Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1136 Summation

The morale of Taiping County was completely shattered by the Japanese pirates, and everyone on the city wall was full of fear of the Japanese pirates.

The Japanese pirates are too strong. Not only are bows and arrows ineffective against them, but they also let you catch the arrows with your bare hands. How can we resist? !

Everyone's mentality has collapsed.

The city walls were filled with an atmosphere of negativity and fear, and there was a feeling that dark clouds were closing in on the city.

I don’t know, what would they think if they knew that the Japanese pirates they faced were not in their strongest form, but were disabled by Jingnan? How would they feel if Taiping were in Jingnan's original position? !

"No! If this continues, we won't be able to defend this city even if we want to!"

Xiahou County Magistrate noticed the low morale and the atmosphere of fear on the city wall and frowned.

"A dignified seven-foot-tall man was mocked by a six-foot-tall Japanese cavalry. It's really humiliating. It's a disgrace to our ancestors. Everyone present, who has some sense? Stand up and follow me to fight for a while." !Kill the little dwarf’s majesty!!! Let the little dwarf Japanese pirates know how powerful we are in Taiping!!!!”

The Xiahou County Magistrate tore open his official uniform, bare his chest, and shouted loudly to everyone. His eight-pack abs and tendon flesh shone in the sun, and he looked like he was a martial arts practitioner.

"I'll go with you!"

A monk with a scar on his forehead walked out of the crowd, holding a Zen staff in his hand.

"And Xiaosheng."

A scholar walked out of the crowd with a long sword on his waist.

"Plus me, I'm an escort. I've practiced a lot of kung fu on weekdays. I promise I won't embarrass you."

A man dressed as an escort walked out immediately, wearing a hat on his head, an iron chain around his waist, and holding a large ring knife.

Soon, after the Xiahou County Prime Minister finished speaking, a total of thirty people walked out of the crowd.

"Okay, they are all good men! Come on, follow me down and fight for a while. Scholar, forget it, you are still"

Xiahou County Magistrate did not expect that at this time, more than thirty people would dare to follow him to fight. He nodded with satisfaction. However, when he walked to the scholar, Xiahou County Magistrate hesitated and said. The Prime Minister of Xiahou County admired the scholar's courage, but was not confident about his strength. This time he went to fight to restore morale. He wanted to fight a beautiful surprise battle. The person who followed him to fight must not only have courage, but also strength. , if you are not strong enough and cannot defeat the Japanese pirates who are carrying their heads and showing off their power outside the city, then it will be contrary to your original intention.

"Haha, Mr. Xiahou, the reason why Xiaosheng failed is because he spends his time on this swordsmanship. Sir, you can rest assured, Xiaosheng's skill with the sword is much deeper than the skill with the pen and ink."

The scholar smiled slightly, and as he spoke, he raised his sword and held a sword flower, showing off his excellent swordsmanship.


The Prime Minister of Xiahou County couldn't help but applaud, as an expert would know if it was right as soon as he made a move, and the scholar's excellent swordsmanship could be seen from the scholar's sword flower.

"The purpose of leaving the city this time is to kill the twelve Japanese pirates running with their heads outside the north gate and boost the morale in the city. Once the attack is successful, retreat immediately and not give the Japanese pirates a chance to follow them into the city." Xiahou County Cheng said to everyone.


Everyone nodded in agreement.

The magistrate of Xiahou County once again gave instructions to the gatekeepers, telling them to be on guard against Japanese pirates. But that was not possible. He would rather lock them all outside the city gate than give the Japanese pirates a chance to chase them into the city.

After drinking and throwing bowls, the Prime Minister of Xiahou County ordered his people to open the north gate, carry a long knife, and lead more than 30 death squads to fight out of the city, directly killing the Japanese pirates outside the city who were carrying heads to show off their power and demonstrate intimidation.

