Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1145 Confirming the Speculation

He has a flat head and bare feet, a short stature, and is strong and fierce. Even if he is captured, he still looks unruly...

This was Zhu Ping'an's first impression of one of the Shinwa after he entered the cell where he was held.

"Bah, you're a two-legged sheep who only knows how to sneak attack. He has the guts to let go of Master Tama-o and fight him for 300 rounds."

Shinwa's hands and feet were tied to the cross. When he saw Zhu Pingan and the others coming in, he spat at Zhu Pingan angrily. While struggling, he kept yelling and swearing in a pure Japanese dialect with a Kanto accent.

Zhu Ping'an had been on guard for a long time, and turned to one side to avoid Zhenwa's mouthful of thick phlegm.

"Nah! How dare you be disrespectful to the young master!"

When Liu Dadao saw that Zhenwa dared to spit at Zhu Ping'an, he became furious. He bent his elbow and aimed it at Zhenwa's stomach. He hit it hard like a cannonball, with a thud, like a drum. ring. Liu Dadao was as strong as a bear. When he struck down with his elbow, the Japanese pirate was immediately hit and vomited blood.

"Big knife..."

Liu Mu hurriedly called out to Liu Dadao, worried that Liu Dadao would be reckless and ignorant of the importance of killing Zhenbo and ruining Zhu Ping'an's important event.

"It's okay, these Japanese pirates have committed heinous crimes and deserve to die, so there is no need to show mercy." Zhu Ping'an said nonchalantly.

"Haha, he can't die. Look, he's still chirping." Liu Dadao grinned. To prove, he lifted up Zhenwa's head and turned Zhenwa's face to Liu Mu, Zhu Ping'an and others.

"Sir, what was he talking about just now? Was he scolding us?" Liu Dadao asked Zhu Pingan.

"He said that we are two-legged sheep who only know how to sneak attack. If you dare to let him go, fight him for three hundred rounds." Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled silently.

"Sure enough, you are scolding us!" Upon hearing this, Liu Dadao angrily punched Shinwa again.

"Baga!" Zhenwa was bent over like a shrimp after being punched by Liu Dadao, and he kept yelling and cursing.

"What's the name of the ghost? You'll tell me later." Liu Dadao pressed Zhenwa's head and rubbed it hard for a few times. The friction made Zhenwa feel dizzy, with stars in his eyes, and he kept yelling and cursing.

"Young Master, just sit here and ask questions. We will be responsible for relaxing his muscles and bones." Liu Dadao moved a chair to Zhu Ping'an as he spoke, wiped it with his hands, and quickly wiped away the dust on it.

"Okay, thank you." Zhu Pingan nodded and sat down.

"Sir, the interrogation process may be a little uncomfortable..." Liu Mu hesitated and said softly.

When torture is used to extract confessions, various instruments of torture are used, and the process will definitely not be merciful, and the scene will be somewhat uncomfortable.

"It's okay. We've all experienced the corpses lying across the fields a few days ago when we were defending the city. What can this little array of battles do? You just have to use it to deal with the Japanese pirates. You don't have to be merciful. They will be executed in the end anyway."

Zhu Ping'an waved his hand nonchalantly and told them to do whatever they wanted. He was not a pedantic person and he would talk about human rights to the Japanese pirates.

When Liu Mu and Liu Dadao heard this, they obviously took off their burdens, rolled up their sleeves, and began to select the torture tools.

However, the torture interrogation did not go smoothly. The real Japanese was still very tough on his mouth. He was beaten all over and bruised, but he still did not speak.

Liu Dadao used all the soldering iron, but the real Japanese just yelled and cursed and didn't say anything to him.

After all, Liu Dadao and the others were novices, and for a while they were a bit out of their depth.

"Haha, Tamaxiong, you have a tough mouth, but I like it. My Ming Dynasty is mostly about punishments, and I can just let you enjoy it. Have you heard of Pipa Punishment? This was invented by the founder of our Ming Dynasty. It is called the first of the ten tortures of the Ming Dynasty. There are twenty-four ribs on a human body, and musical instruments can only have twenty-one strings at most. Human beings are instruments given by God. You should be tied up and tied up. Your twenty-four The ribs will stand out and become the best musical instrument. At this time, use an extremely sharp dagger as a ox bone pick to play the pipa. Use the side of the blade to scratch your ribs back and forth. The dagger will cut through the flesh and blood and pass through the ribs. Then you can play a soul-breaking song that will linger for three days."

Zhu Pingan stood up slowly, walked to Zhenwa, smiled, and spoke to him lightly in Japanese.

It's too cruel. Are you a devil? After hearing Zhu Pingan's description of Pipa's punishment, Zhenwa's body shivered involuntarily. The scene was so cruel and inhumane, more than a hundred times crueler than the punishment he knew.

Zhu Ping'an noticed Zhenni's trembling, twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, reached out and patted Zhenni's shoulder, and encouraged him seriously, "This is the finale, please continue to be tough. I really want to see it, with you The soul-breaking song that pops out of the ribs will be so sweet."

Don't touch me, you devil!

Shino couldn't help but tremble again. In his eyes, Zhu Pingan, who was smiling slightly, was scarier than the devil.

