Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1160 Suspicious tactics

The night was dark and dark, like hell descending on the world. It was so dark that you couldn't see your fingers. The stars in the sky are like a demon tearing through the night and peering into the world with cold eyes. Looking up at the stars not only makes people's soul tremble.

Under the cover of night, Taizhou City was immersed in the fear of Japanese pirates sieging the city. No one slept in every house, especially the soldiers on guard on the city wall. Tan Lun, the prefect of Taizhou, inspected the city wall and checked the defenses over and over again. He never relaxed for a moment, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Compared with inside the city, the Japanese pirates outside the city were extremely relaxed.

"Come on, come on, fill it up."

"You bastard, don't just eat it yourself. Tear a chicken leg for me."

"Hahaha, this little girl is so strong-willed that she actually dares to bite her. If I hadn't reacted quickly, I, Old Wang, would have lost my queen."

"Xinxi, Xinxi, Liu Sang, your craftsmanship is very good."

Less than a mile outside the city, piles of bonfires were lit. Groups of Japanese pirates sat in a mess around the bonfires. On the bonfires, chickens, ducks, pigs, and dogs that they had snatched from ordinary people's homes were roasting. They held them in their arms. The folk girls, with jar after jar of wine snatched at their feet, had a great time drinking. When they got excited, a group of real Japanese would strip themselves down to only their crotch pants, curled up their bow-legs, and danced with their teeth and claws open. They started dancing, as if they were not surrounding Taizhou City, but holding a bonfire party.

"These damn pirates!"

When the soldiers on the city wall saw the Japanese pirates dancing wildly below the city, they couldn't help but gnashed their teeth and cursed.

"I really want to go out and catch them off guard!"

Some soldiers couldn't help but said harshly.

"No, no one is allowed to leave the city without permission from the governor, otherwise he will be punished for disobeying the military order!" the chief quickly stopped him.

"What's the matter? The Japanese pirates are eating, drinking and having fun below. How can we catch him off guard by killing him?" the soldier asked in confusion.

The chief rolled his eyes and cursed angrily, "You son of a bitch, you are tired of living. General Zuo just told us that the Japanese pirates outside the city deliberately put on this appearance to trick us into leaving the city. Well, the Japanese pirates have already ambushed their army in the dark. As long as you dare to leave the city, the Japanese pirates who are ambushing you will definitely send you back to the west!"

"Isn't it?! These damn Japanese pirates are really insidious!" The soldier couldn't help but shrink his neck and touched the back of his head in fear.

"This damn Japanese pirate, the food is really delicious..."

The soldier looked at the Japanese pirates outside the city eating meat and drinking wine. He looked at the cold steamed buns in his hands and couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

The soldiers on the city wall looked at the Japanese pirates below the city eating meat and drinking wine, lying on the ground in a mess, and their eyes were all red.

Outside the Japanese pirate camp outside the city, a thousand elite Japanese pirates were crawling in a grass ditch more than a hundred meters away from the bonfire. These Japanese pirates are all elites carefully selected by Jiangmen Master and others. Each of them is an old Japanese pirate who has experienced several bloody battles. They are not only good at skills, but also know how to cooperate. These Japanese pirates looked like wolves, staring at the city gate without blinking, holding weapons in their hands, waiting for the soldiers in the city to leave the city to attack the camp at night. The soldiers who attacked the city at night were all captured. In this way, the capital city of Taizhou is within easy reach.

However, the thousands of Japanese pirates ambushed in Caogou were disappointed.

They waited on the left for the soldiers in the city who had not come out, and on the right for the soldiers in the city who still did not come out. After waiting for hour after hour, Taizhou Fucheng did not move at all, and no one came out of the city at all.

This is late autumn.

Mosquitoes breed and become infested.

Not to mention, the Japanese pirates still hid in grass ditches in order to hide. The inside of the grass ditch is humid, and there are ten times more mosquitoes than outside.

After two hours, the mosquitoes in the grass ditch were enjoying a great blessing. They were all full of blood.

The thousand Japanese pirates in Caogou were all covered in mosquito bites and itched unbearably. No matter how elite they were and the Japanese swords supervising the battle were sharp, they could not hold on for a moment.

In desperation, the supervising team had no choice but to send someone back to report to Master Jiang.

"Alliance leader, the Ming army in the city is as timid as mice and dare not leave the city to attack the camp. The brothers who have been ambushing in the grass ditch have been waiting for two hours. There are so many mosquitoes in the grass ditch that the brothers can't stand it anymore. Please give me some advice, alliance leader. Exit." One person from the supervising team entered the main tent and reported to Jiangmen Master and others.

This man was also badly bitten by mosquitoes, and his face and arms were covered with red envelopes one after another, which was very convincing.

"These officers and soldiers are really as timid as rats. We were eating, drinking and having fun outside the tent without any defense. The officers and soldiers didn't even dare to attack at night. We are really cowards."

Liu Baldzi, a subordinate of Lord Jiang, touched his bald head and sneered. Liu Baldzi is different from Tiejingang. He is not a monk and has never been ordained as a monk. The reason why he shaved his head was purely due to severe hair loss and he had to shave his head.

Heihachiro squinted his eyes with some disdain. He obviously didn't agree with Liu Bald's words, but he didn't speak. .

"Well, that's quite cowardly." Tie Jingang pulled his mouth down, and after finishing speaking, he raised the wine gourd and poured a large gulp of wine into his mouth.

"Haha, Tan Lun found out... Although it's a pity, it's not surprising. Tan Lun is not comparable to those confused county magistrates before. This person is not easy to deal with. I heard that this person has been a child prodigy since he was a child, with extraordinary intelligence. He is also known for being calm and calm. But it doesn’t matter. He won’t fall for the conspiracy. I have another conspiracy. Even if he sees through it, he can only fall for it and be led by my nose.”

Jiang Clan Master smiled slightly, and didn't care even if his plan was discovered. He said to everyone with a confident and confident look on his face.

"Oh, what good ideas does the leader have?"

Tie Jingang, Heihachiro and others asked curiously.

"Without him, it's just a tactic of suspicion. You will know later..." Jiang Clan Master smiled confidently and just said a simple sentence to give it away.

"A plan to suspect the enemy?" Heihachiro repeated softly, squinting his eyes, and then opened his eyes. He had already guessed it.

"Send an order to pull back all the brothers who are ambushing in Caogou. We will treat them with good wine and food and let them have a good rest." Jiangmen leader ordered the supervising team to withdraw the Japanese pirates who were ambushing in Caogou to rest.

"Give me an order to collect all the drums, gongs, horns, etc. in the camp, as long as they are noisy ones. I will be of great use. Also, call me all the guys who are eating, drinking and having fun outside the camp." Get up, after eating and drinking for so long, it’s time to work.”

After the supervising team went down, Master Jiangmen ordered Liu Baldzi beside him.

"What are you doing collecting gongs, drums and horns?" Liu Baldzi looked puzzled.

"Go if you are told, no matter what you say." Jiang Clan Master glared at him, ready to kick him.

"Yes, yes, I will do whatever the elder brother tells me to do." Liu Bald easily dodged, smiled, and followed the order.

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