Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1137 Peace negotiation in progress

"Hahahaha... The county magistrate sent you to deliver gifts and ask me to move the army to Jingnan and Ninghai?"

Heihachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates, heard this and glanced at the butler at his feet, who was prostrated and had a flattering look on his face. He couldn't help but laugh wildly.

It's really ridiculous. The magistrate of Taiping County looks very young, but he didn't expect that he would live like a dog for a long time. I just arrived at the city, and as soon as I started my battle, the magistrate of Taiping County already gave in. He is really more cowardly than a dog. Dumber than a pig... Compared with Xiaozhi County in Jingnan County, it's like heaven and earth.

However, I like it!

The more incompetent county magistrates like Ming Dynasty, the better!

After Heihachiro looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, the housekeeper smiled and lay down on the ground, nodding his head like a chicken scratching rice, "That's right, Your Majesty, the small county is extremely poor, and the county magistrate is afraid that the hospitality will not be good enough and spoil the king's mood, so he invited the king. We will move the army to visit Jingnan and Ninghai. Jingnan and Ninghai counties are the famous land of fish and rice in Taizhou Prefecture. Not only are they extremely rich, but they are also famous for their beautiful women. I guarantee that Your Majesty’s trip to move the army will be worthwhile.”

"Haha, my army came all the way from the ocean, eating horses and chewing horses along the way. It consumed countless people. There are more than 100,000 children in the ocean camp, crying for food. You, the county magistrate, take this little thing and want to send me to move the army to other places. Where’s the beggar?!”

Heihachiro sneered, kicked over the box containing gold and silver jewelry with disdain, and then pulled the housekeeper up from the ground with one hand, just like lifting a chicken, staring into his eyes ferociously, asked fiercely.

Damn it!

So fierce!

"Your Majesty, have mercy on me, Your Majesty, please have mercy on me." The butler felt as if he was going to be eaten alive by Heihachiro in the next second. He was so frightened that he peed his pants and begged for mercy. Well, he really did. A stream of yellow liquid flowed down the corner of his trouser legs. The dripping trickle flowed downwards and soon formed a mass on the ground.


Heihachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates, heard the sound of running water, glanced down, and threw the butler into the pool of yellow liquid at his feet in disgust.

"My King, please forgive me, Your Majesty, please forgive me." The butler was thrown into a piece of shit and fell face down into the yellow liquid. Regardless of the dirty look on his face, he quickly turned over and rolled to the ground, kowtowing to the Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro and begging for mercy.

"Hahaha, are all people in Ming Dynasty such cowards?!"

"Hahahaha, this coward is so ridiculous. He is less courageous than a mouse, and worse than a pig or a dog."

Seeing the housekeeper's extremely embarrassed and shameless look, the Japanese pirates nearby couldn't help laughing.

"Boss, the Taiping County Magistrate treats us like beggars and sends such a coward here. Why don't we cut off the melon seeds from this coward's head and let him, the Magistrate, take a look."

A Japanese pirate suggested to the leader Heihachiro.

"Your Majesty, spare your life, Your Majesty, please spare your life. The two armies are fighting. I will not kill the envoy."

Hearing the proposal of beheading the Japanese pirates, the housekeeper was so frightened that his whole body shivered like chaff. He ignored the yellow turbid liquid under him and knocked his head down, making a splashing sound.

The pirate leader Heihachiro couldn't help but sneered when he saw the butler's cowardice. He waved his hand and rejected his subordinate's proposal, saying sarcastically, "Why would you cut off this coward's head? Feed it to the dogs?!"

"This little pig's head won't even be eaten by the dogs." The housekeeper hurriedly kowtowed.

"Bah! I have never seen such a shameless person."

A group of Japanese pirates laughed incessantly.

The housekeeper knelt on the ground, tried his best to put on a smile, and then smiled apologetically, so the Japanese pirates laughed louder.

"Coward, please listen to me."

The pirate leader Heihachiro used his feet to lift the chin of the butler who was kneeling on the ground, and stared at him with cold eyes.

"Your Majesty, I'm all ears, little one." The butler reached out and clasped his ears, saying with a flattering look on his face.

"Here comes the knife!"

The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro reached out and asked for a Japanese sword from the hands of his Japanese pirates, and pulled out the Japanese sword in front of the housekeeper.

The housekeeper began to tremble again, and the smile he tried to put on his face was frozen by this scene.


Heihachiro thrust the Japanese sword straight in front of the butler, close to the butler's face, scaring the butler to the point of peeing again.

"This sword is the governor's return gift!" the Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro said coldly.

"Ah?! Your Majesty"

When the housekeeper heard this, his face turned pale and his voice stuttered.

What does it mean when a Japanese pirate leader returns a Japanese sword? ! It goes without saying that this means that the talk is broken! Use a knife to solve problems.

"This is also the governor's return gift!"

The pirate leader Heihachiro took off the shell bracelet from his wrist, threw it in front of the housekeeper, and said calmly.

Is the shell bracelet also a return gift? !

What's the meaning? !

The housekeeper picked up the bracelet with both hands, looking stunned. He didn't understand what the Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro meant.

After being stunned for two seconds, the butler's eyes suddenly lit up, with an overjoyed expression on his face. I understand, I understand. There are ten shells in this string of shells. Ten shells, ten times. The Japanese pirates are asking for ten times as a gift. ah.

What a twist!

Although the Japanese pirate lion is talking loudly, it is self-evident that life is more important than money.

The butler was ecstatic.

"Bring these two gifts back to the magistrate, let the magistrate choose for himself. The governor will only give you one stick of incense." The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro looked at the housekeeper with an expression on his face and said coldly.

"Hi, hi, hi, I will report back to the county leader now. I believe the county leader will be able to make a choice that satisfies the king."

The butler respectfully held the shell bracelet and Japanese sword with both hands, and said to Heihachiro with a respectful and flattering expression.

"Go away! If you can't satisfy the governor after burning incense, all of Taiping will die, no chickens or dogs will be left!"

The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro threatened with a ferocious expression.

"Hey, hey, hey, get out of here, little one." The steward respectfully held the shell bracelet and the Japanese knife, and rolled out of the Japanese pirate camp. After leaving the Japanese pirate camp, the steward stood up as if he had won a big victory. The same, head held high, hands holding Japanese pirates and bracelets high, running towards the city wall like the wind.

Soon, a basket hung from the city wall. The steward climbed into the basket and was pulled up to the city wall.

"County Lord, County Lord, I'm here to bring you good news." As soon as they reached the city wall, the housekeeper shouted excitedly.

"What are you shouting about! You idiot! I'm afraid the world won't know! Go over there and tell me in a low voice." Wang Zhixian gave the housekeeper a hard look and scolded.

The housekeeper nodded repeatedly, followed Wang Zhixian to the corner, shielded the left and right, handed the Japanese knife and shell bracelet to Wang Zhixian, and told the truth about the peace talks. Of course, he omitted the scene where he was pissed, and instead described himself. Very brave.

"Ten times, ten times!"

After hearing the two choices given by the Japanese pirates, Wang Zhixian chose the latter without even thinking about it.

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