These Japanese pirates running around carrying heads were out of touch with the Japanese pirates behind them. This was the opportunity that Xiahou County Cheng saw.


The Xiahou County Magistrate shouted and rushed out of the city first. He was very fast and struck at the Japanese pirates like a bolt of lightning, with a knife in the head.

"How brave! Here comes the one looking for death!"

The Japanese pirates did not expect that anyone would dare to break out of the city at this time. However, although they were surprised, they were not afraid at all. There was still more than five meters away from the city gate to them. This five-meter distance was enough for him to react.

The Japanese pirate stood up and blocked Xiahou County Cheng's life-threatening knife. However, he did not expect that Xiahou County Cheng's power was so great. This knife cut him back more than one meter. Xiahou County Cheng had the upper hand with his sword and struck him one after another. Like the waves of the sea, one wave was higher than the other, and each sword was heavier than the other. After three swords, the Japanese pirates showed their weakness and exposed their fatal flaws. He kicked the Japanese pirate in the waist, knocked the Japanese pirate to the ground, and then slashed his head with a knife!

After hacking a Japanese pirate to death, the Xiahou County Magistrate took the time to look at the others. Well, the others performed well. Although there were more people and fewer people were beaten, five more people were killed by the Japanese pirates, but there were six Japanese pirates lying on the ground. There were only five Japanese pirates left.

"Kill! We must fight quickly before the Japanese pirates react."

Xiahou County Magistrate shouted and joined the battle with a long sword dripping with blood.

"The county magistrate is mighty!"

"Kill, you bastard!"

Everyone on the north gate wall saw the scene of Xiahou County Cheng and others killing the Japanese pirates, and couldn't help shouting. The sluggish morale gradually recovered and improved as Xiahou County Cheng and others killed the enemy with blood.

While the Xiahou County magistrate and others were fighting bloody battles outside the north gate of Taiping, the soldiers of the magistrate Wangzhi at the south gate used their swords to plunder two hundred taels of gold, three thousand taels of silver, baskets of jewelry, and baskets of silver in Taiping County. Calligraphy, painting, jewelry, and forcibly confiscated silk and fabrics from five cloth shops in the county, enough to load two large carts.

Not only that, Wangzhi County also ordered the three best restaurants in the county to prepare ten tables of delicacies from the mountains and seas as quickly as possible.

Wang Zhixian presented these gold and silver jewelry, silks and cloths, and delicacies as gifts to the Japanese pirates, and had them sent to the city on ropes. At the same time, he also sent his confidant butler to the city on ropes.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me. If the two countries are at war, I will not kill the envoy. I am here to meet your king on the order of the county magistrate."

After the housekeeper was sent off the city wall, he immediately fell to his knees on the ground, shouting and begging the Japanese pirates for mercy.

Soon, the housekeeper and the gifts were delivered to the Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro.

"Tell me, the county magistrate sent you to see the governor. Why?"

The leader of the Japanese pirates, Heihachiro, faced the display of gold and silver jewels, silks and cloths, and delicacies from the mountains and seas. There was no wave on his face at all. He sat arrogantly on a big stone, looked down at the housekeeper, and asked lightly.

"The little one has met the king. The king is a thousand years old. The county elder asked the little one to say hello to the king. The county elder said that the king led an army to visit the small county. The small county is honored and prosperous. The king has worked hard all the way. , the county magistrate sent the young ones to bring these gifts to the king and reward the army. The county magistrate said that the small county was shabby and poor, and he was afraid that the reception would not be good enough, so he wanted to ask the king to move the army to other counties for food. For example, Jingnan, Ninghai, Jinghai The two counties of Nan and Ninghai are right next door to the small county. They are rich in resources and people, and are as rich as Taizhou Prefecture. They are more than ten times richer than the small county. They are worthy of feeding the king's army."

As soon as the housekeeper saw Heihachiro, he prostrated himself to the ground and paid homage, and said flatteringly to Heihachiro.

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