Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1165 Escape into the sea

Yu Dayou is very famous on the southeast coast. He is forty-nine this year and has been famous for a long time. After hearing Yu Dayou's name, the surviving soldiers of Taizhou Prefecture looked at Yu Dayou with admiration.

Seeing that the coach was so famous, the more than 500 cavalrymen who followed Yu Dayou were all honored.

Tan Lun, the prefect of Taizhou, had pigs and sheep slaughtered and a large banquet was held to warmly entertain Yu Dayou and his subordinate Yu Jiajun.

"Thank you, General Yu, and thank you all the soldiers for your desperate efforts to save our Taizhou Prefecture. With this first glass of wine, on behalf of the folks in Taizhou Prefecture, I would like to thank General Yu and all the soldiers for expelling the Japanese pirates and saving our Taizhou Prefecture."

At the banquet, Taizhou magistrate Tan Lun raised his first glass of wine and bowed to Yu Dayou and his soldiers.

There was wine and meat, and the prefect Tan Lun was good at sociability. Under the auspices of Tan Lun, accompanied by Taizhou officials and local soldiers, the reinforcements and soldiers ate and drank well, and the atmosphere of the banquet became better and better.

When the soldiers are well fed and well fed, they will naturally talk more.

"Haha, everyone, this is not just bragging. With our more than five hundred cavalry, we defeated ten thousand Japanese pirates. How many armies have there been in the past and present that can rival our Yu Family Army?!"

At the banquet, an officer and soldier of the Yu family boasted and said to the Taizhou Prefecture soldiers who were accompanying him at the table.

Although Yu Jiajun was the savior of Taizhou Prefecture, the Taizhou Prefecture soldiers felt a little unhappy when they heard Yu Jiajun boasting about himself and not mentioning them at all. The reason why your five hundred cavalrymen were able to beat the Japanese pirates to pieces was because A large part of the credit is due to our desperate efforts to hold back the Japanese pirates on the city wall. The Japanese pirates were exhausted and unprepared, so they were blinded by your surprise attack and beaten to death. Our local soldiers in Taizhou Prefecture must account for at least half of your military medals.

However, the officers and soldiers of Taizhou Prefecture thought that if the Yu family army did not rescue them in time, their Taizhou Prefecture would probably be captured by Japanese pirates. Thinking of this, although they felt a little unhappy, they did not say anything, and even complimented them with a few words. , and praised the Yu Jiajun, "That's right, your army is really an elite soldier who has fought a hundred battles, and is very brave. With five hundred cavalry, he attacked more than ten thousand Japanese pirates. He was like a broken bamboo. He defeated many with a small number. It is rare in ancient times."

"Our bravery and skill in fighting is only one aspect. The main reason is that the general commanded well and grasped the fighter opportunities well." The officers and soldiers of the Yu family took a big mouthful of pork bones, touched the oil on their mouths, and said boastfully.

"Oh, I would like to hear the details." Taizhou Prefecture soldiers asked for advice.

"Haha, to be honest with you, in fact, we have arrived a long time ago. At that time, the Japanese pirates just started to attack Liangmen, but we were small, with only about 500 riders, while the Japanese pirates had more than 20,000 people. The general ordered us to hide We sat in the river ditch and watched the Japanese pirates attack the city. We waited until the Japanese pirates attacked the city with all their strength and reached a stalemate. Then the general ordered us to attack on horseback and killed the Japanese pirates. They were caught off guard, abandoned their helmets and armor, and fled in panic." The officers and soldiers of the Yu family picked up their wine bowls. He took a big sip of wine and explained to the Taizhou Prefecture soldiers.

Already arrived? ! Sit back and watch the Japanese invaders attack the city? !

After hearing this, the officers and soldiers of Taizhou Prefecture learned that the Yu family's army had arrived a long time ago, but they had been hiding in the ditch not far away. They stood still and watched the Japanese invaders attack the city. It was not until the last moment when Taizhou Prefecture was about to be breached by the Japanese pirates that they rushed out to attack. They felt dissatisfied. Emotions began to grow uncontrollably and overflowed.

