Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1155 I’ll lend you something

The second round of gold ringing in Taiping County was very urgent, as if to awaken the soul. The Japanese pirates outside the city were photographed by the fierce power of their leader Heihachiro. They no longer dared to delay at all, and hurriedly retreated into the city, without formation and very scattered.

Hojo Jiro was the last to retreat. He shouted angrily to the sky and retreated back to the city with an unwilling face.

"Haga! Damn the Hojo clan! Almost destroyed my army!"

Heihachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates on the city wall, took everything in his eyes. He had a sinister look on his face, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent. His hands holding the city wall had blue veins exposed, and a cannibalistic voice escaped from between his teeth.

Damn it, the Hojo family didn't respect the order of the governor. Everyone else retreated. As a commander, he retreated back to the city at the last moment. He had no sense of command at all. Look at this scattered formation! If the Ming army outside the city takes the opportunity to pursue and kill our army, and the Ming army ambushing in the woods takes the opportunity to rush out, the Ming army will fight against the scattered our army in orderly formation. Wouldn't it be a massacre? The three hundred elite soldiers entrusted to him by the governor Wouldn't it be destroyed in an instant!

Three hundred elite troops were destroyed in one blow, and the governor's vitality was severely damaged. He went to Taizhou Fucheng to meet up. Could it be that Jiangmen master took advantage of him!

It's going to ruin my life! Hojo, you really deserve to die!

The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro looked at the last Hojo Jiro outside the city, the murderous look in his eyes getting stronger and stronger.

"My lord, the county magistrate, the Japanese pirates have escaped. They have no formation at all. They are as chaotic as piggies running out of the pen. Should we take the opportunity to chase them? If we pursue them, we will definitely be able to chop up a lot of Japanese pirates."

"Yes, the county magistrate, please give the order to hunt them down. The Japanese pirates are running away in a hurry, and we are just in time to hunt them down."

The young men in the chariot formation outside the city saw the Japanese pirates retreating hastily into the city. They were in disarray and without any formation. They suddenly felt that the opportunity had come. They couldn't help but gear up and excitedly asked Zhu Ping'an for help.

"Don't chase poor bandits."

Zhu Pingan was very calm and shook his head slightly.

Zhu Ping'an knew very well that his side was just bluffing, and the Japanese pirates retreated because they didn't know their actual situation. If you are chasing and killing, it will be easy for the Japanese pirates to see through your own reality, which will be dangerous.

The Japanese pirates are very ferocious, and the bluff of our own young men is fine. If they fight in the wild, they will definitely not be their opponents. The Japanese pirates are not just the three hundred people outside the city, but there are at least a thousand Japanese pirates in the city. With the fierceness of the Japanese pirates, once they are defeated If there is a car formation, what will greet you is a massacre.

There is no need to take such a big risk!

The Japanese pirates can't defeat themselves. The time they agreed with Jiangmen Master to meet up is running out, and they will evacuate Taiping County soon. Why take such a big risk when you can win Taiping County back without a fight! The most important thing is that if you stand still and continue to bluff, you will almost guarantee a win; while chasing the Japanese pirates, it is easy for the Japanese pirates to see the truth, and there is a high probability that you will lose completely.

Therefore, Zhu Ping'an calmly shook his head, extinguished the thoughts of chasing and killing, and ordered all the young heroes to stand by.

Soon, the scattered Japanese pirates withdrew into the city and the city gate was closed.

"Fortunately, that damn little thief is a scholar after all. He is not familiar with military affairs and lacks experience. He did not seize the opportunity to pursue our army."

Seeing that all the Japanese pirates had safely withdrawn into the city, and the Ming army outside the city did not take the opportunity to pursue them, Heihachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates on the city wall, breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart, which had been tense for a long time, finally settled in his stomach.

