Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1143 Looking for Japanese pirates to verify

"Brother Mu, what is the current situation in Linhai, Huangyan, Tiantai counties and Taizhou Prefecture?" Zhu Pingan asked.

"Sir, the three counties of Linhai, Huangyan and Tiantai were also attacked by Japanese pirates. The ones who invaded these three counties were the same group of Japanese pirates. The leader of the bandits was named Lord Jiangmen. He was the most powerful, with nearly 5,000 Japanese pirates under his command. Linhai and Huangyan counties All the county towns were captured by this Jiangmen master, but the Tiantai County town survived. The magistrate of Tiantai County was shot dead by a Japanese pirate with an arrow while defending the city. When the county town was about to be lost, a group of Shaolin monks came to the rescue. It is said that The magistrate of Tiantai County has always taken care of many temples and is very generous. Both temples in Tiantai County have benefited from the magistrate of Tiantai County. Therefore, after the monks of the two temples heard that the Japanese pirates besieged Tiantai County, they spontaneously organized eight The monks from Shihu Temple came to the rescue. Each of these monks was armed with an iron rod weighing thirty or forty kilograms. They were highly skilled in martial arts. They drove away the Japanese pirates and saved Tiantai County in a critical moment. However, some Japanese pirates were still in Tiantai County. Outside, they are watching with eager eyes. As for Taizhou Prefecture, there is news that Taizhou Prefecture was surrounded by Lord Jiang yesterday, but the strange thing is that although Lord Jiangmen surrounded Taizhou Prefecture, he was not in a hurry to attack the city. "

Liu Mu carefully reported the information he found to Zhu Ping'an.

"Are you saying that Lord Jiangmen besieged Taizhou Mansion instead of attacking it?" After hearing this, Zhu Ping'an's dark eyes flashed with light.

"That's right. Master Jiang just blocked Taizhou Mansion and was in no rush to attack the city. He didn't even make a feint to test the city." Liu Mu nodded.

If he wanted to besiege but not attack, and was not in a hurry to attack the city, Zhu Ping'an touched his chin, and he was 70-80% sure that the master of the Jiang clan should be waiting for Honda Heihachi and Tiejingang to join him before attacking the city together.

These three groups of Japanese pirates landed almost at the same time. One group looted Jingnan and Taiping, one group looted Ninghai and Xianju, and the other group looted Linhai, Huangyan, and Tiantai. They perfectly divided the seven counties under the jurisdiction of Taizhou Prefecture.

coincide? No, this is no coincidence!

These three groups of Japanese pirates must have been in the same group. Before landing, they conspired to carve up the seven counties under Taizhou's jurisdiction. They then agreed to meet under the city of Taizhou Prefecture and join forces to attack Taizhou Prefecture, which had a high city, deep pools, and numerous defenders. The reason why Lord Jiang Clan besieged Taizhou Prefecture instead of attacking it was probably because he was waiting for the two groups of Japanese pirates, Honda Heihachi and Tie Jingang, to join him.

There are 5,000 Japanese pirates under the command of Lord Jiangmen, which is far more numerous than the Japanese pirates under Honda Heihachi and Tiejingang. So Master Jiangmen should be the leader of this group of Japanese pirates, so he must have the highest status and the most powerful voice among this group of Japanese pirates.

Since Master Jiang is waiting, Honda Heihachi and Tie Jingang will definitely come.

In this way, Honda Heihachi, who occupies Taiping County, is going to meet the Jiang clan master at Taizhou City. He will not stay in Taiping County for a long time. Then, then... wouldn't he take the opportunity to gain the merit of "recovering Taiping County"? If planned properly, this feat will be as good as picking it up for free.

However, this is all based on my own speculation.

Are Master Jiangmen, Heihachi Honda, and Tiejingang the same group? Did they agree to join forces outside Taizhou Prefecture to attack the city? These are yet to be verified.

How to verify? !

Of course, we need to ask the Japanese pirates to verify it!

Capture a few Japanese pirate prisoners, imprison them separately, knock on their doors, and conduct verification.

