Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1139 The Fall of Taiping (Part 2)

The Prime Minister of Xiahou County had just left the south gate, and the steward Liu Qi was sitting on the basket and descending the city wall.

After the housekeeper Liu Qi left, Wangzhi County sent people to search for gold, silver, treasures, silk and cloth in the county on the pretext of raising supplies to ward off Japanese invaders. He ordered all the restaurants in the county to work overtime to cook delicious food. , all of them were labeled as passively resisting Japanese pirates or even confronting Japanese pirates.

Under Wangzhi County's unscrupulous search, peace gifts for the Japanese pirates were quickly gathered.

"Master, I'm glad I fulfilled my mission. I risked my life, and finally settled with the Japanese pirates outside the city, and they agreed. As long as we send out the gifts successfully, as soon as they receive the gifts, as long as they have enough, They promised to withdraw from the siege immediately and transfer their troops to Ninghai County."

Not long after, housekeeper Liu Qi returned from the Japanese pirate camp, once again sat on the city wall with a basket, and reported back to Wang Zhixian with a look of accomplishment.

"good very good."

After hearing Liu Qi's reply, Wang Zhixian's heart finally fell back into his stomach.

Soon, several ropes were hung from the south gate city wall, and boxes of gold and silver jewelry, baskets of silk and cloth, and other peace gifts were delivered to the bottom of the city wall. There were more than a hundred Japanese pirates below the city wall to receive the gifts. The leader is Aso Yuji, who has done meritorious service, and has a bandage wrapped diagonally on his back.

There were so many gifts that it lasted half a cup of tea, and less than one-tenth of the gifts were given.

"Baga! It's too slow. It's so slow. How long will it take to deliver the gift? I'm impatient to wait."

Yuji Aso collected the gifts under the city wall for a moment, then raised his head impatiently and yelled at Wang Zhixian and others on the wall.

"Chief, please calm down the fire. Nearly one-tenth of the amount has been sent down. Please wait a moment while we add a few more ropes." Butler Liu Qi hurriedly leaned on the city wall and explained to Aso Yuji.

"Baga! What's the point of adding a few more ropes? This method is too slow! We have to wait until the year of the monkey to receive enough gifts?! You guys, soldiers are so quick, you don't understand. If you delay any longer, won't you give us more gifts? If the preparation time of Ninghai County is delayed, can you afford it?! Giving a gift is so slow and leisurely, like an old woman, is it possible to force us to eat in your county?! In one stick of incense time, I only I’ll give you one stick of incense. If we haven’t received enough gifts within one stick of incense, then the agreement you made with us will no longer count.”

Yuji Aso half-drawn his Japanese sword, narrowed his eyes, and threatened Wang Zhixian and others on the city wall in a sinister tone.

"A stick of incense is too short a time. Chief, look, this gift is as big as a mountain."

Butler Liu Qi scratched his head and said anxiously.

"Burn the incense!" Aso Yuji ignored it and asked a Japanese pirate to light an incense with an expressionless face.

"Hey, hey." Butler Liu Qi saw that Yuji Aso didn't give him any room for negotiation, and he was very anxious. "Hey, chief, you are being accommodating. We have all prepared this gift."

"You guys are such a waste of money. These gifts are only a dozen cars at most. If you put the gifts in the car, wouldn't they be sent outside the city in one go?" Yuji Aso said with an impatient look.

"Oh, that's right, it's faster with a car." When the housekeeper Liu Qi heard this, he couldn't help but clapped his hands, as if suddenly enlightened.

"Idiot! You have pig brains on your neck! You don't have to think about it! I don't know how to use a car faster! But if you use a car, you need to open the city gate. If the Japanese pirates outside the city take advantage of the opportunity to open the city gate, Attacking the city, what should I do?! I'm going to lose my wife and lose my troops! I'll become the laughing stock of the whole world!"

Wang Zhixian glared hard at the housekeeper Liu Qi and scolded him in a low voice on the city wall.

"Ah? Yes! The Japanese pirates are so ferocious. If they attack the city while the gate is open, there is really no way. I am such a pig. I was almost deceived by the Japanese pirates. Fortunately, I am wise and martial, and I immediately understood the Japanese pirates' tricks. Trick!" After hearing Wang Zhixian's reprimand, housekeeper Liu Qi touched the back of his head with fear and said repeatedly.

"Now that I can figure it out, I'm not too stupid! Do you know how to respond?!" Wang Zhixian cursed angrily.

"I know, I know." After being scolded, housekeeper Liu Qi smiled and touched his head. Then he stuck his head out of the city wall and said flatteringly to Yuji Aso below the city, "This leader, your army is mighty and majestic. , if we open the city gate and use a car to send gifts out of the city, we have a lot of concerns. Please understand our worries. We will send more manpower and add more ropes to try to deliver all the gifts to the city in the shortest time. In terms of time, please ask the leader to be a little more lenient."

"Baga! Are you questioning our integrity?! Now, the army is about to leave. If we delay the time for gifts and delay the fighter plane, no one can afford it! Are you afraid that we will take the opportunity to attack the city?! Huh, we Yamato are the best We pay attention to integrity, so how can we not keep our word? However, since you are worried, let's do this. My army will retreat two miles. Of these men, I will only take ten of the old, weak and sick to accept the gift of the frame. The rest All twenty of us will retreat two miles with the army, is that okay?!"

Aso Yuji's face was ashen, and he scolded the housekeeper Liu Qi in a stern voice. Then he softened a little and suggested.

After listening to Aso Yuji's words, housekeeper Liu Qi's eyes lit up, and he felt that Aso Yuji's proposal was very feasible. The Japanese pirate army retreated two miles, and only ten people were at the city gate to receive the gifts. This was completely okay. There are hundreds of us here, and one of us can drown ten little Japanese pirates just by spitting.