"Chief, why are you asking for money to withdraw your troops? The Ming army's bows and arrows outside the city are weak and weak, and their accuracy is extremely poor. At first glance, they look like two-legged sheep and the common people are vulnerable. Our morale is high, and we can defeat the Ming army outside the city in one round. "

After Hojo Jiro retreated back to the city, he walked up to the city wall to pay homage to the leader Heihachiro, and asked dissatisfied why he had withdrawn his troops.

Because his dependent brother was shot to death by Zhu Pingan's hidden siege crossbow, Hojo Jiro was extremely resentful of Zhu Pingan and others. He silently swore in front of his brother's body that he would kill the Light Army to avenge his brother, but he was about to get revenge. At that time, Ming Jin on the city withdrew his troops, so he was very dissatisfied.

"Baga! Why do you have to withdraw your troops with gold? Haha, the Ming army outside the city is vulnerable because the people make up the numbers?! When we attacked Jingnan, the little thief in Jingnan used the two-legged sheep you said were vulnerable It caused heavy losses to our army!! In addition, keep your dog eyes open and take a closer look at the woods behind the Ming army! The Jingnan thieves have ambushed a lot of troops in the woods. Once they attack the car formation, all the ambush troops in the woods will appear. Use you. If you think about it carefully with this idiot’s head on your neck, what will be the consequences?!”

Hearing Jiro Hojo's question, the murderous look in the eyes of the Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro became even more intense.

Hearing what the leader Heihachiro said, Hojo Jiro couldn't help but turn his head to the woods behind the car formation outside the city. There was nothing unusual about this area in his sight. There was no sign of a heavy ambush at all.

"Baga! Do you dare to question me?! Now I can't see what is the big problem! Just now when you were attacking the Ming army's chariot formation outside the city, the branches outside the city shook violently, and a large number of birds flew in the forest! If it weren't for this governor! Ming Jin withdrew his troops in time, and now you, idiot, have gone to see the Great God of Rizhao!"

When the Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro saw Hojo Jiro's suspicious eyes, he couldn't help but became furious and cursed.


In Heihachiro's rage, Hojo Jiro lowered his head.

Seeing Jiro Hojo's expression of dissatisfaction, the murderous look in the eyes of the pirate leader Heihachiro became even more intense!

"Hojo-kun, let me ask you, how have I treated you since you joined us?"

The Japanese pirate leader narrowed his eyes, looked at Hojo Jiro, twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and asked softly.

"The leader treats Hojo like a younger brother and cultivates Hojo. Without the leader's cultivation, there would be no Hojo today."

Hojo Jiro replied without hesitation.

"In that case, I would like to borrow something from you, are you willing?" The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro opened his eyes.

"Of course I am willing. Everything I have is given by the leader. Whatever the leader likes, just take it." Hojo Jiro nodded without hesitation, and then asked, "I wonder what the leader wants to borrow?"

After Jiro Hojo joined Heihachiro's command in Kagoshima with his Japanese sword and his younger brother, he landed in the Ming Dynasty for several years, burned, killed and looted. He robbed a lot of good things and accumulated a large fortune, including many precious things. I don’t know what the leader Heihachiro is interested in. Could it be the calligraphy and painting he grabbed last time?

"I want to borrow it." Heihachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates, stared at Hojo Jiro with blazing eyes, and spoke calmly. After a pause in his words, his tone suddenly became murderous, like the bone-piercing cold wind of the twelfth lunar month in winter, "Your head!"

The sword fell as he spoke, and a white light flashed, and Hojo Jiro was killed by the Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro!

Hojo Jiro's head rolled to the ground, and he faced everyone with an unbelievable look of horror on his face.

"If anyone disobeys my orders in the future, this will be the fate!" The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro pointed the Japanese sword dripping with blood at the Japanese pirates, looked at the Japanese pirates with a fierce look on his face, and said with murderous intent.

"Don't dare!"

All the Japanese pirates knelt down one after another.

"Bring out the camp!" The Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro nodded with satisfaction and ordered loudly.


All the Japanese pirates responded.

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