Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1144 Interrogation

Liu Mu and the others captured five Japanese pirate prisoners, two of whom were real Japanese and three were fake.

"Brother Mu, Dadao, take them into the prison, hold them separately, and interrogate them immediately. Find out whether the three groups of Japanese pirates, Honda Heihachi, Tie Jingang, and Jiangmen Master, are a group, and whether the three groups of Japanese pirates have agreed to join forces under Taizhou City. Siege the city, if there is an agreement, figure out the time."

Zhu Ping'an told Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others, asking them to interrogate the Japanese prisoners and verify their guesses.

"Okay, sir." Liu Mu and Liu Dadao nodded and escorted the Japanese prisoners to the cell.

Speaking of prison cells, when Japanese pirates invaded Jingnan the day before yesterday, when the cell leaders and jailers heard the news that more than 3,000 Japanese pirates were coming to kill them, they were so frightened that they rushed to abandon their cells and escape. If the prison cells were not in the county government office, Zhu Ping'an would have been able to escape in time. Rushed to the cell and calmed the situation, otherwise the prisoners in the cell would have escaped.

Zhu Pingan fired all the jailers who escaped, leaving none behind. Now the jailers in the cell are all strangers. The two cell leaders were promoted and appointed by Zhu Pingan from the government officials, and the six jailers were all young men who guarded the city. Selected from among the common people.

Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and the others pressed the five Japanese pirates to the cell and imprisoned them in separate cells. Some time ago, Zhu Pingan braved the disapproval of the world and released all the prisoners in the Jingnan cell who had not paid taxes. Two-thirds of the prisoners in the cell were released, leaving many cells vacant.

"Ahem, Da Dao, let me ask you something."

After Liu Mu imprisoned the Japanese pirates in a cell, he bumped Liu Dadao's shoulder, coughed and asked.

"What's wrong, Brother Mu?" Liu Dadao asked.

"Do you know how to interrogate?" Liu Mu asked. All the guards in the cell who knew how to interrogate ran away. The new guards were all promoted from the young and strong people who signed up and did not understand the techniques of interrogation.

"Uh" Liu Dadao was startled for a moment, touched the back of his head, and said uncertainly, "Isn't interrogation just torture?! We haven't been interrogated, but we have been interrogated. That stupid magistrate imprisoned us in a cell. They tortured us a lot, and none of us have ever tasted the torture instruments in the prison?! Let’s give these torture instruments to these Japanese pirates one by one, and I won’t believe that they won’t open their mouths.”

"Yeah, that makes sense."

When Liu Mu heard this, his eyes lit up. These Japanese pirates were all deserving of death, and there was no mercy for them.

"Hmph, if you hadn't wanted to catch these beasts who were burning, killing and looting alive, I would have killed them long ago. Now, let me loosen your muscles and bones." Liu Dadao looked at the Japanese pirates in the cell. Eager to try.

"Da Dao, although these beasts deserve to die, you must be careful not to miss the master's important event."

Liu Mu reminded him that he was worried that Liu Dadao's attack was not serious and he would kill the Japanese pirates before the results of the trial were found.

"Don't worry." Liu Dadao nodded vigorously.

Liu Mu's interrogation methods were very rough and they were not even familiar with torture instruments. However, the Japanese pirates were not determined people and they soon achieved results.

"I said, I said, stop fighting. Heihachiro, Tiejingang and Jiangmen are in a group called the Hungry Wolf Alliance. Jiangmen is the leader of the Hungry Wolf Alliance, Heihachiro is the second leader, and Tiejingang is the third. "

A fake Japanese boy couldn't bear Liu Dadao's iron, screamed in pain, and quickly spoke.

I couldn't help but burn it. I only sold it once. Before I had enough fun, you confessed. Liu Dadao put down the soldering iron with some lingering thoughts.

Seeing Liu Dadao's unfinished and restless gaze, Fake Japanese couldn't help but tremble all over.

