Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1156 Restoring Peace

"Inform the county magistrate that the Japanese pirates have escaped from the north gate."

A scout horse galloped from a distance and stopped in front of the car formation. The scout dismounted and reported to Zhu Pingan.

"Okay, I understand. Thanks for your hard work, go down and drink water and rest." Zhu Pingan nodded slightly and asked the scout to go down and drink water and rest. His face was calm and calm, without any surprise.

Compared to Zhu Ping'an's calmness, all the young men in the car array were buzzing.

"Really or not? Did the Japanese pirates scare away?!"

"My sword hasn't seen any blood yet, so the Japanese pirates are scared away?!"

"What? The Japanese pirates abandoned the city and fled?! The county magistrate is really Zhuge Liang alive. When he came, the county magistrate said that the Japanese pirates did not dare to fight with us. I still didn't believe it. I didn't expect that the Japanese pirates really did not dare to fight with us. , that group of Japanese pirates just met once and then fled back to the city, but now all the Japanese pirates have abandoned the city and fled! The county magistrate is really like Zhuge Liang, who knows things well."

Regarding the news reported by the scouts, all the young men in the car formation were in disbelief, with faces full of surprise and excitement.

They still couldn't believe it. They couldn't believe what the scouts said was true. They couldn't believe that the Japanese pirates abandoned the city and fled. They couldn't believe that they recaptured Taiping County without fighting a single battle or losing any blood.

"Report to the county magistrate that the Japanese pirates opened the north gate, abandoned the city and fled."

Another scouting horse came with the same news.

"It was reported that the Japanese pirates had abandoned the city and fled. I made a rough count and found that there were more than a thousand Japanese pirates."

Soon, another scouting horse came to report. The scout reported more detailed information and roughly counted the heads of the Japanese pirates.

So many scouts reported the same news. Now, people can finally be sure: the Japanese pirates have really escaped! He really abandoned the city and fled!

"The Japanese pirates have run away!" "The Japanese pirates have run away!"

"The county magistrate is mighty!" "The county magistrate is mighty!"

All the young men cheered excitedly, looked up and admired Zhu Ping'an, and shouted loudly that the county magistrate was powerful.

Although the Japanese pirates ran away, the city gate of Taiping County was still closed at this time, and there were still a row of dozens of Japanese pirates standing on the city wall holding knives.

Are these the Japanese pirates from the end of the world? !

Zhu Pingan raised his head and glanced at the Japanese pirates on the city wall, narrowed his eyes slightly, then stretched out his arm, waved vigorously towards the city gate, and loudly ordered everyone, "Place the tree trunk on the carriage, knock open the city gate, and enter the city! "

"Come on!"

"Break open the city gate!"

The Japanese pirates had all run away, and there were only a few Japanese pirates left behind. What else was there to fear? The young men shouted loudly, as if they had been given blood, and put the tree trunks on the carriage according to Zhu Pingan's order. On the tree, a simple ram was made. Seven or eight young men supported the tree trunk, pushed the ram, and rushed towards the city gate with all their strength.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "It's open, it's open."

The sound of banging against the door was like thunder. After five simple assault vehicles rammed ten times in succession, the gate of Taiping County was knocked open, and the young people rushed into Taiping County with excitement and shouting.

After the gate of Taiping County was opened, the young men, led by Zhu Ping'an, rushed to the city wall to deal with the Japanese pirates who were behind.

Without any resistance at all, Zhu Pingan easily led the young men to rush onto the city wall.

After climbing the city wall, Zhu Ping'an realized why there was no resistance at all. The Japanese pirates on the wall were all seriously injured and could not stand firmly, so there was no way to resist. More than 20 Japanese pirates were holding weapons and huddled in the corner, desperate and crazy. Staring at Zhu Pingan and others, they were like dying beasts caught in a trap.

"Come on, come and kill me if you can."

"Hahaha, grandpa's head is right here. If you have the guts, grandpa will have a backrest before he dies."

Although the Japanese pirates could not stand firmly, they kept waving their Japanese knives at Zhu Ping'an and others crazily. They knew they were going to die and had the will to die. They were determined to kill one to make up for their losses and kill two to make a profit.

"Fire the arrow!"

Damn it, you idiot, who the hell is going over here? Zhu Pingan looked at the crazy Japanese pirates coldly, as if he were looking at an idiot, waved his hand, and directly ordered to shoot the Japanese pirates with arrows, without giving the Japanese pirates a chance to fight back.




The crazy Japanese pirates were dumbfounded. They didn't expect that Zhu Pingan would not engage them in close combat, but directly ordered the arrows to be fired. How could he kill one to be enough and kill two to make a profit? They couldn't help but cursed Zhu Pingan for being a coward.

However, their curses soon came to an abrupt end. The young and strong people fired a hundred arrows, hitting the bodies of the Japanese pirates in an instant, turning them into hedgehogs, ending their sinful and dirty life.

"Reporting to the Young Master, there are a total of twenty-three Japanese pirates."

Liu Dadao led several people forward to attack the Japanese pirates, beheading the Japanese pirates who fell to the ground one by one after being struck by arrows, counted the heads of the Japanese pirates, and reported back to Zhu Pingan.

"Treat the Japanese pirate heads with lime, put them together with the Japanese pirate heads captured last time, and ask for reward from Taizhou Prefecture in the future. The bodies of these Japanese pirates will be set on fire as before."

Zhu Pingan nodded and said.

After clearing out the Japanese pirates in Duanhou, Zhu Ping'an thanked all the young men, "Thanks to your help, we successfully expelled the Japanese pirates and restored Taiping County. This is a great achievement, and we will definitely be rewarded when we go back."

Zhu Ping'an left one hundred young men to guard at each city gate, and the other fifty young men entered the city in groups.

In order to prevent accidents, Zhu Ping'an made clear the discipline to everyone before entering the city. Anyone who burned, killed or looted would be killed without mercy.

After entering the city, what everyone saw was a terrifying mess, like a hell on earth.

The city was filled with the pungent smell of blood. The streets were stained with blood, and the broken limbs and remains of the people were scattered everywhere. Some streets had no footing... houses were destroyed, and merchant stores were dilapidated... It was like the end of the world.

"Damn it! I will kill all the Japanese pirates in the world!"

Facing the Japanese pirates, Zhu Ping'an, who had always been as stable as a mountain and very calm, was no longer calm and calm at this moment. His face was livid, his eyes were blazing, his hands were clenched into fists, and his teeth were almost broken.

Many young people could not help squatting on the roadside and retching when they saw the scene of hell on earth in Taiping County.

"Beast! What a beast!"

"The Japanese pirates who killed Tian Dao have no humanity at all. They don't even spare children. They are really a bunch of beasts."

The young and strong people were walking on the streets, watching the scenes of human tragedies. They couldn't help but beat their chests and cursed angrily.

After seeing this scene, all the young men couldn't help but look at Zhu Ping'an with admiration and gratitude. They were filled with fear and joy. Fortunately, we have a county magistrate like Mr. Zhu. If it weren't for the county magistrate, We ran away from the Japanese pirates and defended Jingnan County. We were the ones harmed by the Japanese pirates.

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