Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1134 It’s better to leave

At that time, in the dead of night and the birds were silent, Zhu Ping'an was still writing official documents at his desk in the study.

While Zhu Ping'an was at his desk, Taiping County, sixty miles away from Jingnan County, fell into a sea of ​​fire.

This group of Japanese pirates was the badly beaten Heihachiro and his Japanese pirates who were encountered in Jingnan County.

Jiangmen, the leader of the Hungry Wolf Alliance, assigned two counties, Jingnan and Taiping, to Heihachiro. After Heihachiro suffered a bloody blow to his head in Jingnan County, he had to give up the hard nut of Jingnan and instead led his remaining more than a thousand Japanese pirate soldiers to attack Taiping County.

Taiping County is in the northwest of Jingnan County. The two counties are neighbors and not far apart. The distance between the two counties is only sixty or seventy miles. The news that Japanese pirates were burning, killing, looting and besieging Jingnan County in Jingnan reached Taiping within a short time. Everyone in Taiping County sympathizes with the tragic experience of their old neighbors, but they are also grateful to themselves. They are lucky that Taiping County is not close to the sea, otherwise they would be the ones suffering from the Japanese pirates today.

Of course, after hearing the news that Jingnan was suffering from Japanese pirates, Taiping County also panicked, but the panic was not too serious.

After all, the Japanese pirates are in Jingnan now. It is fellow Taoists who suffer, not poor Taoists.

As for whether the Japanese pirates came to Taiping County, there are two opinions. Our Taiping County is not close to the sea, and the number of encounters with Japanese pirates is very few. This time, the Japanese pirates are probably the same as in the past, robbing Jingnan and other coastal counties. Huyuan fled overseas.

In addition, even if the Japanese pirates come to Taiping County, we still have time to prepare. The Japanese pirates are now besieging Jingnan County. It will take time to conquer Jingnan County. Even if they conquer Jingnan County, they will still have to burn, kill and loot in Jingnan County. Two days, maybe.

Therefore, under this psychological influence, the panic in Taiping County was not too serious. Although some people hurriedly packed up their things and fled with their children after hearing the news of the Japanese pirates plundering Jingnan, most of them The man is relatively calm, and it won't be too late to ask for information tomorrow or the day after tomorrow before packing up and escaping.

In fact, not only the common people, but also the Taiping County government did not pay high attention to it immediately.

After receiving the news that Japanese pirates were plundering Jingnan, the Taiping County government also started to take precautions. It issued a notice to inform Jingnan of the Japanese pirates, and notified the people in the area to be careful of Japanese pirates. It ordered all the government officials who were out on business to return to the county government to stand by, and notified the garrison. The soldiers at the county guard station increased their vigilance and took precautions. They sent people to notify and recruit Minzhuang and archers under the jurisdiction of the Taiping County government office to return to the county to guard against Japanese pirates...

However, although Taiping County also took some actions, it did not pay enough attention and did not supervise the implementation in time.

Everyone in Taiping County never expected that the Japanese pirates would come so quickly.

Half tight but not tight, half loose but not loose, trying to resist but welcoming, Taiping County, half-prepared, suddenly suffered a disaster.

When Heihachiro and his group of Japanese pirates were badly beaten in Jingnan, they retreated from Jingnan overnight and turned towards Taiping County. Taiping County was still sleeping and was caught off guard by the criminal Japanese pirates.





As soon as they entered Taiping County and encountered the first village, the Japanese pirates burned, killed, looted, and raped women. They committed all kinds of evil. They took out the injuries and bad luck they suffered in Jingnan on Taiping County.

One village after another was destroyed by Japanese pirates and burned into a sea of ​​fire. It was as miserable as hell on earth...

Before Taiping County could react, Heihachiro had already led the Japanese pirates to continuously attack the villages and towns under the jurisdiction of Taiping County, heading straight for Taiping County, burning, killing and looting all the way, raping women and children, robbing money, food and grass, and burning houses.

