Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1133 Post-War Matters

The Japanese pirates retreated, and Zhu Ping'an became even busier.

From the morning when he discovered that the Japanese pirates had retreated until the dead of night, Zhu Ping'an didn't rest for a moment.

During the day, Zhu Ping'an visited various villages that suffered from the Japanese disaster non-stop, counted the losses, visited and comforted the victims, and directed reconstruction matters; in addition, he also arranged for the deployment of defenses and restarted six beacon towers along the coast and five beacon towers on the border. Taiwan to prevent Japanese pirates from raiding Jingnan again. With the beacon tower, at least when Japanese pirates raid, they can warn in advance and give coastal villages time to escape.

There were many villages affected by the disaster below Jingnan. Zhu Ping'an visited them non-stop and did not have time for lunch or dinner. Liu Dadao bought a few sesame seed cakes to deal with them briefly, and visited, expressed condolences and set up defenses while eating.

After the Japanese pirates ravaged the coastal villages, the former land of plenty and paradise on earth has now turned into a wilderness, as miserable as a hell on earth: burned-down dark houses, blood and corpses all over the village, women and children who were harmed, and rice fields that were about to mature but were destroyed. ...There is no rooster crow for ten miles, and there are cries everywhere...

Zhu Ping'an's mood had been full of grief, heaviness and anger all day long, and anger was burning in his heart.

The Japanese pirates’ actions are inhumane! How tragic! frenzied! Worse than a beast!




Kill all the Japanese pirates in the world! !

After visiting villages that were devastated by Japanese pirates and turning them into hells one after another, seeing the innocent people who were killed one after another, and listening to heart-wrenching cries one after another, the anger in Zhu Ping'an's heart became increasingly difficult to control, and he silently I made a very serious oath in my heart: I, Zhu Pingan, will kill all the Japanese pirates in the world, and I will make sure that there will be no more Japanese pirates in the land of China! ! ! I want the Japanese slaves of the island nation to pay the price with their blood! ! ! ! ! I will lead the army to whip the island country! Ask the Japanese chiefs, big and small, of the island country!

Zhu Ping'an suppressed the anger in his heart and used a hundred times more energy to express condolences and comfort to the affected people, directing reconstruction and arranging defense arrangements. When the sky was dark, Zhu Pingan returned to Jingnan County Yamen from the countryside below, covered with stars and moonlight.

After returning to the county government overnight, Zhu Pingan did not rest. He used scissors to light the oil lamp, laid out pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and began to write official documents for submission.

The first official document was a battle report on Jingnan’s sniper attack on Japanese pirates. Zhu Ping’an truthfully described the situation of the Japanese invaders, including the number of Japanese pirates, landing locations, burning, killing and looting, and the attack on Jingnan County. He focused on the report on Jingnan’s fight against Japanese pirates. The army and the people fought against the Japanese pirates wholeheartedly, without fear of sacrifice, and finally defeated the Japanese pirates. In the battle report, Zhu Pingan listed the outstanding achievements of Liu Dadao, Liu Mu, Liu Daqiang, Liu Dachui, Liu Daxe, and Liu Dagang. Of course, at the end of the battle report, Zhu Ping'an also did not hesitate to write ink, appending the following one by one: Li Da, a classic historian of Jingnan, who abandoned the city and fled without a fight, the county magistrate Zhang Changru, and the lord Bo Yaowen retreated from the battle and disappeared. Conduct impeachment.

After the war, if you have free hands, you must liquidate them. Listing them after the battle report is to say hello to the summit in advance. After all, as the three of them are imperial officials, the procedure to deal with them is rather cumbersome, and ultimately they have to be dealt with by the imperial officials. As for the six subordinate staff in the county government, they are not imperial officials, and Zhu Ping'an can handle it on his own.

In fact, before the Japanese pirates came, Zhu Ping'an had already started to prepare to deal with them. The trap had been laid out and the net would be closed in a few days. However, after the Japanese pirates came, as officials of the imperial court, they abandoned the city and fled without fighting, retreated from the battle, and were involved in several serious crimes such as dereliction of duty, failure to protect the local people, and betrayal of the trust of the imperial court. This made Zhu Ping'an save a lot of money. For big things, there is no need to use the arrangements laid out for the time being.

After writing the battle report, Zhu Pingan worked hard and began to draft a second official document. This official document was to request the court to reduce taxes in Jingnan. Today, he went to visit the villages below that were poisoned by Japanese pirates. The tragic situation of the lives of the affected villages was devastated. At this moment, he still vividly remembered that asking them to pay taxes would be tantamount to the second murder of the survivors. Zhu Pingan decided to apply to the court for tax exemptions.

