Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1142 Destroy this pilgrimage

Although my military exploits are good, I, Zhu Pingan, cannot use the blood of young people to dye the feathers on my head red.

The Japanese pirates were fierce, and it was okay for the young and strong people to defend the city. If they fought against the Japanese pirates in the wild, it would be the same as committing suicide. Even if there is a simplified version of the Yuanyang Formation, it will not work. Firstly, the fighting quality of the people is limited. Secondly, this simple version of the Yuanyang Formation is rigid and stiff. It is okay to defend on the city wall. In field battles, the disadvantages are infinitely magnified, and it is no match for the Japanese pirates. Even the complete version of the Yuanyang Formation, without several months of training, is no match for the Japanese pirates.

Zhu Pingan thought for a moment, and his eyes became more and more cautious. If he was not completely sure, he would rather miss this rare military achievement in a century than risk the lives of young people.

"Brother Mu, please arrange for someone to go and investigate again to see how Taiping County fell. In addition, also inquire about the situation of Japanese pirates in Taizhou Prefecture and the movements of Japanese pirates from all walks of life. Pay attention and put safety first."

Zhu Pingan asked Liu Mu to arrange for people to inquire about the Japanese pirates, and told Liu Mu to put safety first when he inquired about the information.

Only by knowing your enemy and yourself can you win every battle. Regardless of the scale of the battle, information is always the key to victory. Only by fully grasping the information about Japanese pirates can we analyze, plan and decide the next step.

Of course, military merit is secondary. Post-war reconstruction and appeasing the people are the top priority and first priority today.

After Liu Mu took the order, Zhu Ping'an left the third hall and called Liu Dadao, Liu Dachui and others outside the lobby to continue going to the countryside to investigate and direct post-war reconstruction matters. Zhu Ping'an recorded the disaster-stricken situation in each village in detail, and made targeted arrangements for reconstruction based on the actual situation of each village and local conditions.

From morning to night, he worked non-stop. In the dead of night, Zhu Pingan finally ran through the entire area.

The damage caused by the Japanese pirates is shocking. The Japanese pirates really deserve death! What a heinous crime! Fortunately, Jingnan was defended and the Japanese pirates were driven away. Otherwise, the damage suffered by Jingnan would be a hundred times more serious than it is now.

During the great Ming Dynasty, China was so majestic that it suffered from Japanese invasion. It was truly a national embarrassment and a national humiliation that will never be forgotten by generations to come!

I, Zhu Pingan, will definitely defeat the Japanese pirates! Lead the army to flog the Japanese! Let the Japanese people pay a heavy price! I want the Japanese slaves to live forever and never dare to covet China again!

After visiting all the disaster-stricken villages, Zhu Pingan's anger became more and more intense! The oath became more and more firm.

After Zhu Ping'an returned to the county government under the stars and the moon, Liu Mu, who was waiting in the lobby, came over to report the news.

"Reporting to the young master, we have found out the news." Liu Mu saluted.

"Brother Mu, there's no need to be polite, just sit down and talk." Zhu Pingan asked Liu Mu to sit down and poured two cups of tea.

"Thank you, sir. The reason Taiping County fell so quickly was because Taiping County Magistrate Wang Fengming was greedy for life and afraid of death." Liu Mu thanked him and sat down to report back. When the name of Taiping Magistrate Wang Fengming was mentioned, Liu Mu couldn't help but look angry.

"Oh, how to say it specifically?" Zhu Pingan asked curiously.

"Sir, the leader of this group of Japanese pirates is named Honda Heihachi. After we were defeated in Jingnan, there were only more than a thousand troops left. After he was defeated and retreated into Taiping County, he burned, killed and looted all the way, taking nearly a thousand young and strong people hostage. Taiping County was surrounded. Wang Fengming, the magistrate of Taiping County, was as timid as a mouse, greedy for life and afraid of death. Seeing that the Japanese pirates were strong and strong, he did not dare to resist at all. He was about to abandon the city and flee, if not for Xia Houliang of Taiping County who desperately urged him to , the cowardly Wang Zhixian would have abandoned the city and fled at the first opportunity. Huh, I think back then, there were more than 3,000 Japanese pirates who surrounded my Jingnan County. The young master fell asleep on the city wall, stabilized the people's hearts, and led us to The Japanese pirates were beaten to a pulp, and when they besieged Taiping County, only a thousand remnants of the defeated generals were left, but the Taiping County magistrate did not even dare to resist, and wanted to abandon the city and flee, what a waste!"

