Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1135 Peace and fear

What? ! Why not abandon the city and leave? ! !

Although Wang Zhixian's voice was very quiet, in the ears of Xiahou County Cheng Cheng, it was no less than a thunderous roar.

Hearing this, Xiahou County Magistrate raised his head in disbelief and stared at Wang Zhixian for three seconds.

"Ahem...Brother Xiahou Xian, what I am saying is that the Japanese pirates are numerous and powerful, and we are alone with a small number. It is difficult to compete with us. It is better to avoid the edge temporarily, retreat strategically, use retreat as advance, and retain my vitality in Taiping. Now. Japanese pirate soldiers surrounded the east, west and north city gates, and there were only sporadic Japanese pirates at the south gate. Before the Japanese pirates noticed, we concentrated our efforts and led the people in the city to retreat from the south gate, and we would be successful." Wang Zhixian in Xiahou County Cheng Zhuo Zhuo Under his eyes, he coughed sheepishly and defended himself.

"County Lord, County Lord, you must not do this. The Japanese pirates are typical of three sieges and one missing. They surrounded the three gates of the east, west, north and west, and deliberately let go of the south gate to attract us to escape from the south gate. The Japanese pirates must be outside the south gate. An ambush has been prepared. You must know that the Japanese pirates come from the south. If we escape from the south gate, we will be ambushed by the Japanese pirates like sheep entering the wolf's mouth. The walls of our Taiping County city are tall and large, complete and strong. They are in Taizhou Prefecture. The county is known to be rich in food and grass, so we can rely on the city wall to defend against the Japanese and keep the Japanese out of the city." After hearing Wang Zhixian's explanation, Xiahou County Magistrate couldn't help but shook his head, and urged loudly and anxiously.

"What Brother Xiahou Xian said makes sense, but I didn't think carefully. Our Taiping City has strong walls and sufficient food and grass in the city. It is the best choice to rely on the city wall to protect the Japanese outside the city." Wang Zhixian listened to Xiahou County Cheng After persuading him, he glanced at the Japanese pirates outside the city, squinted his eyes slightly, pondered for two seconds and then nodded.

"The county magistrate is wise."

When the Xiahou County Magistrate heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said with cupped hands.

The name of the Prime Minister of Xiahou County is Xiahou Liang, and he is a local of Taiping County. The Xiahou family is a local family, and it is said that their ancestors are descendants of Xiahou Yuan. Xiahou Liang admired the glory of his ancestors. While reading poetry and books, he also exercised his body and practiced martial arts. He was famous in Taiping County for both civil and military skills. At the age of thirty, he won the imperial examination. Although he has never been able to win the imperial examination, he still has a good reputation in the family. Thanks to the recommendation, he became the magistrate of Taiping County.

Xia Houliang is a local and has a deep affection for the county. If Wangzhi County abandons the city and flees, there will be no leader and no one to take charge of defending against Japanese pirates, then the people of Taiping County will suffer a great disaster.

Xiahou Liang couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Wang Zhixian had given up the idea of ​​abandoning the city and fleeing, and agreed to use the city wall as a defense against Japanese pirates.

"The Japanese pirates are at present, life and death are at stake. I have sent an order to summon the young and strong people in the county to go up to the city wall to defend against the Japanese pirates. Xiahou County Magistrate, I will leave the east gate and north gate to you to defend, and I will take charge of the west gate and south gate to defend."

Wangzhi County ordered to recruit people, and handed over the east gate and north gate to Xiahou County Cheng for defense, while he defended the west gate and south gate.

"Follow your orders, I will live up to the trust of the county magistrate. If the city is alive, people will survive, and people will die!" Xiahou County Prime Minister swore.

"Brother Xiahou Xian is serious. Brother Xiahou Xian is both civil and military. I will leave the east gate and north gate to you, so I can rest assured."

Wang Zhixian patted Xiahou County Cheng on the shoulder and smiled gently.

Under the leadership of the magistrates of Wangzhi County and Xiahou County, Taiping County summoned people to guard four gates to guard against Japanese pirates.


"Kill! Kill!"

The Japanese pirates outside the city screamed ferociously, raised their Japanese knives and other weapons, and approached Taiping County with murderous intent.

Seeing the murderous and ferocious-faced Japanese pirates, Wang Zhixian on the city wall couldn't help but take half a step back. The government officials, soldiers, and common people on the city wall had never experienced such a formation, and they all turned pale with fear and their knees were spinning.

A cowardly fellow!

The leader of the Japanese pirates, Heihachiro, saw the behavior of the magistrate Wang and the people on the city wall. He twitched his lips in disdain and repeated his old trick. With a wave of his hand, a hundred Japanese pirates under his command came out of the formation on top of more than a hundred civilians.

"What are the Japanese pirates doing?!"

Everyone on the city wall widened their eyes, whispered to each other, and talked about it, wondering what the Japanese pirates wanted to do.

But soon, in the next second, they knew what the Japanese pirates were going to do.

The ferocious Japanese pirates pressed more than a hundred people into the front and back of the formation. Under the command of Heihachiro, he raised his knife and dropped it. Blood spurted out, and heads rolled to the ground. The Japanese pirates smiled ferociously, bent down to pick up the heads one by one, shook them against the city wall a few times, and then ran around Taiping County with the bloody heads in their hands.

Running around carrying heads! ! ! ! ! The barbaric cruelty of the Japanese pirates was vividly demonstrated through this move.

Although I have never seen the tiger and wolf warriors of the Qin Dynasty who conquered the Six Kingdoms with a human head hanging on their waist, the behavior of the Japanese pirates running around with human heads in their hands was simply terrifying to the people on the walls of Taiping County, and everyone was frightened! Wang Zhixian couldn't help but take two steps back, his calves were so soft that he could hardly stand.

"Fire the arrows! Fire the arrows! Shoot these beasts to death!"

When the Xiahou County Magistrate saw the Japanese pirates running around carrying heads to demonstrate, and noticed that the people in the city were frightened and weak in their legs, he couldn't help but loudly ordered bows and arrows to be aimed at the Japanese pirates to attack the Japanese pirates' arrogance.

The magistrate of Xiahou County knew the importance of morale and could not let the Japanese pirates destroy the morale in the city!

However, most of the archers on the city wall are civilians under the jurisdiction of the barracks. They usually lack training. They usually lack training in bows and arrows, which is a costly tactical skill. Especially at this moment, they are frightened by the Japanese pirates running around carrying heads. , his archery skills, which were not very good to begin with, were even more compromised at this moment.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

One by one, the flaccid and weak bows and arrows were shot at the Japanese pirates. Their accuracy and power were hard to praise.

"Hahaha, the ladies in the city haven't eaten."

The Japanese pirates who carried their heads to demonstrate this time were all elites who had experienced hundreds of battles. They easily avoided the bows and arrows fired from the city. Basically, no Japanese pirates were injured. Not only that, many Japanese pirates showed off their bare hands. To catch the arrow, he held the head in one hand and held the incoming arrow in the palm of his hand.

Not only that, the Japanese pirates used their own methods to punish others. The Japanese pirate who caught the arrow with his bare hands tied the human head to his waist, took off the long bow from his back, put the received arrow on the bow string, pulled the bow like a full moon, and the arrow flew towards the city wall like lightning.


Several screams rang out on the city wall, and several people fell down on the city wall. The Japanese pirates almost missed their arrows.

Seeing the shocking performance of the Japanese pirates, everyone in Taiping County was stunned and frightened.

How can we resist such powerful Japanese pirates!

When Wang Zhixian saw this, he couldn't help but take two steps back, his back pressed against the wall stacks against the city wall.

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