"More than three thousand Japanese pirates ravaged Jingnan. Although everyone worked hard to snipe and repel the Japanese pirates, the Japanese pirates crossed the border and burned, killed, and looted. The affected villages in the jurisdiction were severely damaged, with houses burned, farmland destroyed, and mourning everywhere... Jingnan Magistrate Zhu Ping'an We sincerely request to reduce or reduce the rent and taxes in Jingnan this year as a way of providing relief and benefiting the people."

After Zhu Ping'an's official document requesting tax reductions and exemptions, he listed the villages that suffered from Japanese pirates and their disaster situations, based on the actual conditions he learned during his visits. The purpose is that even if the entire Jingnan cannot be exempted from taxes, at least it must be obtained for these disaster-stricken villages.

After checking and polishing, Zhu Pingan formally copied the second official document.

After writing the second official document, Zhu Pingan drank a cup of strong tea to refresh himself, and then started writing the third official document.

This is an official document requesting a silver reward for first achievement.

This time, 795 Japanese pirate heads were captured. Zhu Pingan wrote an official document requesting the court to issue rewards such as silver patterns according to the reward.

The military merits of the Ming Dynasty are divided into two categories: "first merit" and "war merit". "First merit" does not mean "first" or "first" merit. First merit refers to the literal meaning - first-level merit. Simply put, it means The head-level merit calculation means that rewards are based on the number of heads. It can be said that this is a method of calculating merit that has been continued since the Iron-Blooded Qin period. It is characterized by its simplicity, crudeness, and bloody effectiveness. Although this has led to phenomena such as killing good people and taking merit, which harms the people, its role is undeniable.

The "war merits" of the Ming Dynasty were divided into three categories: "extraordinary merits", "first merits" and "secondary merits". Unlike first merit, battle merit is mainly based on the performance of soldiers on the battlefield. The performance of soldiers is determined by the chief officer. They have greater autonomy and more water. There are many disadvantages in execution, and there are endless phenomena of playing without merit. After a war, the officers and soldiers fought bravely, but in the end the commander-in-chief who led the battle, the eunuch who was responsible for supervising the war, and the censor who accompanied Ji Gong and others discussed it together. You put in the name of your cousin who is farming far away in your hometown. It only takes one sentence to write down the name of the slave who sweeps the floor and feeds the horses.

Later, the imperial court also noticed this problem and was more cautious about "war exploits" with greater autonomy and water content. Currently, the most popular and popular ones are "first meritorious deeds" whose standards are easy to verify and grasp.

The reward standards for the first meritorious service in the Ming Dynasty are generally divided into the north (Mongolia), the northeast (Jurchens), the Western Miaoman (Tibetans and southern minorities), and the inland rebels (Han civil uprising) according to the area of ​​meritorious service and the target of the victory. There are four levels, with different rewards given by the court for each level. Rewards are mainly monetary rewards and promotion rewards. At present, rewards are mainly monetary rewards, with fewer promotion rewards.

According to the rewards awarded by Emperor Jiajing last year, a first-level head in the north (Mongolia) would be rewarded with 50 taels of silver, a first-level head in the northeast (Jurchen) would be rewarded with 30 taels of silver, and a first-level head of Miaoman (Tibetans and southern minorities) in the west would be rewarded with 10 taels of silver. Two, rebel thieves from the mainland (Civil Rebellion in the Han region) are the cheapest, with a head reward of 5 taels of silver.

However, the reward and silver reward are not fixed.

During the Gengxu Incident last year, Emperor Jiajing issued a special reward, one hundred taels of silver for an enemy's head. In addition, if more heads are captured, the price of the reward and silver will also decrease. For example, the head level of the rebels in the Mainland (Han Civil Rebellion) is 5 taels. There was a rebel rebellion the year before last, and more people were killed, and the head level dropped to 5 taels. One tael is rewarded with silver.

However, the heads of Japanese pirates are still very valuable now.

As an emerging threat (actually very old, there have been Japanese pirates since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, but they were not large enough to threaten the empire's rule. During the Jiajing period, Japanese pirates rose sharply and threatened the empire's rule). Emperor Jiajing issued this year's The special reward was to set the head of a Japanese pirate at 30 taels of silver. It was even stipulated that in extraordinary times, a Japanese pirate's head would be worth 100 taels of silver.

This time, 795 Japanese pirate heads were captured. According to the reward issued by Emperor Jiajing, one head was rewarded 30 taels of silver, a total of 23,850 taels of silver. Even if discounted, it must be at least 20,000 taels. Two rewards of silver.

Zhu Ping'an would not take even a tael of these rewards, but would distribute them to the government officials, city guards and young people who participated in the battle.

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