However, it sounds simple, but it is not easy to do. Japanese pirates are not easy to catch.

"Brother Mu, I suspect that these three groups of Japanese pirates, Honda Heihachi, Tiejingang, and Jiangmen Lord, are a group. Jiangmen Lord is besieging Taizhou City instead of attacking it. I suspect that he is waiting for Honda Heihachi and Tiejingang to join him. , and then attack the city after joining forces. Taizhou Fucheng is different from the county town, the city is high and the pond is deep, and there are many defenders. It is not easy for a group of Japanese pirates from Jiangmen to conquer the city. Only when three groups of Japanese pirates join forces in one place and have the advantage of military strength can they be sure Attack the city." Zhu Ping'an took a sip of tea, looked at Liu Mu, and said slowly.

"Young master, what you said makes sense." After listening to Zhu Ping'an's analysis, Liu Mu thought for a moment and nodded vigorously.

"These are all my guesses." Zhu Pingan said softly, "It remains to be verified."

"Sir, how can I verify this?" Liu Mu asked.

"If you want to verify it, it's best to ask Japanese pirates to verify it. It's not easy to capture a few Japanese pirates, but it's not easy." Zhu Pingan said slowly.

"Ah, if I had known about those Japanese pirates, I wouldn't have killed them." Liu Mu said regretfully after hearing this.

Hearing this, Zhu Pingan raised his head and looked at Liu Mu.

"Sir, today when we went to Taiping County to inquire about news, we encountered several Japanese pirates who were roaming the countryside, burning, killing and looting. We killed them all. If I had known better, I would have captured them." Liu Mu regretted. But soon someone said, "Master, if you want to capture a few Japanese pirates, it will not be difficult at all. The Japanese pirates are loosely disciplined and disobedient. After Honda Heihachi occupied Taiping County, groups of Japanese pirates often went to the countryside to burn and kill." Robbery and harm the people. It is not difficult to capture a few Japanese pirates as prisoners. But please don’t worry, sir, leave the matter of capturing the Japanese pirates to us."

When Zhu Pingan heard this, his eyes couldn't help but light up. Yes, the Japanese pirates were loosely disciplined and could catch lone Japanese pirates.

"Sir, it's night now, so it's easier to do things. I'm going to find Da Dao and the others now to capture a few Japanese pirate prisoners." Liu Mu handed over his hand and asked for help, full of confidence, as if catching Japanese pirate prisoners was like following the market to buy vegetables.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to Brother Mu. You just have to be more careful, put safety first, and target the Japanese pirates who are alone. Don't provoke the large groups of Japanese pirates. Just look for them in the countryside near Jingnan. Just don't go deep into Taiping County. It doesn't matter if you can't catch Japanese pirates. In addition, we captured a lot of Japanese knives when we defended the city. You can take them with you and pretend to be Japanese pirates." Zhu Pingan nodded, stood up and cupped his hands, saying, He told Liu Mu to be more careful and suggested that Liu Mu and the others could pretend to be Japanese pirates.

Zhu Ping'an is still very relieved about Liu Mu and the others. Liu Mu and the others are from Orions and have strong martial arts skills. As long as they don't encounter large groups of Japanese pirates, safety is not a problem. If they pretend to be Japanese pirates, it will be easier to hide and escape.

"Don't worry, young master, we'll come back as soon as we go." Liu Mu said with cupped hands.

Soon, Liu Mu found Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui, and selected five people from the government officials. Everyone put on Japanese pirate costumes, each brought a Japanese knife, pretended to be Japanese pirates, and rode out overnight. Taiping County.

Zhu Ping'an sent them out of the county government office and waited in the lobby of the county government office.

About two hours later, the sound of horse hooves was heard outside, and Zhu Pingan quickly walked out of the lobby.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhu Ping'an arrived at the gate of the county government, he saw Liu Mu and the others.

"Sir, fortunately we lived up to our orders, we captured five alive."

Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others got off their horses and saluted Zhu Ping'an. There were five Japanese pirates tied on their horses.


Zhu Ping'an looked happy and praised him repeatedly.

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