Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1138 The Fall of Taiping (Part 1)

There is no airtight wall in the world, and the news that Wangzhi County sent a steward to sue for peace with the Japanese pirates spread quickly.

After paying eight lives, the Xiahou County magistrate and his party of more than 30 people finally killed eleven Japanese pirates who were holding heads in protest outside the North Gate. When the Japanese pirates besieging the North Gate reacted and mobilized their troops to attack the city, they escaped. He also seemed to have returned to the city.

It was truly a critical moment. If Xiahou County Magistrate and the others were two seconds later, the pursuing Japanese pirates would have chased them into the north gate.


The city gate is closed! Closed loop key!

The Japanese pirates who were in hot pursuit were rejected, and they began to scream and curse unwillingly.

As soon as the Xiahou County Magistrate and his party retreated to the doorway, they heard the sound of the city gate closing behind them. They immediately breathed a sigh of relief. They lay on the ground shapelessly, their chests rose and fell violently, and they took a big breath. After a glance, they found that everyone was He looked embarrassed and embarrassed, and couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, happy, happy"

The Xiahou County magistrate and his party were lying on the ground, feeling extremely happy thinking about killing eleven Japanese pirates.

"Lord Xiahou, the county lord, the county lord."

Just as Xiahou County Magistrate was lying on the ground to recover his strength with others, a petty official came over with a strange look on his face. He glanced at the people around him with some hesitation and said hesitantly to Xiahou County Magistrate.

"Liu Shuli, what's wrong with the county magistrate? These are all dead brothers, so there's no harm in telling them." Xiahou County Magistrate said indifferently.

"Lord Xiahou, when you went out of the city to kill the Japanese pirates, the county magistrate sent his confidant butler to seek peace with the Japanese pirates."

Secretary Liu hesitated for a moment and then spoke in a low voice.


When the Xiahou County Magistrate heard this, he sat up suddenly. His whole body felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his brain went blank.

"The county magistrate asked for peace with the Japanese pirates?!"

When the monk, scholar and others heard this, their eyes widened in disbelief and they sat up.

While he was killing the enemy with blood, the magistrate, who was greedy for life and feared death, actually sent people to sue for peace to the Japanese pirates in private? !

This feels very bad, as if I was stabbed in the back by one of my own while fighting the enemy bravely.

"No! I'm going to meet the county magistrate. The Japanese pirates are ambitious and have an undying desire to destroy me. Seeking peace with the Japanese pirates is no different from seeking the skin of a tiger! County magistrate, how can you do this?" Xiahou County Magistrate was stunned for a second and then gritted his teeth and said. He stood up suddenly, the wounds on his back were torn open, and blood dripped down.

After asking Qing Wang that the county magistrate was at the south gate, Xiahou County Magistrate went straight to the south gate like an angry tiger.

"Brother Xiahou, if you are not in charge of the defense against Japanese pirates at the east gate and north gate, why are you here at the south gate? If the Japanese invaders attack the city at this time, and there is no dear brother in charge of defense at the east gate and north gate, what should we do?"

Wang Zhixian saw the Xiahou County Magistrate from a distance and asked before Xiahou County Magistrate could speak.

"My lord, I heard that you sent your housekeeper to ask for peace from the Japanese pirates? Is this the case?"

Xiahou County Magistrate did not answer Wang Zhixian's question, but went straight to the point and asked directly.

"I asked for peace from the Japanese pirates?! Haha, what a load of nonsense! What nonsense! Who is so frantically slandering me?!"

When Wang Zhixian heard this, he immediately became angry and said as if he had been greatly wronged.


The magistrate of Xiahou County was stunned. Could it be that Secretary Liu made a mistake? !

"Brother Xiahou Xian, at this time of life and death, the whole county should work together to resist the Japanese pirates. Who spread such rumors and slandered me? What does he want to do?! Those who spread such rumors have evil intentions and are trying to destroy I, Taiping, am wholeheartedly planning to ward off the Japanese, but my intentions are to be punished!"

