Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1148 I’m here, I’m leaving.

The hour has come, the sky is clear and the air is clear, there is a buzz of people outside the north gate of Jingnan County, and the banners are fluttering in the wind.

One hundred carriages and more than six hundred young and strong men. The carriages were equipped with baffles, carrying grain, antlers, war drums and other war preparation materials, and five carriages were equipped with city defense crossbows. It is not an exaggeration to call them chariots; there were more than 600 young and strong men, all of them were The strong man was wearing cloth armor, carrying a bow and arrows on his back, and holding swords, spears and other weapons. He looked very majestic. Such a hundred chariots and more than 600 well-armed young men gathered together. At first glance, it seemed that there was a hint of strong soldiers and horses.

Of course, you can't look closely.

If you look carefully, you will find that among the more than 100 carriages outside the north gate, there are only more than 50 horses pulling the carriages, and the remaining carriages are made up of oxen and donkeys. In addition, the young and strong men who appear to be well-armed are actually The cloth armors were not complete, and the formations were scattered. They were whispering to each other and walking around randomly without much discipline.

However, Zhu Pingan is still very satisfied with this. The purpose of rushing to Taiping's aid this time was to gain credit, not to fight in the field and exterminate Japanese pirates. Such more than one hundred carriages and more than six hundred young men are enough.

Zhu Pingan inspected the team, nodded with satisfaction, thanked everyone and encouraged everyone.

"Brother Mu, I will leave Jingnan County to you." Zhu Ping'an said to Liu Mu before setting off, "After we leave, the four city gates will be closed. No one is allowed to open the city unless I come in person or without the county seal." Door."

"Follow the order. Please rest assured, young master, with the two hundred young men you left behind, I, Liu Mu, will ensure that Jingnan County is safe." Liu Mu clasped his hands and said confidently.

"Okay, I'll feel relieved if I leave Jingnan to you." Zhu Pingan nodded, feeling very relieved about Liu Mu.

"Da Dao, Da Qiang, you must protect the young master..." Liu Mu repeatedly warned Liu Da Dao and Liu Da Qiang.

"Don't worry, if the young master loses a hair, we will twist his head off and play it as a ball for you."

Liu Dadao and the others slapped their chests loudly.

When Zhu Ping'an and the others were arranging their troops at the north gate of Jingnan and preparing to go out, there was also a group of people heading towards Jingnan more than two miles away from the west gate of Jingnan. There were about sixty people in this group. The leader was none other than Jingnan Dianshi Li Da, who abandoned the city and fled, as well as Zhang Xiancheng and Yao Chief Secretary.

In fact, it was not Dian Shi Li Da who was the first to abandon the city at that time, but also Zhang Xiancheng and Yao Zhushu. It's just that Dianshi Li Da is relatively high-profile, and Zhang Xiancheng and Yao Chief Secretary deliberately disguised themselves. Everyone only recognized Dianshi Li Da and did not notice Zhang Xiancheng and Yao Chief Secretary.

Along with them, there were also some minor officials and wealthy families who abandoned the city and fled.

However, not long after leaving the city, they were blocked by the Japanese pirates who were waiting outside. Zhang Xiancheng, Yao Zhushu and Li Dianshi frantically regarded the people who fled with them as abandoners, and ordered the nursing home to use them as shields to push them into the city. In front, they used them to stop the Japanese pirates, and they managed to escape with their lives.

However, even so, they also lost a lot of manpower. At first there were more than 200 people with their families and their families, but now there are only about 60 people left.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that little brat like Zhu Pingan to have such bad luck and defend Jingnan County! If I had known better, I wouldn't have run away! It's all Zhu Pingan's fault for causing such misfortune to me. !”

When Dian Shi Li Da thought that most of his family property had been robbed by Japanese pirates during his escape, and even his favorite concubine was taken away by Japanese pirates, he couldn't help but cursed and blamed all of this on Zhu Pingan.

