Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1161 It’s midnight and can’t sleep

Midnight is the best time of the day to sleep. The soldiers on the wall of Taizhou City were already very sleepy, and their eyes were all bloodshot from sleepiness. If it weren't for the Japanese pirates siege below, they would have been unable to hold on long ago. Of course, I can't hold on anymore.

"Shi Chang, I'm really sleepy. My arms are swollen from pinching myself, but my sleepiness is getting stronger."

Soldier A's eyes were red and swollen, and he said sleepily to Shi Chang beside him, and then he raised his red and swollen arm.

"Are you sleepy? Am I still sleepy?! You only pinched and swollen one arm, and both of my thighs were pinched and swollen. No one can sleep without orders from above, so I have to cheer up. The Japanese pirates are here No one down there wants to have their heads cut off by Japanese pirates in their sleep!" Shi Chang cursed angrily.

"Chief, I don't think the Japanese pirates have any intention of attacking the city. How about we divide into two groups, one group sleeps and the other group is on guard duty? We rotate it every hour, so as not to delay the vigilance or delay the brothers. Recharge your batteries." Soldier A was not discouraged after being scolded and suggested again.

"In this way..." The chief began to ponder upon hearing this.

I have to say that Soldier A’s proposal is very attractive. The Japanese pirates below the city really have no intention of attacking the city. In this case, we can be divided into two groups, one to rest and the other to be on guard. We can really do both without delay. ,but……

"This won't work! Without orders from above, no one can rest. I opened my eyes wide and stared at the Japanese pirates below the city carefully. These are a group of beasts that kill without blinking an eye. If I were to relax and the Japanese pirates invaded the city, No one’s family can run away!”

Although the commander was moved, he was a rigid person. He would carry out any orders given by the superiors. He would never do anything that was not ordered by the superiors.

Hearing this, Soldier A sighed, rubbed his eyes resignedly, and forced himself to cheer up.

"The Lord of the Palace has ordered that everyone should be divided into two groups in units of tens, one to rest and sleep, and the other to be on guard, rotating every hour."

At this moment, a messenger ran quickly on the city wall and shouted loudly to convey the order of the prefect Tan Lun.

After listening to the order conveyed by the messenger, Soldier A's eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly said to the chief, "Commander, listen, listen, the governor has given the order, let us be divided into two parts, and one part is on guard. One sleeps, and it rotates every hour."

In fact, Soldier A didn’t need to say it, the commander also heard it.

"You're just lucky, you guessed the Lord's order." Shi Chang scolded Soldier A angrily, then looked at his subordinates with shining eyes, and said while tapping their names with his hand, " Li Laowu, Zhang Laosan, Gouwa, Tiedan..."

Having said this, the commander paused and pointed his finger at Soldier A, "And you, the five of you go away and go to sleep. The others will be on guard with me. After an hour, they will be on guard while we sleep. .”

"Thank you, Chief." Soldier A didn't expect that he would be asked to go to bed by the Chief. After seeing that the Chief clicked on him, his face suddenly became happy, but soon he shook his head again and said The Chief said, "Chief, you and Brother Lao Wu should go to bed first, and I'll be on guard."

"I told you to sleep, just sleep. What nonsense, get out of here." Shi Chang cursed angrily and pushed Soldier A away.

"Thank you, Chief." Soldier A couldn't help but say Lian Sheng as he was pushed to sleep.

"Get out! You all get out too! In an hour, I'll ask you to change shifts." The chief glared at Soldier A and others, waved his hand, and sent them to sleep.

After the messenger conveyed Tan Lun's order, soon the soldiers on the city wall were divided into two groups, taking turns to rest and be on guard.

Tan Lun also saw that the Japanese pirates had no intention of attacking the city, and because the soldiers were too sleepy, he ordered to take turns to rest and be vigilant to recharge their batteries.

Less than half an hour after Tan Lun's order was issued, the first group of soldiers who went to sleep began to fall asleep one after another.

They were highly nervous. As soon as they fell asleep, they began to snore. The entire city wall suddenly resounded with snores, like thunder.


"Break Taizhou Prefecture!"

"Dong dong dong... bang bang bang... wu wu wu..."

However, at this moment, I heard a cry of killing suddenly coming from the city. At the same time, the rapid drums sounded, the harsh gongs sounded shocking, and the horns blew...

Under the city, densely packed torches suddenly appeared. The Japanese pirates held the torches and shouted to kill them as they came towards the city gate.

Such a scene appeared in front of the four city gates at the same time.

"Japanese pirates are attacking the city?!"

"Japanese pirates are attacking the city!"

"Get up, get up quickly, the Japanese pirates are attacking the city!"

When the soldiers assigned to guard duty on the city wall saw this, cold sweat broke out on their backs. They couldn't help but widen their eyes and shouted in shock.

"What?! The Japanese pirates are attacking the city?!"

"Japanese pirates are attacking the city!"

In the first part, the soldiers who had just fallen asleep suddenly woke up from their sleep amidst the screams of the Japanese pirates and the frightening shouts of their companions. When they heard the Japanese pirates attacking the city, they were not sleepy at all, and they sat up suddenly. He grabbed the weapon next to him, rushed towards the battlements, and entered a defensive state.

There was chaos on the city walls, and there were constant shouts of killing below.

One minute.

Two minutes.

Five minutes passed.

The Japanese pirates' shouts of killing were still under the city, and the gongs, drums and horns were still the same, but there was no Japanese pirate attacking the city.

The shouts of death and the sound of gongs, drums and horns lasted for about ten minutes, and then calmed down, and the Japanese pirates who were attacking the city also stopped and retreated.

"Cao, these damn Japanese pirates retreated after barking for a while??!"

"What, you actually retreated?!"

It took a while for the shocked soldiers on the city wall to realize that the Japanese pirates who were clamoring for death under the city retreated without attacking the city.

"Cao, disturb grandpa's sleep!"

After being convinced that the Japanese pirates had retreated with a false shot, all the soldiers began to curse, especially the first group of soldiers who had their turn to rest. They had just fallen asleep when they were woken up by the Japanese pirates. It would be strange not to curse the Japanese pirates.

"It's only been less than two minutes, let's go get some sleep."

The soldiers who took their first turn to rest cursed and went to rest again.

After a highly stressful day, they were exhausted. They sat on the ground of the city wall, grilled the city wall, covered themselves with clothes, closed their eyes, and fell asleep again after a while.

About half an hour later, there was another wave of Japanese pirates shouting for death from the city, and the gongs, drums and horns shook the earth.

The soldier who had just fallen asleep was awakened again.

Like last time, the Japanese pirates feinted again and did not attack the city. They just shouted to kill for a few minutes and then died down.

After confirming that the Japanese pirates had not attacked the city, the soldiers went to sleep again.

More than half an hour later, the Japanese pirates' shouts of killing and the sound of gongs, drums and horns sounded again under the city... The soldiers were awakened again... The Japanese pirates did not attack the city again, as if the Japanese pirates just wanted to wake up the soldiers.

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