Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1146 Mobilization

"Brother Mu, Brother Dadao, you have worked hard most of the night. You should go and have a rest. You will still be busy in the morning."

After the interrogation, Zhu Pingan patted Liu Mu and Liu Dadao on the shoulders and asked them to go down and rest.

Zhu Ping'an himself returned to the third hall of the county government office, lit the oil lamp, brewed a pot of strong tea, and started deducing again based on the interrogation results.

The interrogation results have confirmed that the three groups of Japanese pirates, Honda Heihachi, Tiejingang and Jiangmen master, are a group of Japanese pirates. Jiangmen master is the big leader, Honda Heihachi is the second leader, and Tiejingang is the third leader. The total strength of the three groups of Japanese pirates is more than 10,000 Japanese pirates. Before landing, the three groups of Japanese pirates had divided up the seven counties of Taizhou, dispersed and plundered them, and agreed to rendezvous at the foot of Taizhou Fucheng in five days. Tomorrow evening is the deadline for rendezvous. Honda Heihachi has ordered to break camp at Taiping County at noon tomorrow and rendezvous at the foot of Taizhou Fucheng. The master of Jiangmen.

Tomorrow at noon, this is a very critical time.

Zhu Pingan put down the tea cup, squinted his eyes, tapped the table slightly with his index finger, and pursed his lips.

Honda Heihachi will break camp and leave Taiping County at noon tomorrow!

If I had led my troops to arrive in Taiping County before Honda Heihachi camped out at noon, then Honda Heihachi's behavior of leaving Taiping County would have become: Zhu Ping'an, the magistrate of Jingnan County, was not afraid of sacrifice and led his troops to aid Taiping County, and was at odds with the forces entrenched in Taiping County. After a fierce battle between the Japanese pirates, the Japanese pirates who were entrenched in Taiping County were expelled and beaten away by Zhu Pingan, the magistrate of Jingnan. Zhu Pingan, the magistrate of Jingnan, recovered Taiping County, the land of the Ming Dynasty that had been invaded by the Japanese pirates. In this way, the credit for rescuing Taiping, expelling Japanese pirates, and restoring Taiping will firmly fall on himself.

If he and his troops arrived in Taiping County after Honda Heiba ​​left camp at noon, then Honda Heiba's departure from Taiping County would have nothing to do with him, and he would naturally have no merit.

Therefore, he must lead his troops to rescue Taiping County before Honda Heihachi breaks camp and leaves Taiping County at noon.

This timing must be grasped well. It can be done earlier, but not too early, and never too late. If it is too early, there will be enough time left for Honda Heihachi, and the danger will be great. If Honda Heihachi is not saved, he will find his way back, and when fighting Japanese pirates in the wild, Zhu Pingan thinks that he has no chance of winning; if it is too late, Honda Heihachi will have already For breaking camp and leaving Taiping, the credit has nothing to do with him.

Theoretically speaking, Honda Heihachi has a mission. He has to go to Taizhou Mansion to join Jiang Clan Master and Hebing to attack Taizhou Mansion. I believe that he will not fight with him in the field. On the one hand, if he fights in the field, he will definitely miss the rendezvous time agreed with the Jiangmen leader; on the other hand, if he fights in the field, even if the Japanese pirates have a chance of winning, they will definitely lose their troops. Last time Honda Heihachi attacked Jingnan, he lost half of his troops. This time he I will definitely consider it carefully.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that Honda Heihachi would rather rendezvous late and lose troops and generals in order to regain his position.

All these must be taken into consideration!

Zhu Ping'an took a sip of strong tea, rubbed his brows, cheered up, and started planning carefully.

The oil lamp in the third hall of the county government stayed on until the fourth watch, and then reluctantly said goodbye to the starlight outside the window and extinguished it.

Early the next morning, before dawn, Zhu Ping'an had already gotten up. Just like yesterday, he took a refreshing cold shower while washing, and he was full of energy to welcome a new day.

