Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1163 Victory or defeat in a matter of seconds

An hour has passed since the Japanese pirates began to attack the east and north gates of Taizhou Fucheng. Both the attacking Japanese pirates and the defenders suffered heavy casualties. Under the city gate, there were corpses everywhere and rivers of blood.

Taizhou Fucheng is like a solitary boat rising and falling in the stormy waves, and is in danger of capsizing at any time.

That's it!

The leader of the Jiang clan, who had been standing still and watching on the wall, looked up to the sky and smiled ferociously. He suddenly pulled out the standard waist knife from his waist, turned his head and shouted to the direct Japanese pirates behind him, "My sons, it’s time to break through Taizhou Mansion! After the city is broken, the city is full of gold. Silver jewelry and watery girls belong to whoever grabs them! Kill them!!!"


"Break Taizhou Prefecture!!!"

"Whoever grabs it belongs to whom!!!"

The leader of Jiangmen gave an order, and the Japanese pirates under his command were like wild dogs running wild, with red eyes and ferocious shouts to kill, and rushed towards the south gate to kill the gold, silver, jewelry and girls in the city. Whoever grabs it will be the winner. of.

Originally, Taizhou Prefecture was already crumbling and in danger under the attack of Tie Jingang and Hei Hachiro; now, with the large group of Japanese pirates under the command of Jiangmen joining in, Taizhou Prefecture is even more vulnerable and in danger!

"Taizhou Prefecture is in danger. Quickly inform all the aristocratic families in the city about their interests, and recruit all the guards to go up to the city wall to defend! Tell them! Under the overthrow of the nest, there are still eggs! If anyone disagrees, he will be punished as a Japanese pirate ally!" "

Tan Lun, the prefect of Taizhou, was in a state of embarrassment and grabbed the accompanying Hu Shu's shoulder, and ordered with a hoarse voice and murderous intent.

A large number of soldiers had fallen around him, and almost all of the soldiers still holding on were injured.

As the main force of the Japanese pirates began to attack the city, it became increasingly difficult to defend the city wall. The Japanese pirates attacked the city several times.

If it weren't for Tan Lun's skillful command and the bravery of Zuo Zhen and other generals, the capital city of Taizhou would have been captured by Japanese pirates!

However, the defense on the city wall is now at its wits end.

Tan Lun, the prefect of Taizhou, had no choice but to target the aristocratic families in the city and mobilize their guards to defend the city walls. Comparatively speaking, the combat effectiveness of the guards of the major clans in the city is not much weaker than that of the soldiers.

"Yes, yes, I'm going to take this humble position right away." Hu Shu was frightened by Tan Lun's murderous intent and responded repeatedly with trembling legs.

After the Hu Shu ordered people to recruit the wealthy families in the city to protect their homes, Tan Lun also sent people to post notices in the city and recruit strong men from the common people to go up the city wall to help defend.

Hu Shu's trip to recruit nursing homes from wealthy families did not go smoothly. He only recruited two hundred famous nursing homes! This is the result of his hard begging! The wealthy families in the city are not very cooperative. The more they face this critical moment of life and death, the more they cling to the guardian in their hands, closing the door tightly and ordering the guardian to protect them. In their opinion, if Japanese pirates attack Taizhou City, they will still have to rely on these guards to protect their residences. One more guard means more security! One more chance of survival!

"Damn it! A bunch of short-sighted idiots!!! If the city is invaded by Japanese pirates, what use will your little courtyard guard do! Even the city walls can't protect against Japanese pirates, how can your high courtyard walls protect against Japanese pirates?!"

Tan Lun was furious and cursed the city, wishing he could devour the short-sighted wealthy families in the city.

Fortunately, the recruitment of young men in the city went smoothly.

After seeing the recruitment notice, many people responded proactively and went to the city walls in groups to help with the defense. They did not have the high-walled compound of a wealthy family, nor did they have the protection of a nursing home. They knew that once the capital city of Taizhou was breached by Japanese pirates, they would be doomed, so they responded proactively to the call and went up to the city wall to assist in the defense.

With the participation of thousands of common people, the defensive strength on the city wall was greatly enhanced, which relieved the urgent need of the prefect Tan Lun.

However, the Japanese pirates were ferocious, and all of them were accustomed to fighting, far beyond what kind-hearted common people could compare with. Some people who were mobilized with bravery and bravery were frightened by the scenes of blood and life and death on the city wall as soon as they climbed onto the city wall; even the courageous people were mostly no match for the Japanese pirates.

As time went by, the balance of the war tilted more and more towards the Japanese pirates, who attacked the city wall several times.

"Haha... How many years have passed and how many Japanese pirates have plundered the southeast, but not one of them has successfully captured the city! Even Wang Zhi couldn't do it! But today! I - Jiangmen did it! Taizhou City will be stepped on by me. It’s underfoot!”

Seeing the Japanese pirates charging to the top of Taizhou City and occupying a section of the city wall, Jiangmen, who was supervising the battle below the city, laughed loudly. Thinking that he was about to become the first Japanese pirate to capture the city, he couldn't help but shout out ambitiously.

With the record of capturing Fucheng, our Jiangmen will become famous and famous in the Japanese pirate circle! It is conceivable that many Japanese pirates will soon come to seek refuge with me, and their strength will grow rapidly. In the future, you no longer have to worry about being bullied by Wang Zhi and others. Not only that, it is not impossible to even surpass Wang Zhi!

At this moment, Jiangmen is full of ambitions, higher than the city wall!


Jiangmen's ambitious ambitions only lasted for less than a cup of tea and were extinguished!

When he commanded the army to take advantage of the situation and prepare to take Taizhou Prefecture in one go, he suddenly heard a cry of killing coming from the north, and then the mountains shook. When he looked up, he saw overwhelming cavalry coming from the north in the shape of an awl.

Several riders held large tiger-shaped flags with the word "Yu" in their names. The battle flags were as red as blood and fluttered in the wind, like tigers descending from the mountain, which made people frightened to look at them.

The awl head is a tiger general, riding a black BMW, wearing bright armor, holding a iron spear in one hand, and a long sword in the other. He is like a god of death, stabbing with spear and sword, completely attacking the Japanese pirates who stand in front of him. There is no enemy that can be combined, and they will be chopped down with overwhelming force. Under his leadership, the cavalry behind him slashed left and right, like a blazing sword chopping snow, splitting the attacking Japanese pirates into two parts a hundred meters in front of the wall, tearing them apart in an instant.

Cavalry is the nemesis of infantry, especially charging cavalry, and even more so for infantry.

Not to mention that the Japanese pirates were attacking the city with all their strength. They were completely unprepared and full of flaws. They were instantly chopped down by cavalry and completely defeated.

Listening to the heavy sound of horse hooves, feeling the strong vibrations on the ground, and watching the fierce teammates in the past being torn apart like paper and being trampled into flesh by the horses' hooves, each and every Japanese pirate's legs became weak and his whole body trembled. They were not the elite soldiers under Li Ling's command, but just a group of higher-level rabble. Before the cavalry came over like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, they instinctively turned around and ran away.

In an instant, they were defeated, turned around and fled, abandoning their helmets and armor... This became the most vivid portrayal of Japanese pirates attacking a city.

Seeing the great power of the reinforcements and cutting down the Japanese pirates into a rout, the defenders on the city wall were inspired and became so powerful that they counterattacked the Japanese pirates on the wall and drove them off the wall, as if they had been given blood.

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