Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1164 A certain person named Yu is Dayou

The Japanese pirates retreated and the city of Taizhou was defended, but the heavy heart of Taizhou magistrate Tan Lun did not ease much.

How to relax? !

In this battle, the soldiers and civilians of Taizhou Prefecture suffered very serious casualties. In just half a day of defending the city, more than 800 Taizhou Prefecture soldiers were killed. Almost all of the remaining soldiers were injured. The new army was finally organized and trained. This time it was completely destroyed, and more than a thousand people who helped defend the city were killed or injured.

Casualties are secondary!

The biggest problem now is that although Taizhou Prefecture has been defended, the seven counties under its jurisdiction have been invaded by Japanese pirates. Before Taizhou Prefecture was besieged by Japanese pirates, news came that all seven counties had been captured by Japanese pirates. Although there is no confirmation, it is unmistakable. The Japanese pirates are so powerful. There are so many defenders in the capital of Taizhou, and they are almost defeated by the Japanese pirates. With so many defenders in the county, they should not be spared.

As the prefect, I have the responsibility to protect the territory and the people. If any county within my jurisdiction is attacked by Japanese pirates, the local magistrate must be shouldering the responsibility. However, I, the prefect, cannot escape the blame. This is a serious dereliction of duty! Not to mention, all seven counties under the government have been invaded by Japanese pirates! This is an unprecedented defeat for our Ming Dynasty since its founding! Moreover, this kind of defeat actually happened to me, Tan Lun! What a shame!

I originally wanted to work hard in Taizhou Prefecture and achieve a great career, but clinker unexpectedly encountered this political disaster! Become a marquis and worship a prime minister, govern the country and bring peace to the country; ask for orders for the people, and help the world. Haha, everything has come to nothing...

How should I, Tan Lun, display my political ambitions? !

The political future is worrying and his official career is facing a fatal crisis. How can the prefect Tan Lun relax?

"Master Fu, Master Fu should order the city gates to be opened and allow the generals outside the city to enter the city to rest."

After the Japanese pirates retreated, the clerk saw that the prefect Tan Lun was at the top of the city. He had not yet ordered the city gates to be opened and the reinforcements were welcomed into the city. Seeing that the reinforcements outside the city were getting emotional, he couldn't help but give a reminder for fear of causing trouble.

"Oh, oh, pass the order from this government to open the city gate and welcome the reinforcements into the city. After fighting with the Japanese pirates, the soldiers outside the city are tired and exhausted. Thank you for your hard work. We will arrange a banquet in the house to entertain the soldiers who rescued our Taizhou Prefecture. At the same time, , order the workhouse and barracks to summon doctors and doctors to prepare a lot of medicine and other medicinal materials to properly treat the injured soldiers."

After repeated reminders from the document, Taizhou magistrate Tan Lun finally recovered from his heavy sorrow and cheered up to give the order.

"What do you want to eat in this Niaofu? Sir, I risked my life to kill the Japanese and drive them away. The battle was won. But in the end, this Niaofu didn't even take care of the food. It didn't even open the city gate, and let the old men drink the northwest wind outside. Being rejected makes me angry just thinking about it!”

"It's just that, it's still a Fucheng. It doesn't even understand the friendship between landlords. If I had known this, I wouldn't have come."

Outside the city gate, under the banner with the character "Yu", a few cavalrymen who were doing nothing could not help but complain when facing the closed city gate.

"You little bastards, what are you talking about! I led you to rescue Taizhou Prefecture just to make a living?! I have been favored by the Holy Spirit and served as the general officer of Ningbo and Taizhou Prefectures. Fighting Japanese pirates and rescuing Taizhou is my responsibility. That's your duty! You are all old men who follow me, don't embarrass me!"

The leading general was a middle-aged man in his forties, with a standard Chinese character face, a long back and a bear-like waist, and a body as strong as a bear. After hearing the complaints of his soldiers, he couldn't help but glared at them and cursed them. .

A few idle soldiers were not afraid after being scolded. They gathered around their general with smiles and showed off their merits. "General, general, please calm down. We are just complaining. You can see it too." Come on, we didn't hesitate on the battlefield just now, we chopped off the heads of at least three Japanese pirates."

"Go, go, fuck your mother, you are so old! I am only forty-nine this year, and I am in the prime of life! If I hadn't seen you kill several Japanese pirates on the battlefield, and just heard you complaining, I would have whipped you down. ”

When the leading general heard the words "you are old", he couldn't help but twitch his eyebrows, as if a tiger had its tail stepped on, and sprayed saliva on several people's faces.

"Hahaha, Liu Ergou, Li Dazhuang, you must have flattered the general and flattered the horse's legs." The cavalry couldn't help laughing. They seemed to be used to this kind of scene.

At this moment, the city gate of Taizhou Prefecture opened, and Tan Lun led the officials in the city to greet him at the city gate.

"Thank you generals for your help, otherwise Taizhou Prefecture will be in trouble. The city has prepared simple meals, and I hope you won't dislike it. Oh, by the way, I haven't asked the generals for their names yet." Tan Lun, the magistrate of Taizhou, handed over to the soldiers outside the city. He thanked them and invited them into the city, and then asked the leading general for his name.

"There is food to eat, hahaha..."

Hearing that meals had been prepared in the city, all the cavalry outside the city howled excitedly.

"No, no, Magistrate Tan is too polite. My surname is Yu, Dayou, and he is the Ning (Bo) and Tai (Prefecture) general appointed by the Holy Shangfang. It is Yu's duty to fight against Japanese pirates and protect the prefectures of Ningbo and Taizhou. thing."

The general calmed down the shouting soldiers, got off his horse, held his fists and greeted Tan Lun, the magistrate of Taizhou.

This person is Yu Dayou. At the beginning of this month, Emperor Jiajing appointed him as the Ningtai General. Yu Dayou also just took office, and the cavalry behind him were all his own soldiers when he was the commander of Beiwadu in Fujian.

When Yu Dayou was appointed commander of Beiwa Capital in Fujian, he was recommended by Zhu Wan, who was then the right deputy censor of the capital, when he visited Fujian three years ago. However, as Zhu Wan offended interest groups in Zhejiang, Fujian and other places, he was falsely accused by treacherous officials and dismissed from his post. , committed suicide in anger, Yu Dayou's situation was not good either. He was repeatedly squeezed out by the local bureaucracy in Fujian and suppressed by the strict party. When Yu Dayou quelled Fan Ziyi's rebellion in Annan, his great contribution was suppressed by Yan Song and was not reported to the court. In the end, Yu Dayou was only rewarded fifty taels of silver. The official environment in which Yu Dayou lived can be seen from this.

This year, the Japanese pirates in the south of the Yangtze River are serious. Japanese pirates have looted and invaded the coast of Zhejiang several times. When the country was in crisis and he wanted good generals, Emperor Jiajing thought of Zhu Wan, but Zhu Wan had already committed suicide in anger. Emperor Jiajing then remembered Yu Dayou, who had been recommended by Zhu Wan, so he appointed him as the counselor general of Ningbo and Taizhou to quell the Japanese invaders. .

Yu Dayou? !

When he heard that the general called himself Yu Dayou, Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun immediately straightened his face, raised his hands and said loudly: "Nice to meet you, thank you so much. It turns out that the general is General Yu Dayou Yu, the famous 'Blue Wave Dragon' in the southeast! It's better to see it than to hear it once. The cavalry takes the lead, and the troops are as powerful as a dragon. They are unstoppable and the Japanese pirates will be defeated at the first touch. It is really like a dragon in a hundred battles."

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