Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1158 Eliminating hidden dangers

After the Taiping County Government Office was occupied by the Japanese pirate leader Hei Hachiro, it became the base camp of the Japanese pirates in Taiping County. The Taiping County Government Office was able to escape the destruction. Moreover, due to the hasty retreat of the Japanese pirates, there was no time to set fire to it. Taiping County City also escaped the fire, except Except for the mess caused by the Japanese pirates, it is basically intact.

After Zhu Pingan entered the Taiping County Government Office, he led people to clean the inside and outside of the County Government Office and used it as a temporary camp for the surviving people.

After more than an hour of inspection, each team found six Japanese pirates who had slipped through the net. These six Japanese pirates had infected wounds, were dying, and could not move. They were treated as burdens and left to die in a broken house. The patrol team pressed Zhu According to the order before Ping An, their heads were pickled with lime and their bodies were burned.

After more than an hour of search and rescue, various patrol teams also rescued many surviving civilians, a total of 1,091 people.

This is a heartbreaking number, because before the Japanese invaders broke into the city, the county had a permanent population of 20,000.

Now there are only less than 1,100 people left! Not even one out of ten!

After the young people witnessed the Taiping tragedy with their own eyes, they admired Zhu Ping'an even more. If the county magistrate hadn't kept the Japanese pirates outside Jingnan County, otherwise the people of Jingnan County would have been as useless as the people of Taiping County.

Arrange the surviving people, clean up the county, and deploy defenses. Because the Japanese pirates killed too many people in Taiping County, and the city was almost full of corpses. Zhu Pingan made plague prevention a top priority, directing everyone to bury the murdered people, and clean up the streets of the county. Eliminate the breeding environment for plague; protect drinking water sources and strictly prohibit the drinking of raw water. It must be boiled before drinking to prevent the disease from entering through the mouth. Orders to boil artemisia annua, mugwort and other plague prevention herbs in hot water, and order everyone to use the boiled water to bathe , do good personal hygiene.

Zhu Ping'an was like a top, never having a moment to spare.

It wasn't until the sun set that Zhu Pingan finally had time to have lunch on the city wall.

After Zhu Pingan deployed the city wall defenses, he returned to the county government office. Liu Dadao came over with a county seal and reported to Zhu Pingan, "Sir, when cleaning the county government office, Ergouzi found the county government seal in the latrine. It has been washed now." Clean.”

After Liu Dadao finished his report, he showed the county government seal to Zhu Ping'an.

The Taiping County Seal was made of copper, which had been oxidized over the years. It was dark and ugly, and worthless. The Japanese pirates looked down upon it. In order to humiliate the Ming Dynasty officials, they threw the county seal into the toilet.

"Well, it is indeed the seal of Taiping County. Ergouzi has made great achievements in recovering the seal of Taiping County. He will be rewarded with ten taels of silver when he comes back."

Zhu Ping'an took a closer look and confirmed that it was the Taiping Immortal Seal. He couldn't help but nodded, with a hint of curvature at the corner of his mouth.

With this Taiping County Seal, the hidden danger of trying to steal credit for yourself is eliminated.

Not only was the Taiping County Seal, a symbol of authority, recovered, but the procedures for Zhu Ping'an's aid to Taiping were also completed.

The laws of the Ming Dynasty stipulated: "Local officials are prohibited from leaving their jurisdiction at will." During the Jiajing period, that is, ten years ago, the Metropolitan Procuratorate issued a special administrative document: "Every local government official has local responsibilities. Cross-border greetings and visits are not allowed. This will hinder his duties. Anyone who violates this will be obeyed." Participate in impeachment as an official."

As the magistrate of Jingnan County, Zhu Pingan has local responsibilities as the parent official of Jingnan County and is not allowed to leave Jingnan at will. If Zhu Pingan leaves Jingnan at will, he will break the law and will be impeached, and he will be impeached.

Give me a chestnut.

In the Song Dynasty, there was an official named Chen Houshan, a local magistrate in Xuzhou, who was also a poet. He is an ardent fan of the great writer Su Dongpo, and can be said to be one of the craziest star-chasers in ancient times. One day, Su Dongpo was demoted to Hangzhou as an official. When Chen Houshan, who was an official in Xuzhou, heard about it, he left Xuzhou and went to Nanjing, Jiangsu Province to wait for Su Dongpo, just to meet his idol Su Dongpo. In the end, he got his wish and met Su Dongpo. However, great joy brought sorrow. After Chen Houshan's colleagues heard about it, they reported Chen Houshan to their superiors. In the end, Chen Houshan was dismissed from his official position.

Zhu Ping'an left Jingnan County in his jurisdiction and rushed to help Taiping County. There was a hidden danger of leaving the jurisdiction privately.

However, the law does not always prohibit leaving the jurisdiction. It is possible to leave the jurisdiction under certain special circumstances. For example, if the county magistrate is pursuing and arresting Jiangyang bandits, he can temporarily leave the jurisdiction.

According to the principle of the Ming Dynasty Law, "heavy weights are used to show lightness, and light lifting is used to show importance", Japanese pirates are much more harmful than Jiangyang bandits. Pursuing, suppressing and arresting Jiangyang bandits can temporarily leave the jurisdiction, so naturally, pursuing, suppressing and arresting Japanese pirates can leave the jurisdiction.

This group of Japanese pirates invaded our Jingnan jurisdiction, but I led the crowd to repel them, and fled to Taiping County to commit crimes.

Therefore, I, Zhu Pingan, have jurisdiction, so I led my troops to Taiping County to fight against the Japanese!

However, there are certain hidden dangers if someone who is willing to cling to the words of the laws and regulations does not interpret them according to the principle of "lifting heavy weights to show lightness, lifting lightness to show weight". Those who are pursuing criminal robbers can temporarily leave their jurisdiction, but Japanese pirates are not criminal robbers and are not allowed to leave their jurisdiction without permission.

Now, with this Taiping County Seal, Zhu Pingan can eliminate this hidden danger.

Zhu Ping'an laid out pen, ink, paper and inkstone in the county office hall. He held the brush in his left hand and wrote a letter of request for help to the magistrate of Jingnan County, that is, himself, in the name and tone of Taiping County Magistrate, requesting to send troops to rescue Taiping County.

After finishing writing, Zhu Pingan dried the ink, picked up the Taiping County seal with a piece of cloth, dipped it in ink pad, and stamped the Taiping County seal on the letter asking for help.

The reason why Zhu Ping'an used a cloth to cover the Taiping County Seal was because the county seal was fished out from the toilet. Although he had washed it several times, he could still smell a faint smell of urine. Ping An had to be padded with cloth.

After the ink pad dried, Zhu Pingan placed the letter asking for help close to his body.

With such a letter from Wangzhi County asking for troops to be sent for rescue, it was justifiable for him to rush to Taiping County to help.

No one can impeach themselves.

This great achievement of regaining Taiping County fell into his own hands without any further trouble.

"Daqian, make the porridge thicker and steam the rice more for dinner so that everyone can have enough."

"Big Sword, Big Hammer, please work harder and patrol at night. If you encounter Xiaoxiao who takes advantage of the chaos and commits crimes, he will be severely punished."

"Dear fellow villagers, the Japanese pirates have been driven away, so you can rest assured. Daaxe, it's autumn, and it's getting cold at night. You can lead people to collect more quilts and try to get three or five common people to share one quilt. "

After Zhu Pingan personally collected the letter asking for help, he left the county government office to direct the arrangements for the resettlement of the people and other matters.

He was busy until the moon was bright and the sky was full of stars. Then Zhu Ping'an sat down among the people and took a rest.

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