If the Yu family army could attack the Japanese pirates earlier, would our Taizhou Prefecture not have suffered such serious losses? ! Will my former comrade-in-arms in Paoze not be killed by the Japanese pirates because of exhaustion? ! Wouldn’t there be so many casualties among the folks who helped defend the city? !

Slowly, these complaints and dissatisfactions gradually reached the ears of Tan Lun, the prefect of Taizhou.

Tan Lun's face changed slightly, but he quickly reprimanded the messenger seriously, "Rumors should only be limited to the wise! Don't spread falsehoods! The Yu family's army only has more than 500 riders, while the Japanese pirates have more than 20,000. What General Yu has done is talented It's the most correct! The fighter plane captured it just right! If the Yu family's army attacks before the Japanese pirates can put all their troops into the siege and reach a stalemate, then not only will our Taizhou Prefecture have no regrets, but the Yu family's army will never return. When the Japanese pirates reach all their strength Entering the siege, the enemy and we are in a stalemate, and the Yu family army is the straw that breaks the Japanese pirates. At this time, the most correct choice is to attack on horseback."

"Then they can attack earlier. The Japanese pirates have been attacking the city with all their forces for a long time. This time it is really a lucky break. It is too thrilling. If it is too late for tea time, our city in Taizhou will be captured by the Japanese pirates." The messenger Said somewhat unwillingly.

It was indeed too thrilling at that time. Let alone the tea time, it was only a few breaths later. If the Yu family army did not attack the Japanese pirates, Taizhou City would be captured by the Japanese pirates.

Thinking of the dangerous scene at that time, Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun could not help but feel a layer of cold sweat on his forehead at this moment. In fact, at that time, I had already made plans to live and die with the city of Taizhou. If the city fell, I, Tan Lun, would not live in an ignoble way. I would kill myself on the city wall at the last moment and apologize to the emperor and the court.

It's such a fluke

If it were to happen again, I'm afraid I wouldn't have such luck!

Earlier is indeed better.

However, this thought only lasted for 0.01 seconds. Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun suppressed the thought in his mind, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and scolded the messenger, "Don't talk nonsense! Yu Jiajun is our Taizhou Prefecture My savior, please give an order to everyone not to spread lies or spread rumors to cause trouble."

Tan Lun led the officers and soldiers of Taizhou Prefecture to toast Yu Dayou and others repeatedly to express their gratitude, and the atmosphere of the banquet became more and more heated.

While the banquet in Taizhou Mansion was in full swing, the Japanese pirates abandoned their helmets and armor and fled all the way to the sea.

The Japanese pirates were frightened by Yu's army and fled for more than thirty miles before stopping their flight.

"This battalion of fierce cavalry should be the vanguard of the imperial court's army to suppress the bandits. There will be a large army following closely behind, with the intention of annihilating us! There is no need to think about it anymore in Taizhou Prefecture! It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, so we should get on the ship quickly. Only when we enter the sea. When I reach the sea, like a dragon entering the sea, the Ming army will no longer be able to do anything to me."

Jiangmen Master leaned on the tree trunk, took a short breath, and analyzed Heihachiro and Tiejingang.

"Damn it, the imperial court reacted so quickly this time. If it were any later than tea time, Taizhou Mansion would have been captured by us."

Tie Jingang touched the wound on his ribs and said bitterly that his ribs were injured by Yu Dayou's spear. If he hadn't been trained and avoided the vital points in time, he would have been pierced by Yu Dayou's spear.

"Calculating the time, it has been six days since we landed, and Minggou has almost come to his senses. Although we suffered a lot just now, we have gained a lot this time, and it is time to retreat."

Heihachiro also nodded slightly and said softly that he also felt that Jiang Clan Master's words made sense and agreed to retreat. Although it shows that the army is weak, this time the Ming army is obviously extraordinary, which can be seen from this battalion of vanguard cavalry.

"That's it! It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Get to the big ship quickly and enter the sea! Let's go!" Jiang Clan Master ordered.

The Japanese pirates fled all the way to the seaside, crowded into the big ship, set sail without stopping for a moment, and fled into the depths of the sea.

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