However, the housekeeper Liu Qi learned his lesson. Even though he thought it was feasible, he did not reply to Yuji Aso immediately. Instead, he turned back and asked Magistrate Wang for instructions.

"Baga! Don't push yourself too far! You're so shameless! Are you trying to trick my army into not being able to lift a sword?!"

Seeing that there was no immediate reply from the city wall, Aso Yuji couldn't help but became furious, pulled out a Japanese sword and threatened loudly.

The thirty Japanese pirates behind Yuji Aso also drew their swords and started making noises.

Hearing the clamor of the Japanese pirates below the city, Wang Zhixian focused on the "overall situation" and nodded slightly after thinking for a moment.

After receiving Wang Zhixian's approval, housekeeper Liu Qi immediately stuck his head out of the city wall and replied to Aso Yuji with a flattering look, "Chief, please calm down. Chief, please calm down. We agree. Please also ask the chief to inform your army to retreat. After your army When retreating, we also took this time to load the gifts into the car. As soon as your army retreats two miles, we will immediately open the city gate and send the gifts out of the city through the car and horse, and hand them over to the leader."

After the agreement was reached, the Japanese pirate army began to retreat.

Wang Zhixian winked and asked the housekeeper Liu Qi to select ten of Aso Yuji's thirty people, who seemed to be the most old, weak, sick and disabled, to stay with Aso Yuji, and the other twenty people also followed the Japanese pirates. The army retreated two miles.

"Is that okay?! Hurry up and deliver the gifts in a car so that we can break camp and go to Ninghai County as soon as possible." After the Japanese pirate army retreated two miles, Aso Yuji came to the city gate with ten old, weak, sick and disabled Japanese pirates. He urged impatiently.

"Come on, come on, open the city gate."

Butler Liu Qi walked to the city gate and ordered it to be opened. Behind him were ten large carts filled with gifts.

As a precaution, one hundred and fifty soldiers and government officials armed with weapons followed closely behind to protect the city gate.

Under the protection of heavy troops, Wang Zhixian stood not far away and commanded remotely.

"吆西, 円西, it's pretty good." Aso Yuji met at the gate of the city. A large truck came out to inspect a large truck. He was very satisfied with the quantity and quality of the gifts presented by Taiping County. He reached out and patted the steward. Liu Qi's shoulders, he shouted in praise.

"Haha." Butler Liu Qi saw that the Japanese pirates were satisfied and in a good mood, and he also laughed apologetically.

One after another, when the last two carriages were left, Aso Yuji waved his hand and said to the housekeeper Liu Qi with a smile, "Liu Sang, your Taiping sincerity, from the eight carriages in front we I have already felt it. There is no need to inspect the last two cars. I have great trust in you. You two go and pick up the cars. It’s time for us to leave. Don’t keep Leader Heibachi waiting for too long. "

With that said, Aso Yuji waved his hand and ordered the two Japanese pirates behind him to pick up the carriage.

"That's it, that's it. Don't worry, Your Majesty, we are doing things. Go north from here and follow the highway. Ninghai County is more than fifty miles away. Your Majesty, please walk slowly." Butler Liu Qi heard this and smiled like a chrysanthemum. Similar.

The two Japanese pirates came out in response, walked to the city gate, picked up the last two carriages, and pushed them forward.

One step, two steps, three steps. Just when he was about to walk out, a sudden change occurred. Aso Yuji pulled out the Japanese sword with lightning speed. The sword flashed with white light, and the butler Liu Qi beside him was killed. A knife kills the head.

At the same time, Aso Yuji shouted "Seize the door!".

When Liu Qi's head fell to the ground, his expression was still a smile like a chrysanthemum, and he didn't react until he died.

After Aso Yuji drew his sword, other Japanese pirates also drew their swords and chopped down the defenders beside them. The two Japanese pirates pushing the cart quickly pushed down the cart filled with gifts and blocked it in front of the open city gate, blocking the city. The gate made the defenders unable to close the gate for a while even if they wanted to.

Then the Japanese pirates outside quickly pushed the other eight carts into the city gate, forming a figure-eight cart formation, leaving only space for two people to walk side by side. In the cart array, Yuji Aso led ten Japanese pirates to block the gap, and Kazuo stood in the gap. Guan Wanfu is not allowed to open it.

At the same time, the Japanese pirate army exceeded their capabilities and ran at full speed towards the city, their killing cries shaking the earth and the earth.

Fell into a trap!


"Kill them and close the city gate!" Wang Zhixian's face suddenly turned pale, cold sweat dripped from his forehead, he jumped anxiously, and loudly ordered the more than 100 defenders in the city gate to kill Aso Yuji and others and close the city gate.

However, soon, Aso Yuji and other Japanese pirates showed the defenders what it means to be cruel and inhumane!

There was a car formation nearby, and although there were more than a hundred defenders in the city gate cave, only the two at the front could face Aso Yuji and the others, and the people Aso Yuji led were carefully selected from the Japanese pirates. The ones who came out with the strongest martial arts skills and the most brutal lethality (thirty of them, no matter what the steward Liu Qi chose at the beginning), at this moment the force value was fully activated, and they were so brutal that the defenders who faced them were chopped to the ground by them. , The blood flowed like a river. Even though Aso Yuji and others were injured, they did not blink their eyes, as if they did not know the pain, and were as ferocious as devils. The defenders were so scared that they were killed for a while, no matter what Wang Zhixian was doing No matter how they jumped from behind and how they urged orders, the defenders were still unable to break through the Japanese car formation guarding the city gate.

Soon, the Japanese pirate army came to kill them.

After the Japanese pirate army came to kill, the outcome was doomed. The South City Gate was declared to be lost in one breath!

Taiping County has fallen!

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