Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1159 Sleepless in Taizhou

In the dead of night, people are quiet, the birds are tired and resting, and the stars are sparse and the moon is hanging in the sky. Jingnan slept, Taiping also slept, but Taizhou Prefecture had no sleep tonight!

How to sleep when Japanese pirates besiege a city? !

Tan Lun, the magistrate of Taizhou Prefecture, wore armor and a sword hanging on his waist, looking at the tens of thousands of Japanese pirates under the city with a heavy expression.

This morning, a group of five or six thousand Japanese pirates began to besiege Fucheng. At noon, another wave of Japanese pirates came, numbering two to three thousand people; in the evening, another wave of Japanese pirates came, also numbering two to three thousand people. In addition, the Japanese pirates also hijacked thousands of people and attracted thousands of bandits and local gangsters who took advantage of the situation. In total, there were more than 20,000 Japanese pirates besieging the city, and the city of Taizhou was completely surrounded.

"I knew that the Japanese pirates in the south of the Yangtze River were serious, but I didn't expect it to be so serious. The Japanese pirates dared to break through the county and besiege the capital!" Tan Lun said with an expression of indignation as he looked at the Japanese pirates showing off their power below the city.

Tan Lun knew that the Japanese pirates in Jiangnan were serious. It was because Japanese pirates repeatedly invaded the coast of Zhejiang that he was appointed as the magistrate of Taizhou.

He was only appointed as the magistrate of Taizhou at the beginning of this year. He took office only a few months earlier than Zhu Ping'an, and he has only been in office for less than half a year. It can be said that he is new to Taizhou and has not yet become familiar with Taizhou Prefecture.

Tan Lun is young, only in his thirties. He has read poetry and books since he was a child and has extraordinary intelligence. He is a well-known local prodigy. He has a calm personality and is highly praised by the locals. He has lived up to the high expectations of everyone and was awarded the Jinshi in the 23rd year of Jiajing at the age of 24. Years old, before Zhu Pingan failed to win the first prize, he was one of the youngest Jinshi in Jiajing Dynasty. After attaining the rank of Jinshi, he was appointed as the head of the Nanjing Ministry of Rites. Three years later, he served as Fang Langzhong, in charge of the map of the world, city gods, town guards, forts, beacons, and the attachment of ethnic minorities along the border. Tan Lun had many achievements during his tenure as Fang Lang, and because he was familiar with military affairs, he was appreciated by the Shangguan. There was a vacancy in the Taizhou prefecture, and the coast of Taizhou Prefecture was invaded by Japanese pirates, so the Shangguan recommended him as the Taizhou magistrate.

Taizhou magistrate, this is a senior official from the fourth rank!

Tan Lun is only thirty-two years old this year. He can be said to be the youngest fourth-rank official in the Ming Dynasty. You know, before Zhu Pingan was demoted, he was just a fifth-rank official.

For a time, Tan Lun was in the limelight.

Tan Lun is young and promising, young and energetic, and ambitious. He will not be satisfied with being a fourth-grade prefect.

Become a Marquis and pay homage to the Prime Minister! Leave a name in history! This is his pursuit.

Therefore, after being appointed as the magistrate of Taizhou, Tan Lun was determined to do something great in Taizhou! Then he will use Taizhou Prefecture as a stepping stone to step into a higher level and let everyone in the world know his name Tan Lun!

However, he had always had good fortune, but after taking office as the magistrate of Taizhou, it seemed that fortune had not favored him.

Just like now!

A few days ago, Japanese pirates suddenly invaded Taizhou Prefecture. Before he could react and mobilize his troops, he heard that many counties and cities under Taizhou Prefecture had been captured by Japanese pirates. Now, Japanese pirates have brazenly surrounded Taizhou Prefecture. ! Judging from the wave after wave of Japanese pirates gathering at Taizhou Fucheng, these Japanese pirates probably first conquered the county town below, and then came to meet at Taizhou Fucheng with the intention of joining forces to attack our Taizhou Fucheng.

It is estimated that the seven counties below have been invaded by Japanese pirates! All seven counties are in ruins!