"My Ming Dynasty also invented a kind of punishment, called the punishment of grooming, which is also one of the ten major tortures. I think this punishment is very suitable for you, and I will let you try it later. This punishment is very simple, oh, yes Oh, Tamao, have you ever killed a chicken? After killing it, did you scald it with hot water and pluck the hair while it was still hot? This is very similar. However, if this one wants to live, I will light a fire and boil a few pots of boiling water later, and while the water is boiling , pour boiling water on you over and over again, just like a shower. After a few buckets, your outer skin and flesh will be cooked, but the middle meat will be half-cooked. This time is just right. I will let someone hold it. A special large iron brush washes you from top to bottom, combing the skin off your body in one stroke. The first layer of skin has been cooked and is easy to comb off. The middle layer, which is half-cooked, is the most difficult to separate, but It is also the most exciting. When you pull it, the flesh and blood will be blurred and the fascia will be exposed, just like a picture scroll. When your skin and flesh are brushed away, the dense white bones will be exposed, and you can just use your ribs to play a melody." Zhu Ping'an. With a faint smile on his face, he spoke to Shinwa Tamao in a calm voice, as if he were chatting at home.

You devil!

After Domo Xiong heard this, cold air came from the soles of his feet. The image of Zhu Pingan was a hundred times more devilish than the devil in his heart.

"Haha, I've bitten off more than I can chew, so let's just stick with these two punishments for the time being. Before the official execution, let me warm you up with a small punishment. Tamao, you have to keep talking tough, don't let me down. "

Zhu Ping'an patted Zhenwa on the shoulder, encouraged him, turned around, and asked Liu Dadao to fetch some pieces of mulberry paper.

Liu Dadao took out a stack of mulberry paper and looked at Zhu Pingan with a puzzled expression, not understanding what to do with the paper.

"Da Dao, you put the paper on his face, then wet it, then put another one on his face, and wet it again."

Zhu Pingan said.

When Shinwa Tamaxiong saw Zhu Ping'an asking someone to fetch a stack of paper, looking like he was going to use the paper to torture him, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't help but look down upon me, thinking that he had underestimated me, Tamaxiong.

Liu Dadao followed Zhu Pingan's instructions and put a piece of paper on Tamao's face, then took a big drink of water and sprayed it onto the paper hard, making the paper wet.

When the paper was pasted on Tama'o's face, Tamao looked disdainful. When the paper was sprayed wet, Tamao was also very disdainful. Although the paper was a bit tight, a bit unfamiliar, and his breathing was a bit hindered.

Then, after the second piece of paper was put on and moistened, Tamao felt a little suffocated. He blew the paper hard, trying to open a gap in the paper and breathe some air. When the third piece of paper was put on and moistened, Tamao's face couldn't help but turn pale, regardless of whether he No matter how he blew or hit it with his tongue, the paper would not move or break. He couldn't breathe at all. He struggled desperately and tried to take a breath, but his body was tightly bound. No matter how hard he struggled, it was useless. When the fourth piece of paper was pasted, Tamao felt as if his lungs were about to explode. He was extremely uncomfortable. His whole body was like a maggot, struggling violently on the rack. The veins on his neck were exposed, and he felt like he was about to explode.

When the fifth piece of paper was posted, Tamao felt that the god of death was tightly wrapped around his body, strangling his neck, crushing his heart and lungs, and his mind and body fell into the boundless hell. abyss.

"Uncover it." Zhu Ping'an counted the time silently, and when he felt it was almost done, he nodded to Liu Dadao.

Liu Dadao opened the paper on Tama Xiong's face in response. Tama Xiong felt like he was crawling out of hell. He couldn't help but take a big breath, but when he took a breath, his lungs seemed to explode, and the pain was unbearable.

"Post it again!"

Tamao just took a breath and heard the devil's voice.

Then the paper was stuck up unexpectedly, and the process of the last time was repeated again. No, it was more uncomfortable than the last time. There is nothing more uncomfortable in the world. After Tamao struggled violently, his body became limp, and his whole person collapsed completely. Well, what about Bushido, what about Heihachiro, what about conquering the Ming Dynasty, everything is dead, dead, dead, compared with being able to breathe, it is nothing. Not to mention the devil said, this is just a warm-up, he is so devilish, then how can the body of flesh and blood withstand the punishment of grooming and the punishment of pipa?

When the paper was opened again, Tamao couldn't wait to shout, "Stop posting it, I said, I said"

When Zhu Ping'an asked, Tamao confessed everything. He was a centurion and a real Japanese. Heihachiro regarded him as a confidant and knew a lot. He told him that Heihachiro and Jiangmen Master had made an appointment on the sea, and five days later They met at Taizhou Prefecture and joined forces to attack the city. Judging by the time, Heihachiro will lead his Japanese pirates to Taizhou Mansion to join Master Jiangmen and the others by tomorrow evening at the latest. Heihachiro has already given them an order to break camp and leave Taiping County at noon tomorrow and go to Taizhou Fucheng.

The bones of the second real Japanese were not that hard. After Liu Dadao and the others got down some torture instruments, he confessed. The procedure was similar to that of the first real Japanese. They would break camp tomorrow afternoon and arrive at Taizhou Mansion in the evening to join Jiangmen Master and the others.

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