Japanese pirate who showed up.

Looking around, you can still see some birds rising and falling in the Japanese pirate camp, as if there is no one around.

Zhu Ping'an suspected that the Japanese pirates had withdrawn overnight, so Liu Dadao took the initiative to go and investigate. He climbed down the city wall via a rope and cautiously approached the Japanese pirate camp. After careful observation for a while, he walked in. About three minutes later, he heard a tragic sound coming from the camp. Yelling, Zhu Pingan's face changed drastically and he clenched his fists nervously. Everyone's expressions changed greatly, and they were worried. Liu Daqiang and the others were so excited that they went to rescue Liu Dadao.

However, the next second, Liu Dadao was seen running out of the Japanese pirate camp with an excited face, shouting loudly to everyone: "The Japanese pirates have run away, the Japanese pirates have run away. Except for more than 20 seriously injured Japanese pirates, there are no other Japanese pirates in the camp." They all ran away and the camp was empty.”

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