I was appointed as the prefect of Taizhou when the Japanese invasion was serious, but I didn’t expect that less than half a year after joining the job and without any achievements, the Japanese invasion was even more serious than before! All seven counties under the jurisdiction of Taizhou Prefecture were destroyed! The city is under siege! Although the Japanese invasion is serious in the southeast, our Ming Dynasty has never suffered such a defeat!

For Tan Lun, who is determined to do something big in Taizhou Prefecture, this is nothing less than a resounding slap in the face! It’s not even close to that! This is not just a slap in the face! This is a political disaster.


Serious crisis!

The first crisis in my life! If you don't handle it well, your career will be ruined, let alone being granted the title of Marquis or Prime Minister!

Damn Japanese pirates, if you had given yourself more time to train your new army, why would it be like this!

"Your Majesty, the Japanese pirates camped in the city without a plan, and there are many flaws. The Japanese pirates only focus on drinking and feasting, and their discipline is loose. There is no one to guard and watch. This is a good opportunity to defeat the enemy. As the saying goes, raising an army for a thousand days and using it for a short time will eventually gain the trust of your Majesty. The promoted general will be in his infancy, and he will have nothing to repay. Please order me to attack his camp at night, and I will destroy it in one fell swoop! To repay the great love of the government!"

Behind Tan Lun was a young general who was also in his thirties, named Zuo Zhen. He carefully watched the Japanese pirates under the city for a moment, and found that the Japanese pirates under the city were full of flaws. He couldn't help but clasp his fists with confidence and ask for a fight.

"General Zuo, the government troops in Fucheng are unable to fight in the field. The more than a thousand new troops under your command have been trained for less than a few months. They are more than enough to defend the city. It is difficult to defeat the enemy. If the new army has been in force for a year, why should I wait for the Japanese pirates to siege the city? They will have left the city long ago. The enemy has been defeated." Tan Lun waved his hand lightly upon hearing this, but did not agree to the general's request to fight.

When Tan Lun was appointed as the magistrate of Taizhou in the face of danger, he was determined to do something great in Taizhou. Taizhou Prefecture is located on the coast and has been invaded by Japanese pirates many times. The first thing he did when he took office as the magistrate of Taizhou was to ask the imperial court for permission to train a thousand new troops to resist the invading Japanese pirates. Although the imperial court allowed it, two months had passed. As of now, these thousand new troops have only just begun training for less than three months, and they are far from being able to go out of the city to fight Japanese pirates in the field.

Although Tan Lun also wanted to defeat the Japanese pirates and save Taizhou from defeat, his reason told him that he couldn't. Leaving the city now will not only not help, but may lead to a more serious disaster. If they were defeated by the Japanese pirates when they left the city, the city of Taizhou would be doomed!

"Your Majesty, although our army has been newly established for a short time, it has been practicing diligently every day. Now it has implemented orders and prohibitions, its morale is high, and it has become elite. The Japanese pirates' camp under the city is full of flaws, and the thieves only focus on drinking. There is no one to guard them. This is the reason for the flaws. If the enemy has a good opportunity, I would like to issue a military order, and I would like to ask the governor for permission."

Zuo Zhen continued to fight.

"No, General Zuo must not underestimate the Japanese pirates outside the city. The leader of the Japanese pirates outside the city is Jiangmen. He is not a reckless and incompetent person. This man is the general banner of Xiaoshan Wei in Fujian. He has more than ten years of experience in marching. With his army. Based on my experience, the Japanese pirates camped outside the city would not be so full of flaws, I am afraid it was his strategy to lure the enemy."

Tan Lun looked at Zuo Zhen, shook his head slightly, pointed to the Japanese pirate camp in the middle of the city, and said slowly.

"Thank you, Lord, for being calm, otherwise I might have become a criminal in Taizhou Prefecture." After hearing Tan Lun's explanation, Zuo Zhen was convinced. A layer of cold sweat could not help but appear on his forehead, and then he couldn't help but said with great indignation, "Jiang Thief's Body He served as the general banner of the Guard, but he did not want to serve the imperial court, and he actually became a Japanese pirate. It is really a shame for our generation."

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