Military glory has been given to me from heaven. I can get it at my fingertips. How can I give it up?

"Now we have a huge achievement in front of us, and we can get it at our fingertips..." Zhu Ping'an used the breakfast sent by Baozi's maid Hua'er, and then summoned Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others to inform him of his plan to attack. got them.

"Grab it! Young Master, this is a good thing that only happens once in a hundred years. It's just like picking it up for nothing! If you don't snatch it, it's nothing!"

As soon as Zhu Ping'an finished speaking, Liu Dadao rubbed his big bear paw hands excitedly and shouted excitedly.

"Sir, this is a God-given military achievement! Of course we can't let it go." Liu Mu and the others expressed their support.

Liu Dadao and the others had full trust in Zhu Pingan. Zhu Pingan asked them to go up the mountain of swords and into the sea of ​​fire without blinking an eye. Now after listening to Zhu Pingan's analysis and planning, this military achievement is as good as picking it up for nothing. Ping An's plan is watertight and there is no risk at all. Naturally, it is supported ten thousand times.

"Okay! Then let's take some of the battle glory from him!" Zhu Ping'an nodded vigorously and made his decision.

To rush to the aid of Taiping to grab the credit, someone must be there. If there are dozens of county government officials, they can only give away people and cannot take the credit. Therefore, young people must be recruited. Only with the strength of the people, Honda Heihachi will not dare to cause trouble. ,act rashly.

"Brother Mu, Daqiang, please post this recruitment document and recruit five hundred young and strong people. If there is no war, each person will receive five taels of silver; if there is war, the reward will be the same as when defending the city, ten taels per person. , an additional reward of ten taels of silver for injuries, and an additional pension of fifty taels for those killed in action. This recruitment is completely voluntary and there is no need to force it."

Zhu Ping'an took out the official document for recruiting young people that he had written last night, stamped it with the county magistrate's seal, and gave it to Liu Mu and Liu Daqiang, asking them to post the official document outside the county government office to recruit five hundred young people. .

"Big Sword, Big Hammer, take this official document, take a few government officials, and go recruit a hundred carriages."

After arranging for Liu Mu and Liu Daqiang, Zhu Ping'an took out the official document for recruiting carriages that he had written last night, stamped it with the county magistrate's print, and gave it to Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui, asking them to take a few government officials to recruit one hundred taels. carriage.

"Dagang, take this order and inspect the six offices of the county government to see which officials are there, and recruit them all. No need to say more to them, just say that they will be recruited to help Taiping County." Zhu Pingan said to Liu Dagang , and asked him to take the order with him to inspect the various squad rooms of the county government and recruit all the county officials.

This is also a test for Zhu Pingan's subordinates in the six houses, and it is also the last chance given to them.

The last time Honda Ping Bayi and Japanese pirates attacked Jingnan County, Dianshi Li Da was the first to abandon the city and flee, followed closely by the county magistrate Zhang Changru and the chief secretary Yao Wenyuan, and escaped without a trace. Until now, they have all Not back yet. It is estimated that the Japanese pirates will not come back until they leave Taizhou Prefecture. As for the subordinate officials in the six houses of the county government, after hearing the news of the Japanese invaders attacking the city, they all ran away without a trace. Either they followed Li Da and others and fled the city, or they abandoned the official uniform of the county government and fled back to their own homes. The family went into hiding.

It is no exaggeration to say that the county government offices were all empty at that time!

After the successful defense of Jingnan, Zhu Ping'an had been busy with post-war reconstruction, leaving early and returning late, and did not spare time to liquidate them. However, I heard that some of the subordinate staff who had escaped in the past two days came back to work shamelessly and as if nothing had happened.

Zhu Pingan took this opportunity to test them and give them the last chance. If they can change their ways and be drafted to help Taiping, Zhu Ping'an can deal with them lightly or even let the past go. If they don't want to repent, then when they make time to sort things out, they will never be merciful.

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