Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1132 Reward

After learning that the Japanese pirate camp was empty, Zhu Ping'an recited "Guangzong Yaozu" silently, used his luck as a radar, carefully observed the luck around him, and found no black or bloody luck that symbolized death and bloody disasters, but to be cautious, Zhu Ping An sent four teams of young and strong people in four directions to conduct reconnaissance within a five-mile radius, but there was no sign of the Japanese pirates. After finally confirming that the Japanese pirates had indeed retreated, Zhu Ping'an ordered the city gates to be opened and led the young people to receive the Japanese pirates' camp.

Just as Liu Dadao said, the Japanese pirate camp was empty and everything was taken away, leaving only twenty-six Japanese pirates who were seriously injured and could not walk. The Japanese pirates were cruel and cold-blooded, as can be seen from this. These twenty-six seriously injured Japanese pirates were regarded as burdens by the Japanese pirate army and were cruelly abandoned in the camp.

What to do with these twenty-six seriously injured Japanese pirates?

Treat prisoners preferentially? !

does not exist.

Which one of these Japanese pirates was not completely conscientious and whose hands were stained with the blood of innocent people, and which one was not guilty of serious crimes? Zhu Pingan acquiesced to the angry young people and chopped the seriously injured Japanese pirates to pieces.

The Japanese pirates even cruelly discarded seriously injured Japanese pirates, not to mention the corpses of Japanese pirates who died in battle. The corpses of Japanese pirates piled up in mountains under the city wall, and a ditch outside the Japanese pirate camp was also filled with the corpses of Japanese pirates who died of serious injuries.

The owl's head!

Zhu Pingan ordered the collection of corpses of Japanese pirates under the city walls and in ditches, including their heads, and pickled them with coarse salt, lime, and plant ash as military merits so that they could ask the court for rewards. The corpses were piled up and burned to avoid the spread of plague.

Under the city wall and in the ditch outside the Japanese camp, 458 Japanese pirate heads were obtained. In addition to the 337 Japanese pirate heads that had been deliberately collected on the city wall, a total of 795 Japanese pirate heads were obtained. indivual.

In fact, the number of Japanese pirates killed must be more than this number, but some heads are no longer found.

In addition, there were more Japanese pirates who were seriously injured and slightly injured, but they were not unable to move and they still retreated with the large Japanese pirate army.

In fact, there is a high probability that Japanese pirates who are injured by stones can survive. If Japanese pirates are injured by feather arrows or splashed with gold juice, even if they are not seriously injured, there is a high probability that these Japanese pirates will die. It’s over. Their dirty, sinful lives will only be delayed by a few days. Because the feathers and arrows on the city were soaked in gold juice and were full of bacteria. After shooting the Japanese pirates, the bacteria would enter their wounds and make them infected. In this era, for infectious diseases such as tetanus, Medicine is basically hopeless. As for the Japanese pirates who were splashed with hot golden juice, the festering wounds were a happy place for bacteria to breed. The chance of infection was almost 100%. Once infected, they were basically dead.

Calculated in this way, the Japanese pirates lost at least more than half.

This time the Japanese pirates raided Jingnan in a mighty and arrogant manner. As a result, they suffered a bloody blow in Jingnan County and almost died in the sand.

Of course, Jingnan suffered heavy losses. First of all, the Japanese pirates ravaged Jingnan, burning, killing, and looting. It was unknown how many villages were harmed, how many people were killed, and how much property was robbed. All of this still needs to be investigated and counted; secondly, In this offensive and defensive battle in Jingnan County, a total of more than 800 young and strong people were lost. In addition, now is the autumn harvest season, and Japanese pirates are raging, damaging farmland and delaying the farming season, which has caused even more losses.

These losses can be described as crippling for Jingnan.

Of course, if Zhu Ping'an had not led everyone to defend Jingnan County to the death, if the Japanese pirates had captured Jingnan County, the losses suffered by Jingnan would not have been as simple as breaking bones. According to what the Japanese pirates did when they captured other counties. From what we can see, if Jingnan is captured by Japanese pirates, disaster awaits Jingnan.

"The magistrate led his men to drive away the Japanese pirates!"

"We have secured Jingnan, we are saved."

After the people in Jingnan County received the news of the retreat of the Japanese pirates, they cried with joy and cried happily. They were thankful that they had escaped death and escaped. For a time, Jingnan County became a sea of ​​joy.

Of course, some are happy and some are sad.

This time during the defense of the city, more than 800 young and strong people were lost, which meant that more than 800 families had to bear the pain of bereavement. In the sea of ​​joy in Jingnan County, there were also the cries of more than 800 families.

After Zhu Ping'an led the young men to destroy the Japanese pirate camp, he returned to Jingnan County. As soon as he entered the county, he was welcomed by the people. The people ate pots of pulp and welcomed everyone with fruits, wine, meat and other delicacies. Zhu Ping'an received special attention from the people. Every step he took was given fruits, wine and meat, and he was almost overwhelmed by the crowd.

All the young and strong people involuntarily straightened their chests and held their heads high, feeling a sense of pride and pride.

Baozi's little maid Hua'er was also among the welcoming crowd. Seeing that Zhu Ping'an had become a great hero in the city and loved by the people in the city, Baozi's little maid Hua'er was beaming and dancing happily, as if the person being welcomed and loved was She is the same.

Because of the warm welcome from the people, the short journey back to the city took almost half an hour.

"You are all heroes of Jingnan. It was you who were not afraid of sacrifice and fought to the death to defend Jingnan. What I promised you before will be implemented one by one. All of you will receive a reward of ten taels of silver, and you will receive a reward of ten taels of silver for those who are injured. You will receive an additional ten taels of silver reward. The specific situation has been registered, and the reward will be distributed to you within ten days. In addition, if any of you want to serve in the county government or serve as errands, you can do so starting from tomorrow. Go to the county government office to register. After this battle, there will be many vacancies in the county government office, and I will give priority to you."

Before Zhu Pingan dismissed the young and strong people, he stood in front of everyone, raised two registers and said loudly to everyone.

Zhu Pingan fully understands the importance of clear rewards and punishments, which is the key to winning the trust of the people, uniting people's hearts, and achieving long-term development. After the war, aside from honor, what people cared about was rewards.

Sure enough, after hearing Zhu Pingan's promise, the young people cheered thunderously, and Zhu Pingan's prestige among them grew.

After promising the young people, Zhu Ping'an led everyone to the Jingnan Anti-Japanese Heroes Cemetery and knelt down to worship the young people who died in the war.

After the worship, Zhu Ping'an comforted the young and strong relatives who died in the battle one by one, and promised them in public that their closest relatives would receive ten taels of silver for bravely defending the city and fifty taels of silver as compensation. In addition, Zhu Ping'an specially provided compensation to the families of young men and women who died in the war. All families whose young men and women died in the war would be exempted from taxes for ten years.

Under Zhu Pingan's special care, the grief of the families who died in the war was soothed, and the grief was relieved a lot.

The dark clouds over Jingnan County completely disappeared.

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