Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1166 Reports on Japan’s Japanese Invasion in Counties (Part 1)

"Report to your Majesty, General, the Japanese pirates have fled to the coast of Musukou. They have already taken a boat and set sail to escape to the depths of the sea."

While the banquet in Taizhou was in full swing, a soldier on horseback quickly ran over and reported to Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun and Ningtai Counselor Yu Dayou.

After the Japanese pirates fled, Tan Lun, the prefect of Taizhou, sent out dozens of detective horses. On the one hand, he was investigating the movements of the Japanese pirates, and some of them went deep into the counties under the jurisdiction of Taizhou Prefecture to investigate and implement the Japanese disaster situation in each county.

"The Japanese pirates ran away"

"The Japanese pirates have escaped, and Taizhou Prefecture has no worries."

"The Japanese pirates have run away. There is no need to fight anymore. There is no need to worry about the sword being blind and dying on the battlefield."

When everyone at the banquet heard the news that the Japanese pirates had fled to the sea, everyone was overjoyed and cheered.

The Japanese pirates fled to the sea! The Japanese invasion of Taizhou Prefecture is over! No more fighting! No need to worry about bloodshed and sacrifice! Long live! Long live! Long live!

For the people of Taizhou Prefecture, who had been devastated by Japanese pirates, there was no better news than this.

"Damn, you son of a bitch, the Japanese pirates are running fast. I haven't drunk enough Japanese pirate blood on my knife yet!"

"That's right, the Japanese pirates were killed before I even finished killing them! Even the turtle son Japanese pirates can run fast!"

"Damn, I wanted to fill my stomach, pick up my sword and ride my horse to kill some Japanese pirates and digest the food. Unexpectedly, the Japanese pirates didn't cooperate at all and fled to the sea without even saying hello."

The Yu Jiajun at the table were equally happy. They defeated 20,000 Japanese pirates in one battle, broke their fear, and fled overseas. This achievement was enough for them to brag for a year, and they started to brag about their arrogance and pity.

The news that the Japanese pirates fled to the sea was like adding the most delicious delicacy in the world to the banquet, pushing the atmosphere of the banquet to the highest point. At the same time, without the worries of Japanese pirates, the wine that was originally intended to be controlled at the banquet was brought up one jar after another, as if it was free of charge. Everyone no longer restrained themselves, pushing cups for cups, mingling with each other, and started drinking.

The welcome banquet seemed to have turned into a celebration banquet.

After tea time, while everyone was drinking, another soldier trotted in from outside.

"Report to the government, the general, and the younger one went to Linhai County to investigate. Linhai County was captured by Japanese pirates three days ago. The county seat was robbed by Japanese pirates. The county government office was set on fire by Japanese pirates. The Linhai County Magistrate is missing."

When the soldiers arrived at the banquet, they knelt down and reported to Taizhou magistrate Tan Lun, Ningtai counselor Yu Dayou and others.

Linhai County is the closest to the capital of Taizhou, so the soldiers who investigated the situation in Linhai County were the first to come back.

Xiao Bing's words suddenly silenced the noisy banquet.

After hearing the news from the soldiers that Linhai County had been invaded by Japanese pirates three days ago, Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun paused in mid-air with the bamboo chopsticks he was preparing to pick up with food. For a moment, his face was filled with black lines. After a long time, he let out a faint sigh and used the chopsticks indifferently. Put it on the plate, it feels very heavy, very bad.

Although he already knew it, he still had a glimmer of hope. Linhai County's terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Linhai County is a large county with abundant resources and people. Linhai County Magistrate is quite talented. He hopes that he can turn the tide and protect the country. Linhai County has not been lost, but the news that Xiaobing reported that Linhai County has been lost is like a bleak cold wind, tearing his last shred of hope to pieces...


In fact, I already knew it, didn’t I? ! The Japanese pirates are fierce and their numbers are overwhelming. Our Taizhou Prefecture was almost captured. Isn't it inevitable that a small county in Linhai County would be captured by the Japanese pirates? !

After a long time, Tan Lun waved his hand and signaled the soldiers to go down to eat. He himself forcibly cheered up, picked up his chopsticks again, pointed at a new dish, and persuaded Yu Dayou and others with a strong smile, "Eat the food, eat it." Dish, General Yu, all officers and men, try this Guojiu pickled fish. The main ingredient of this dish is Songmen white fish, which is a specialty of Taizhou. It is processed from large yellow croaker. It is gray-white with light yellow in color, mostly off-white. Hence the name Songmen white bream. The meat of the soaked bream is firm, pine on the outside and tender on the inside. It is very delicious and is a rare delicacy in Taizhou. When you come to Taizhou, you must try this uncle's soaked bream."

"Well, it's really delicious."

After all the soldiers tasted it, they praised it.

Under the auspices of Tan Lun, the atmosphere of the banquet revived and became lively again.

The banquet was no longer lively but during tea time, there was another sound of horse hoofbeats outside, and then a burst of rapid footsteps. Soon, another horse scout walked in from outside.

After the last experience, everyone made some guesses this time, consciously quieted down, and turned their attention to the detective.

"Report, Tiantai County battle report... Report to the governor and general, I have been ordered to go to Tiantai County to investigate..."

When Tan Ma Xiaobing arrived at the banquet, he knelt down and reported to Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun, Ningtai Counselor Yu Dayou and others.

Tiantai County!

After hearing that Xiao Bing reported the battle report from Tiantai County, Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun gave up all hope.

Tiantai County is no better than Linhai County. Tiantai County is just a small county with only half the population of Linhai County. It is relatively barren, with no mountains or moats around, no danger to defend, and it is easy to attack but difficult to defend. Moreover, the magistrate of Tiantai County is almost sixty years old. It is said that he has entered the official life ahead of schedule by eating fast and chanting Buddha all year round. More importantly, the old magistrate of Tiantai County is still a rotten scholar. He only reads the Four Books and Five Classics and is not familiar with current affairs. He has no knowledge of marching and fighting. Even more ignorant. How can we rely on him to defend the city? !

Therefore, Tan Lun still had a glimmer of hope for Linhai County, but he had no hope at all for Tiantai County.

"Tiantai County was besieged by Japanese pirates three days ago. The Japanese pirate who besieged Tiantai County was Liu Tuzi, a subordinate of Lord Jiangmen." Tan Ma Xiaobing continued to report.

The Japanese pirates who besieged Tiantai County were Japanese pirates under the command of Lord Jiangmen.

Hearing this, Tan Lun, the prefect of Taizhou, gave up all hope for Tiantai County. Lord Jiang was the leader of the Hungry Wolf League, and the Japanese pirates under his command were the most numerous, with strong soldiers and horses. Tiantai County was surrounded by Japanese pirates under Lord Jiang. Where is the possibility of preservation?

Sure enough, the next second, Tan Ma Xiaobing continued to report, "According to reports, after the Japanese pirates besieged the city, the magistrate of Tiantai County led his subordinates to burn incense and worship Buddha on the city wall, held rituals, and knelt down to beg the Buddha to protect Tiantai County. As a result, not long after the rituals were completed, , the magistrate of Tiantai County was accidentally shot to death by an arrow from a Japanese pirate on the city wall."

After hearing the news from the soldiers that the Tiantai County Magistrate was burning incense, worshiping Buddha, and holding religious ceremonies to resist Japanese pirates, the corners of Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but almost cursed. Later, he heard that the Tiantai County Magistrate was shot by a Japanese pirate with an arrow on the city wall. After his death, Tan Lun held back for the sake of the deceased.

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