Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1152 Confrontation

"Hey, you said that we are beating drums and shouting to kill, what if the Japanese pirates come out? Although the county magistrate said that the Japanese pirates dare not fight us, but if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of just in case. Listen. It was said that there was a guard station who had a field battle with the Japanese pirates, but all of them were killed by the Japanese pirates. If they can't do it, can we?"

Among the young and strong people who lined up outside Taiping County, beating drums and shouting for death, one person said worriedly to his companions.

"What are you afraid of? The county magistrate is standing in front of us." The young man next to him said nonchalantly.

"But, if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of ten thousand..." The man was still worried. Before he finished speaking, he heard a creaking sound, and then saw the gate of Taiping County opened, and one after another fierce Japanese pirates filed out of the gate. , and then the man became mute, his eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Hold the grass! Ergouzi, you crow's mouth!" The young man next to him couldn't help but widened his eyes and cursed his companion.

"I, I... I didn't expect that the Japanese pirates really came out." The man said angrily, and then asked tremblingly, "Why did the Japanese pirates come out? Didn't the county magistrate say that the Japanese pirates dare not fight with us?! "

"He's dead! What are you afraid of! The county magistrate saved our Jingnan, your family and ours. Even if we risk our lives, we have to repay the county magistrate." The young man beside him said Zhuang spit heavily, gritted his teeth and looked at the Japanese pirates filing out, and said fiercely.

"Things, words...although I say so, wouldn't it be better if I could not die."

Worried about Qingzhuang's words, he was trembling a little.

"What are you afraid of? Just like what the county magistrate said, it's over!" The young man next to him punched him.

"Do it!" Worried Qingzhuang gritted his teeth, then yelled fiercely, and his attitude became firm.

In fact, when the gate of Taiping County opened and the Japanese pirates filed out, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart. He thought that the Japanese pirates wanted to bite him regardless of meeting the Jiangmen master. However, he saw that there were only about three hundred Japanese pirates. By the time, Zhu Ping'an's thumping heart became calm again.

Zhu Pingan knew very well that the Japanese pirates were trying to test their own strength. If they were vulnerable, the Japanese pirates would definitely not let go of this opportunity, and the Japanese pirate army behind them would definitely devour him. If they tested and found that they were not soft persimmons, If so, the Japanese pirates would definitely not fight with him here. He couldn't afford it. He wanted to conserve his strength and rush to Taizhou City in time to join Jiangmen Lord and join forces to attack Taizhou City.

Everything is under control.

"Everyone, please pay attention. According to the drill on the road, form a semicircular formation of vehicles, with the vehicles as the camp. If the Japanese pirates come to attack, shoot them with bows and arrows from a distance, and block them with spears if they are close. No matter how provocative the Japanese pirates are, they are not allowed to come out of the formation. .”

Facing the Japanese pirates filing out, Zhu Ping'an didn't even blink. He stood calmly in front of the crowd, raised his arms, and directed the crowd to form formations, like giant pillars supporting the sky, as calm as a mountain despite the storm.

Seeing how calm the county magistrate was, everyone suddenly had a backbone in their hearts, and the tense atmosphere instantly calmed down a lot. Following Zhu Pingan's instructions, the young men untied the horses, oxen, and donkeys from the carriages, concentrated on guarding them, and pushed them The carriages lay across the front row and began to form a semicircular defensive formation.

At this moment, Zhu Ping'an's role in directing everyone to drill many times on the way came out. Although the situation was serious and critical, everyone had set up semi-circular defensive vehicle arrays many times on the road, and they were familiar with it. Under the command of Zhu Pingan, everyone followed the steps and quickly arranged the vehicles into a semicircular defensive formation, and placed the antlers on the carriage at the outermost part of the formation to further enhance the defense of the formation.

The gate of Taiping County was more than a mile away from where Zhu Ping'an was stationed. Before Jiro Hojo and the other Japanese pirates could reach them, they had already set up a semicircular defensive formation of vehicles and were ready.

When everyone was arranging the car formation, Zhu Pingan walked up to Liu Daxu, patted him on the shoulder, and said to him, "Daxe, go to the woods behind and tell the brothers in the woods that when the Japanese pirates arrive in front of the formation, , shake the tree hard, drag the branches, the bigger the noise, the better; if the Japanese pirates still don't retreat, open the bag and let all the birds fly away from the two sacks caught in the future tense."

"Young master, don't worry." Liu Daxu nodded in response, clasped his fists and accepted the order, turned around and ran quickly towards the woods.

Liu Dashu turned around and ran away. Hojo Erlang and other Japanese pirates had already reached 300 meters in front of the formation.

The Japanese pirates came over with a ferocious look on their faces. From a distance, they noticed that the car array in front of them was even more ferocious. There were also ferocious antlers placed outside the car. The entire semicircular defensive car array was like a hedgehog with its back spines spread out. Same, no way to start.

"The archers are divided into three teams and take turns to release arrows! The first team, release arrows!"

When the Japanese pirates were still more than a hundred steps away and within the range of bows and arrows, Zhu Pingan loudly commanded the crowd.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

For a moment, arrows flew like rain, flying towards the Japanese pirates who were coming to kill them.

However, one operation was as fierce as a tiger, and the score was 250. It was still the same problem. The bows and arrows of Zhongqingzhuang were weak, not fast, and their accuracy was not great. Hojo Jiro and other Japanese pirates had experienced battles for a long time, and they had long been on guard against Qingzhuang. The bows and arrows were fired. On the way to the killing, they dispersed to both sides in time to avoid this round of bows and arrows. Except for four or five Japanese pirates who were unlucky to be hit by arrows, the other Japanese pirates were unscathed. Even during the escape, Jiro Hojo and dozens of warriors Wo once again performed his specialty of catching arrows with his bare hands.

"Hahaha, a bunch of girls."

"Ming dogs, haven't you had enough to eat? Come on, come on. I've got some for you this morning. Come and eat."

Hojo Jiro and other Japanese pirates laughed arrogantly, waving the feather arrows they received and taunting everyone in a fancy way.

"Kill me, let these smart dogs see what a man is!"

A group of incompetent people, none of whom could fight. Hojo Jiro despised the fighting power of the young warriors at this moment. He waved his Japanese sword and shouted loudly to the Japanese pirates, and took the lead in charging towards the young warriors.

"The second team shoots arrows."

Facing the taunts from the Japanese pirates, Zhu Pingan twitched his lips in disdain, and once again directed everyone to fire arrows when the Japanese pirates launched a charge. Although the arrow rain was not lethal enough, the Japanese pirates were blocked a hundred steps away, thus achieving their goal.

The second round of arrow rain was not even as lethal as the first round of arrow rain. This time, only two Japanese pirates were unlucky to be hit by arrows, and the rest were unscathed. Hojo Jiro and other young men mocked and insulted them even more fiercely.

"Dadao, after the third round of arrows has passed, while the Japanese pirates are relaxing in their taunting, you can command the crossbow to fire!"

Zhu Ping'an whispered to Liu Dadao while the Japanese pirates were taunting him.

Liu Dadao took the order and conveyed Zhu Ping'an's instructions to Liu Daqiang and other archery masters without leaving any trace.

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