At dawn, the Japanese pirates were already killing and looting all the way. They drove more than a thousand young and strong people with butcher knives. They arrived at the gate of Taiping County and surrounded Taiping County.

The then magistrate of Taiping County was named Wang Fengming, whose courtesy name was Suqing. He came from Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province. He was forty-seven years old. When the Japanese pirates came to the city, Wang Zhixian was having breakfast. When he heard that the Japanese soldiers were approaching the city, his chopsticks fell to the ground.

"That's nonsense! When the news came yesterday, weren't the Japanese pirates still besieging Jingnan County? How could they attack our Taiping County?!"

After Wang Zhixian recovered from the shock, his first reaction was that his subordinates lied about the military situation. He slammed the table hard and scolded.

"My Lord, how many of you dare to talk nonsense in front of you? The Japanese pirates are really coming to the city. If you don't believe me, Lord, please come out and listen."

The messenger who reported the news shook his head repeatedly, pointed to the outside of the house and said to Wang Zhixian.

Wang Zhixian glanced at the guard and saw that he didn't look like he was lying. Just like she said, he didn't dare to lie in front of her, so he got up and left the table. The officer hurriedly took two steps and opened the curtain for Wang Zhixian. Wang Zhixian walked out and walked to the center of the courtyard. Sure enough, there was a faint cry of killing coming from outside.

Upon hearing this, Wang Zhixian's pupils dilated instantly, his face turned gray, and cold sweat ran down his back.

"Damn it, why did the Japanese pirates suddenly come? Quick, quick, notify the Xiahou County Magistrate and summon all the government officials to climb the city wall with me!"

Wang Zhixian circled around in the courtyard like an ant on a hot pot for several times. Finally, he gritted his teeth and loudly ordered the guards.

"County Lord, when I came to report the news, I heard that Xiahou County Magistrate had already rushed to the city wall as soon as he got the news." The officer replied.

"Then you go and summon the officers quickly. No one is left behind. Gather them all and follow me to the city wall."

When Wang Zhixian heard that the Xiahou County magistrate rushed to the city wall, he nodded and hurriedly ordered the officers to summon the government officials.

Soon, Wang Zhixian led more than 80 government officials who had been summoned in a hurry to the city wall of Taiping County.

On the city wall, the Xiahou County Magistrate was arranging defenses. Eighty-six soldiers stationed at the county guard station and one hundred and twenty-eight civilians and archers from the summoned military room were dispersed on the four walls.

"I've met the county magistrate."

After hearing the news, the magistrate of Xiahou County rushed to the steps of the city wall to greet Wang Zhixian.

"Xiahou County Magistrate doesn't need to be polite. How is the situation outside the city?" Wang Zhixian waved his hand and asked.

"There are more than a thousand Japanese pirates, and they have hijacked more than a thousand people and surrounded our Taiping County town."

The Xiahou County Magistrate cupped his hands and replied.

"What, more than two thousand?!"

When Wang Zhixian heard this, his gray face suddenly turned pale, and his voice was trembling.

"Half of them are coerced people." Xiahou County Magistrate corrected him.

"More than a thousand Japanese pirates are no small matter. Besides, many of the Japanese pirates themselves were transformed by ordinary people."

Wang Zhixian shook his head, took two quick steps, came to the crenellation of the wall, and looked out.

I saw smoke and dust billowing outside. The Japanese pirates were full of murderous intent and ferocious faces. The Japanese knives and other weapons in their hands were still dripping with blood. Outside the city, Japanese pirates were everywhere in the mountains and fields. There were so many people that it was impossible to see their heads.

The ferocious and fierce Japanese pirates surrounded the county town, crying like ghosts and wolves, and their shouts of killing were deafening.

"The Japanese pirates are powerful and it is difficult to defend Taiping County. It is better to abandon the city and leave."

With a pale face, Wang Zhixian looked away from the Japanese pirates outside the city, glanced at his side, shook his head, and whispered to the Xiahou County Prime Minister.

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