Wang Zhixian's chest heaved violently, he was very angry, and he said to Xiahou County Cheng excitedly, his mood could not calm down for a long time.

"Your Majesty, where is the steward Liu Qi?"

Seeing the appearance of Wangzhi County, Xiahou County's Prime Minister felt that maybe Liu Shuli had made a mistake and misunderstood the county magistrate. However, it was a matter of life and death for Taiping County, so he had to be cautious. Xiahou County's Prime Minister raised his hands and asked again with an expressionless face.

"Master Xiahou, the little one is here. Master Xiahou calls me little, but do you have something to tell me?"

Butler Liu Qi heard the sound and appeared in front of the Xiahou County Magistrate.

Seeing that the housekeeper Liu Qi was still on the city wall, Xiahou County Magistrate breathed a sigh of relief. Liu Qi was still on the city wall and did not go to the Japanese pirates for peace. Now it seems that Liu Shuli made a mistake and misunderstood the county magistrate.

"Nothing, I just asked casually." Xiahou County Cheng replied.

"Oh." Butler Liu Qi nodded.

"Hey, brother Xiahou, this is the time when my life is at stake. It is time for everyone to work together to prevent the Japanese from outside. Those who spread rumors have a terrible heart. When fighting outside, we must first calm down the inside. If there is such a black sheep as a constraint, there will be death. The incident. Who is spreading such rumors that slander me? Please tell Brother Xiahou to tell Brother Yu."

Wang Zhixian looked like he was thinking about Taiping's plan to ward off Japanese invaders, and he spoke sincerely to Xiahou County Magistrate.

"Ahem, Xianguan just left the city and fought with the Japanese pirates for a while. Maybe Xianguan misheard and misunderstood the county magistrate, and asked the county magistrate to reduce the crime." Xiahou County Magistrate took the matter on himself and asked Wang Zhixian for forgiveness. road.

"It turns out I heard you wrong. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Brother Xiahou is also thinking about my peace. What's the crime? Just now, brother Xiahou came out of the city and fought with the Japanese pirates for a while. How was the battle? Is brother Xiahou injured? Beimen, Dong We still need to rely on my dear brother to take charge of the defense, but my dear brother must not be so reckless and put himself in danger."

Wang Zhixian asked with a concerned look.

"It's okay, it's okay. It's just some flesh wounds. It doesn't matter. The Japanese pirates were also showing off their power at that time. I was afraid that my morale would be damaged, so I summoned 32 heroes to go out of the city to kill the enemy. Fortunately, we did not disgrace our orders. We killed eleven Japanese pirates. Kill the Japanese pirates ruthlessly." Xiahou County Magistrate quickly replied.

"Good! My virtuous brother is brave and will not lose the name of his ancestors!" Wang Zhixian heard this and was full of praise for the Xiahou County Magistrate.

"Ashamed, ashamed. We defeated the few with more troops, and we were caught by surprise. We also lost eight people. We don't deserve the praise of the county magistrate."

Xiahou County Magistrate shook his head and said.

"The Japanese pirates are brave and brave, and they are invincible. The wise brother was able to kill eleven Japanese pirates, and only eight of his own were killed, which is very good. Only the wise brother killed eleven Japanese pirates. The foolish brother was afraid of the Japanese pirates' revenge and attacked the north gate. The North Gate still needs Brother Xian to take charge until the Japanese pirates are driven away. Brother Fool will work together to thank Brother Xiahou." Wang Zhixian patted Xiahou County Cheng on the shoulder and said to Xiahou County Cheng with the overall situation in mind.

"What the county magistrate said is true. The official almost missed a big event. The magistrate just misunderstood the county magistrate. How could he have the nerve to ask for credit? Thank you very much, magistrate, for not remembering the faults of villains. Take care of the county magistrate. I will go to the north gate to preside over it." Off to defense."

The Prime Minister of Xiahou County was concerned about the defense of the North Gate. He was worried that the Japanese pirates would retaliate and attack the North Gate, so he said goodbye.

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