"Then have you made an appointment to meet under the city of Taizhou Prefecture and join forces to attack Taizhou Prefecture?" Liu Dadao asked.

"I don't know." Jiawa shook his head.

"I don't know?!" Liu Dadao couldn't help grinning when he heard this, and lifted the iron from the stove again, "Don't you like burning, killing and looting? Then I'll let you taste the taste of barbecue."

"Ah?! Don't, don't, don't! I really don't know, I'm just a little boy, I really don't know!"

The hair on the fake Japanese pirate's body stood up.

"Zi la!"

When Liu Dadao heard that the fake Japanese still said he didn't know, he pressed the iron on the fake Japanese again, and immediately a smell of burnt flesh came out.

"Stop, stop, stop, please, I really don't know if they have agreed to meet at the gate of Taizhou City. Wait. I remembered it. I heard from the commander this morning that we will break camp and go to Taizhou at noon tomorrow. Fucheng, let’s grab another one.”

Fake Japanese was so burned that he twitched all over, begging for mercy again and again, and told all the information he knew that was a little sidelined.

After Liu Dadao heard this, he was not satisfied with Jie Wa's confession, so he put the soldering iron back in the stove to heat it up, and without any explanation, he gave Jie Wa two more blows. The fake Japanese were branded to the point of incontinence, but their confessions were still the same as before.

It seems that he really only knows so much. Liu Dadao put down the soldering iron without any hesitation and left the cell.

Liu Mu also came out with the results of the trial. The fake Japanese had no loyalty at all. The torture instruments had only been used a few times, and the fake Japanese were ready for anything. This fake Japanese is also a little guy, and the information he knows is worse than the fake Japanese at Liu Dadao's side. He only knows that Heihachiro, Tie Jingang and Jiangmen are both members of the Hungry Wolf Alliance. Jiangmen's boss, Heihachiro and Tiejin The third child, as for whether there was an agreement to meet in Taizhou Prefecture and the time of rendezvous, he knew nothing about it. He didn't even know the news that Heihachiro and his group of Japanese pirates were heading to Taizhou Prefecture.

Liu Dachui had better luck. The fake Japanese leader he interrogated was a small leader who knew a little more. In addition to Heihachiro, Tie Jingang and the Jiang clan leader, this small leader also confessed that there was an order from above to break camp and go to Taizhou after lunch tomorrow. Mansion, joined forces with Lord Jiangmen and Tiejingang to attack Taizhou Mansion.

As for the two Shin-Japanese, Liu Mu and the others encountered a problem during their interrogation. The Shin-Japanese were chirping like birds, but they couldn't understand them.

"Young Master seems to understand the language of birds. Let's invite Young Master to come." Liu Dadao said.

"That's all we can do." Liu Mu nodded, "It's just in time for us to tell the young master the results of the interrogation."

"Very good, the conjecture has basically been confirmed. But to be on the safe side, we still need to interrogate the two real Japanese." After listening to Liu Mu's report, Zhu Pingan nodded with satisfaction, and through the confessions of the three fake Japanese, It is certain that Heihachiro and the three Japanese pirates belong to the Hungry Wolf Alliance. It is basically certain that the three groups of Japanese pirates have agreed to join forces under Taizhou Prefecture to attack the city. Heihachiro will leave camp at noon tomorrow and go to Taizhou Prefecture. Taiping County is about two hours away from Taizhou Prefecture, so they can join forces. The time to attack Taizhou Prefecture is probably tomorrow evening or the day after tomorrow.

Of course, to be on the safe side, we still need to interrogate the two Shinwa.

Honda Heihachi is a Shinwa, so he will definitely take special care of Shinwa. Therefore, the status of these two Shinwa prisoners in Heihachiro's group is definitely not low, at least they are at the level of small bosses. If you have a high status, you will know more. If you interrogate them, you will definitely gain something.

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