Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1153 Crossbow and Arrow Contributions

The third round of arrows fired from the car formation was easily dodged by Jiro Hojo and other three hundred Japanese pirates. They had already figured out the range and accuracy of Jingnan Qingzhuang's bow and arrow. The range was only that small, and it was still weak and inaccurate. They took two steps back and easily dodged it. After this round of arrow rain, they didn't even have a single shot. No one was injured.

"Hahaha, you guys work like crap, you are really a bunch of girls, not one of you can cum."

Hojo Jiro laughed arrogantly, spoke broken Chinese, lifted up his rough Japanese bathing suit, exposed his crotch pants, twisted his hips arrogantly, and ridiculed Zhu Pingan and others.

"Thieves, you are a bunch of trash. I am standing here without moving. These grandsons can't even shoot me."

"A bunch of girls are playing with bows and arrows. Wash your butts and wait for the old men to go over and pamper you."

"Hahaha, what a bunch of girls. The arrows shot by these bows are soft and weak, just like rubbing oil on the back."

A group of Japanese pirates laughed arrogantly and followed Jiro Hojo to mock the young people in the car formation.

"Damn, you're so bullying. I really want to kill you and make these short grandsons look good!"

"It's unbearable! Damn, I can't stand it anymore. I'm going to kill these damn Japanese pirates!"

The Japanese pirates pointed their noses at the young men in the car formation and mocked the ladies. They were all so angry that their mouths were filled with smoke and their faces were extremely ugly.

"Hahaha, have you seen it? All you can do is moan and dance, just like the girls who are cursing across the wall. They have no blood at all. If you are still a person with balls, come out and have a real fight with me."

When Hojo Jiro saw the angry young men in the car formation, the mocking smile on his face became even bigger. He pointed at the young men in the car formation, turned around and laughed and commented with the Japanese pirates beside him.

Ha ha ha ha

The Japanese pirates laughed loudly, like a group of demons dancing wildly!

While the Japanese pirates were laughing and taunting, Liu Dadao, Liu Daqiang and other people with good archery skills had already quietly aimed the five siege crossbows on their vehicles at the Japanese pirates. Liu Dadao and others asked Zhu Pingan for instructions with their eyes. .

Zhu Pingan nodded imperceptibly.

Liu Dadao and others received Zhu Pingan's order and released the trigger at the same time. Five crossbow arrows that had been aimed at the Japanese pirates were shot out like lightning. The crossbow shafts were one size smaller than the spears, but smaller than ordinary arrows. It was more than ten times bigger, fired extremely fast, roared through the air, and made a harsh explosion.

Ha ha ha ha

A group of Japanese pirates were still laughing and mocking the young men in the car formation. The laughter was noisy. Amidst the noisy laughter, they suddenly heard the roar of crossbow arrows piercing the air, and then the laughter on their faces froze. Got it!

In their sight, five spear-like crossbow arrows arrived in an instant! Like black death lightning.

Hojo Jiro and other Japanese pirates were only a stone's throw away from the car formation, that is, a hundred or so steps away. At such a close distance and so fast as lightning, their bodies had no time to react and dodge the crossbow arrows. Even their faces The smile on his face didn't even have time to turn into an expression of fear. The Japanese pirates had been laughing and mocking the poor archery skills of the young men. The arrows shot by the young men could not pose a threat to them at all, so they could not be more relaxed or lax, without any precautions. , I never dreamed that a crossbow arrow would suddenly be fired from the car formation!

unexpected! The distance is too close and the rate of fire is too fast, there is no time to react!

The pupils shrink rapidly!

He watched helplessly as the crossbow arrow penetrated his body!

"Bang! Bang, bang, bang, bang!"

When the crossbow arrows hit the Japanese pirates, they made a dull sound, just like swinging a drumstick with great force to break the drum head! Under the huge impact, the spear-like crossbow arrow instantly pierced the first Japanese pirate's body. At such a close distance, the power of the crossbow arrow was not consumed at all. It penetrated the first Japanese pirate's body, along with a stream of blood. The "bang" sound continued to penetrate the second Japanese pirate's body, and then penetrated the third Japanese pirate's body. The power of the crossbow arrow was almost exhausted, and finally it was nailed to the fourth Japanese pirate's body. The backs of the four Japanese pirates were exposed. The fourth Japanese pirate stretched out his hand and touched the arrow shaft on his chest. His eyes suddenly became distracted, and he fell to the ground on his back with a bang.

The Japanese pirates gathered together to taunt, and they were unprepared, which was perfect for crossbows. It was not easy to miss even if they wanted to.

Five siege crossbows fired five crossbow arrows. Four of the crossbow arrows hit the target, and only one missed. Four crossbow arrows hit the Japanese pirates, one crossbow arrow penetrated four Japanese pirates, two crossbow arrows penetrated two Japanese pirates, and one crossbow arrow penetrated one Japanese pirate, sending him flying and nailing him to the ground.

Hojo Jiro was lucky. He was short. The moment the crossbow arrow was fired, he swayed left and right to mock Qingzhuang. When he swayed, he just dodged the crossbow arrow. But even so, his ribs He was scratched by the whizzing crossbow arrows and dripping with blood, but he finally managed to save his life.

"Depend on!"

Liu Dadao saw that Jiro Hojo had escaped, and he patted his head with great annoyance!

"The big blade is so powerful, it kills four birds with one stone!"

The young man beside Liu Dadao couldn't help but clapped his hands and cheered when he saw Liu Dadao's crossbow hitting four Japanese pirates in succession.

"What the hell, that damn Japanese pirate is not even dead!" Liu Dadao spat hard.

In an instant, five crossbow arrows came from the west, and nine Japanese pirates were killed!

It was only then that the laughing Japanese pirates had time to turn the smiles on their faces into fear!

The arrogant laughter stopped suddenly, like a group of ducks being choked at the same time.

Hojo Jiro touched the blood on his ribs with fear on his face. He suddenly thought of something and quickly turned his head. His eyes happened to see behind him his brother Hojo Saburo - the first Japanese pirate to be pierced by a crossbow arrow. There was a hideous wound as big as a bowl in front of him, and blood had already stained his body red. He stretched his hands forward as if to grab something, his eyes were looking ahead blankly, and the moment his body suddenly fell down.

Hojo Saburo, this is Hojo Jiro's biological brother and the only relative who depends on him for life.

"Sanlang! Sanlang! Sanlang!!!! No!!!! Ah!!!! Baga!!!! You are all dead! Kill, kill the bright dogs, not a single one is left!"

Hojo Jiro saw the moment his biological brother fell down, and couldn't help crying heartbreakingly. He looked like a crazy wolf, looking at the car formation with scarlet eyes, and pulled out his brother with a snap. He waved his Japanese sword at the car array vigorously and shouted with a ferocious look on his face.

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