Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1149 Peace comes to an end

Outside the west gate, Zhang Xiancheng, Chief Yao and Li Dianshi turned around and ran away without looking back.

Outside the north gate, Zhu Pingan squinted and looked at the position of the sun. Feeling that the time was almost up, he got on his horse and rode to the front of the team. He waved forward vigorously and shouted "Let's go."

Horses neighed and cows brayed, and the army was buzzing and marching towards Taiping County.

This time, more than 100 carriages were recruited, with more than 600 young people serving an average of six people per carriage, and everyone had a carriage to sit in. It was different with a car. The people marched much faster than on foot, and it didn't take long to reach Taiping County.

After entering Taiping County, Zhu Ping'an carefully sent fifteen scouts, in groups of five, to investigate the first two miles. The terrain in this area is flat and smooth, so it is relatively easy to detect, even a young man without training can do it.

After entering Taiping County, we did not encounter any Japanese pirates. Perhaps the Japanese pirates were about to break camp and head to Taizhou Prefecture at noon. The big and small leaders restrained their Japanese pirates in Taiping County and were ready to break camp and set off at any time.

"Fifty carriages are in an arc in front, fifty carriages are in a straight line at the back, and everyone is walking forward from home."

After marching to about ten miles away from Taiping County, Zhu Ping'an got off his horse, raised his arms and gave orders to everyone.

This arrangement is to prevent Japanese pirates from attacking. If Japanese pirates attack, our side can quickly shrink the carriages to form a semicircular defensive formation, using the carriages as a barrier, and everyone can defend within the formation.

The young warriors had no training. With a simple order from Zhu Pingan, it took the young warriors more than ten minutes to set up their formation.

"Increase the distance between everyone, raise all the flags, beat all the war drums, don't stop in the middle, and replace people when you are tired." Zhu Pingan walked around the crowd and loudly ordered everyone.

According to Zhu Ping'an's order, the young men spread out a little. From a distance, the team seemed to be inflated, more than doubling in size. Those who didn’t know the details thought there were more than a thousand troops.

More than a hundred flags that had been made before departure were also raised by everyone. Among them are three general flags. The flags are six feet long. They are rectangular in shape, with a blue background and red edges. They are painted with five-clawed dragons. They are written "Jingnan", "Lanshan Guards", "Qianjun Guards" and "Jingnan" respectively. "Representing Jingnan County, Lanshan Guard and Qianniu Guard are the names of the two guards in the south. The remaining flags are military flags, which are eight feet long and triangular in shape.

After more than a hundred flags were raised, the banners fluttered and fluttered in the wind, becoming even more powerful, and the team seemed to have doubled in size.

"Dong dong dong, dong dong dong"

More than 60 big cowhide drums were placed on the carriage. More than 60 strong men held the drumsticks and beat the drums with their arms. The dust on the ground was shaken and flew in all directions. The sound of the drums could be heard for three miles around.

The earth-shattering drum beat doubled the size of the team again.

"Dagang, take someone to cut down some thick branches and tie them with ropes behind the fifty carriages at the back of the formation."

Zhu Pingan said to Liu Dagang.

"As commanded."

Liu Dagang led the people away in response. There was a forest nearby. Liu Dagang and the others quickly cut down a lot of branches and tied them to the carriage behind them.

As a result, as soon as the carriage moved away, the branches behind it were dragged and swayed left and right, and dust suddenly flew up.

"go ahead!"

After everything was ready, Zhu Pingan ordered to continue moving forward.

The team marched toward Taiping County with flags fluttering, drums beating loudly, and dust flying like this!

This formation looks like thousands of troops.

When Zhu Pingan and his party were still three miles away from the county seat, the Japanese pirates who were on alert on the walls of Taiping County vaguely heard the sound of drums. They stood up in confusion, stretched their necks and looked into the distance. About half a lamp passed. During tea time, I saw a massive army heading towards the county town from a distance.

The army's banners were fluttering, the team was huge, and the dust stirred up by the army's march was flying all over the sky.

There must be at least five to six thousand people.

"Report, a large army has come outside the city, with three banners of 'Jingnan', 'Lanshan Guard', and 'Qianniu Guard', and hundreds of banners. The drums are beating loudly, and the momentum is huge. I'm afraid There are five to six thousand people.”

When the Japanese pirates saw this, their expressions changed drastically, they threw away the bowls in their hands, and rolled around to report to Honda Heihachi, the leader of the city.

"What? Five or six thousand people?"

Honda Heihachi, who was sitting on his knees in the Taiping County government office having a meal, couldn't help but change his expression when he heard his subordinate's report.

Although the Ming Dynasty's army was weak, it was not easy to deal with five or six thousand people.

Soon after he stood up, Honda Heihachi vaguely heard the sound of drums coming from outside the city.

"Baga! I want to see who is here to die?!"

When Heihachi Honda heard the drums, he kicked the table away, pulled out his sword, and walked out with murderous intent.

At the same time, the Japanese pirates who were making rice in the city also heard the banging of war drums and began to inquire about the news in confusion. Soon, the news spread among the Japanese pirates that tens of thousands of troops were coming to kill them outside the city.

The meal was about to be cooked by now, and the leader had an order to break camp and go to Taizhou Mansion to join the large army after the meal. At this juncture, a large army came to kill him! Suddenly, the Japanese pirates' hearts were filled with excitement.

"You guys, please follow me up to the city wall. I want to see who is here to die!"

Honda Heihachi walked out of the county government office with a waist knife in hand, pointed the tip of the knife at the Japanese pirates outside, and walked towards the city wall.

Soon Honda Heihachi led the Japanese pirates to the city wall, stood on the city wall and looked out, and the army outside the city came into their eyes.

The army stopped outside the city more than a mile away. In front of it was a row of semicircular chariots, probably more than a hundred of them. Behind the chariots, the team spread out for a few miles, with banners fluttering and smoke billowing. The team was huge. .

The big flag in the center of this army has the word "Jingnan" written on it, and the two big flags next to it have the words "Lanshan Guard" and "Qianniu Guard" on it. This "Jingnan" should be the reinforcements of Jingnan County, and this "Lanshan Guard" should be the reinforcements of Jingnan County. "Qianniu Guard" and "Qianniu Guard" are the two guard posts of Jinhua Prefecture close to Jingnan County. The guard post of Jinhua Prefecture actually sent troops across the border? !

Honda Heihachi stood on the city wall and looked at the mixed army from a distance. Based on the flags and the size of the team, he made a rough estimate that there were not three to five thousand people in this army, but there were still one or two thousand people.

Not only that, Honda Heihachi also noticed that in the woods a few hundred meters away behind this large army, the shadows of the trees were shaking and dust was flying. He secretly thought that there might be a sizable army hidden in the woods.

This cunning Ming army, if I lead the army to attack, the ambush in the woods will take the opportunity to rush out and catch me off guard. Honda Heihachi narrowed his eyes and couldn't help but think of the man in official uniform standing proudly on the wall of Jingnan City. figure.

Little did they know that in the woods, more than a dozen young men were running happily pulling branches.

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