Liu Mu replied in detail, full of contempt for Wang Fengming, the magistrate of Taiping County.

"Then he abandoned the city and fled?" Zhu Pingan asked.

"No." Liu Mu shook his head, "Although he did not abandon the city and flee, he sued for peace with the Japanese pirates. After being persuaded by the Xiahou County Magistrate, Wangzhi County harbored evil intentions and proposed to defend the four city gates with the Xiahou County Magistrate. He guarded the west gate and the south gate, and ordered the Xiahou County Prime Minister to guard the east gate and the north gate. Wang Zhixian, who was greedy for life and feared death, plundered a large amount of gold, silver, jewelry, cloth and brocade in the city while the Xiahou County Prime Minister fought bravely to kill the enemy outside the north gate. , secretly sent his housekeeper down to ask for peace from the Japanese pirates. The Japanese pirates were cunning and opened their mouths, asking Wang Zhixian to offer ten times the gift before agreeing to negotiate for peace. Taking advantage of Wang Zhixian's opportunity to open the city gate to deliver gifts, they robbed the city gate. Taiping County was captured in one fell swoop. Xiahou County Magistrate died on the spot, and Wang Zhixian, who was greedy for life and fearful of death, also did not survive and was beheaded by the Japanese pirates."

"One general is incompetent and the three armies will be exhausted!"

After hearing Liu Mu's words, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but slap the table and sighed. He was extremely speechless and indignant at the stupid and incompetent magistrate of Taiping County, who was greedy for life and afraid of death. He was also extremely indignant and pitied the people of Taiping County.

"Young Master is right." Liu Mu nodded vigorously, "It's all because the magistrate of Taiping County was greedy for life and fearful of death, and was stupid and incompetent. That's why he fell into the Japanese pirates' trick and easily captured Taiping County."

"How is the situation in other counties in Taizhou Prefecture?" Zhu Pingan asked.

"I was about to report to the Young Master that Xianju County and Ninghai County were also attacked by Japanese pirates. The county towns of both counties were attacked by the same group of Japanese pirates. The leader of this group of Japanese pirates was a thief monk, nicknamed Tiejingang. I heard that there were two or three people under his command. Thousands of Japanese pirates." Liu Mu replied.

"Xianju County is easy to attack but difficult to defend. It is difficult to avoid being attacked by Japanese pirates. However, Ninghai County is backed by mountains and is easy to defend but difficult to attack. There is also a guard station nearby. Logically speaking, it should not be easily attacked?"

Zhu Ping'an sighed after hearing this, and then asked.

"Tie Jingang broke through Xianju County on the day he landed. After receiving the news, Ninghai County strengthened its defense and asked for help from the garrison. Qianhu Guanyao from the garrison led 800 soldiers to Ninghai County for defense. I heard that Qianhu Guanyao had no clues. Not taking the Japanese pirates seriously, the magistrate of Ninghai County prepared wine and food for Guan Qianhu, but Guan Qianhu said boldly, "My ancestor, the martial sage Guan Yunchang, warmed the wine and killed Hua Xiong. I am a descendant of the martial sage, and he cannot compare with me." Ancestor, I don’t take the Japanese pirates seriously, so let’s put the food and wine aside until I kill the Japanese pirates.” After saying that, Guan Qianhu led 800 soldiers, 200 government officials, and strong people. A total of more than a thousand people took the initiative to go out of the city to fight with the Japanese pirates, vowing to wipe out the Japanese pirates in one battle. However, they did not expect that as soon as they engaged in the battle, Guan Qianhu was defeated, and his head was smashed by Tiejingang with a stick, and Ninghai County was also destroyed. Iron King Kong was taken by chance."

Liu Mu replied.


Hearing this, Zhu Ping'an was very speechless about Guan Qianhu. He said that he wanted to destroy this imperial food. He was very concerned about Yunchang Wenjiu's courage to kill Hua Xiong. Unfortunately, he had more than enough ambition but not enough power. He was defeated and died as soon as the battle started, and Ninghai was also implicated. county seat.

Isn't it good to defend the city well? If you have to go out to fight the Japanese pirates, you don't know how much you weigh!

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