It would be great if Zhu Ping'an failed to defend Jingnan County and Jingnan County was completely killed and robbed by the Japanese pirates. Then his losses would be nothing, and his act of abandoning the city and fleeing was also a wise act! But, how come Zhu Ping'an, a bastard, managed to keep Jingnan safe! The people who stayed in Jingnan were unscathed, but when he heard the news and fled, he lost most of his family property and lost his concubine, making him the laughing stock of the whole county! All this is due to Zhu Ping'an, a turtle grandson. Why are you staying here?

"Back then, a few hundred Japanese pirates defeated Jingnan in one fell swoop. This time, there were more than 3,000 murderous Japanese pirates. Who would have thought that he could actually defend it..." Chief Yao couldn't help but sigh.

Although he has learned the details of Zhu Pingan's defense of the city, such as gold juice and mobilizing the people, he still can't figure out how Zhu Pingan managed to defend the city. Japanese pirates have captured so many counties, and those counties have not used similar weapons. Although the method was used, it was still breached. Perhaps it can only be explained by bad luck.

"Hmph, I didn't expect that this kid Zhu Ping'an looked honest and honest, but was actually so ruthless and ruthless. He actually forced all the people in the county to go to the city wall to defend the city... He was also unlucky. Who would have thought that the Japanese chieftain was attacking and attacking? , why did you suddenly turn around and attack Taiping... Huh, if I stay in the county seat, I can still defend Jingnan."

Zhang Xian Cheng had an indignant look on his face. He felt that Zhu Ping'an's defense of Jingnan was no big deal. If it were him, he would have been able to defend Jingnan County and even do a much better job than Zhu Ping'an.

Not enough, he completely forgot that it was Zhang Changru who decided to abandon the city and flee when he heard that the Japanese pirates were approaching!

Hearing this, Chief Yao glanced at Zhang Xiancheng, slightly pulling down the corners of his mouth, but said nothing.

"That's right, how can Zhu Ping'an compare with his brother-in-law! It's just that he is so lucky. When we planned to abandon the city and flee, didn't we also want to kill him with the help of Japanese pirates? Who would have thought that he could actually defend the city? Where’s Jingnan?”

Li Dianshi followed Zhang Xiancheng's words and said angrily.

"Hush! Did you drink too much horse urine again! What did you say, how did we abandon the city and escape? I thought about killing him with the hands of the Japanese pirates, Zhu Ping'an! Also, how did we abandon the city and escape? We are They left the city to move reinforcements! Don't talk nonsense!" Zhang Xian Cheng glared hard at Li Dianshi.

"Oh, oh, yes, it was me who said it."

Li Dianshi shrank his neck and said angrily. After speaking, he pretended to slap himself in the mouth.

"Master Zhang, Master Yao, Master Li..."

At this moment, a man who looked like a servant came running from the direction of Jingnan County in a hurry.

"But has something happened in the city?" Upon seeing this, Zhang Xiancheng asked repeatedly.

"The magistrate Zhu Ping'an is reorganizing his army at the north gate. He has recruited 600 young men, as well as all the county government officials and soldiers, saying that he is going north to aid Taiping County, attack the Japanese pirates who have occupied Taiping County, and regain Taiping. I contacted the county He also confirmed that Li Wenshu, the government official’s household secretary, Zhu Ping’an, the county magistrate, also sent a document to recruit all the county government officials. After hearing the news, Li Wenwen made excuses and ran home. No one wanted to die, and the county government offices were all empty!”

The servant replied loudly.

Damn it!

Rush to aid peace! Attack the Japanese pirates! Restoring peace!

What the hell, after Zhu Ping'an had such bad luck, he didn't know how much he weighed, but he still took the initiative to attack Japanese pirates!

Even the regular troops at the guard station were completely wiped out by this group of Japanese pirates. You recruited hundreds of mud-legged soldiers and you just want to restore peace? !

I really don’t know how to write the word “death”!

He also recruited all county government officials!


This time, wouldn't he be recruited by Zhu Ping'an when he returns? You're seeking your own death, but don't drag me along!

Zhang Xiancheng and the others looked at each other, turned their horses' heads in a tacit understanding, and rode faster in the direction they came from.

When the Japanese pirates retreat completely, it won’t be too late to come back!

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