Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1167: Report on Japan’s Japanese Invasion in Various Counties (Part 2)

Worshiping Buddha to ward off Japanese pirates, the county magistrate was shot dead... Tiantai County was already in the possession of Japanese pirates, how could it be spared!

Tan Lun and others didn't need to listen to Tan Ma Xiaobing to know that Tiantai County had been invaded by Japanese pirates.

Although there was no hope, Taizhou prefect Tan Lun could not help but be extremely disappointed and in a terrible mood at this moment.

I had long known that Tiantai County would be conquered by Japanese pirates, but I didn’t expect that Tiantai County would be conquered by Japanese pirates in such a cowardly way! The magistrate of a dignified county actually resisted the Japanese pirates by praying to Buddha. This is really the most ridiculous thing in the world! If he hadn't been shot and killed by Japanese pirates, he would have been killed in the line of duty. How could I have spared him so lightly?

"The magistrate of Tiantai County was killed by a Japanese pirate with an arrow. The Japanese pirates took the opportunity to attack the city in a large scale and attacked the south gate in one fell swoop..."

The scout then reported to Tan Lun, Yu Dayou and others.


As expected, the Japanese pirates attacked the south gate, so Tiantai County would naturally fall.

Tan Lun, the prefect of Taizhou, sighed slightly in his heart.

"When Tiantai County was about to be captured by Japanese pirates, a group of Shaolin monks suddenly rushed to the city wall to rescue them. Each of these monks was holding an iron rod eight feet long. They were all highly skilled in martial arts. They saved Tiantai County at the critical moment. , have been assisting in the defense of Tiantai County until today when the Japanese pirates retreated."

When everyone thought that the fall of Tiantai County was certain, Tan Ma Xiaobing continued to report to everyone.

What? !

The monk comes to the rescue? ! Tiantai County actually defended it? ! Wasn't it captured by Japanese pirates? !

How can this be? !

After hearing that Tiantai County was rescued at the critical moment by a team of Shaolin monks, Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun and others opened their mouths in surprise, with disbelief and disbelief on their faces.

"My little investigation in the county revealed that these monks come from two temples in Tiantai County, one is called Wolong Temple and the other is called Wuzutan Temple. It is said that because the magistrate of Tiantai County always takes care of many temples and is very generous, Tiantai The two temples in the county have received a lot of care from the Tiantai magistrate. Therefore, after the abbots of the two temples heard that Japanese pirates were besieging Tiantai County, they spontaneously organized monks from the nearby Baihu Temple to go to the rescue."

Detective Ma Xiaobing continued to report and revealed more information to Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun and others.

It turned out to be so.

After hearing the inside story, Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun's mouth twitched a little, and he really didn't know what to say. The magistrate of Tiantai County has been eating fast, chanting Buddha's name, worshiping Buddha and doing rituals to ward off the Japanese all year round. He really "worshiped" him.

Tiantai County was not captured by the Japanese pirates, which was an unexpected surprise for Tan Lun. Even Tiantai County, which was undefendable, undefendable, and hopeless, was defended. As for other counties, this gave him more opportunities. Ambition.

The news of Tiantai County's defense added another delicious dish to the banquet, making the atmosphere of the banquet lively again.

After another tea time, I heard the sound of horse hooves outside again, and then a sound of footsteps came from far and near. Soon I saw a dusty horse scout walking into the banquet.

"Report the war against Japanese invaders in Ninghai County to the governor and general."

Tan Ma Xiaobing walked into the banquet scene dusty and half-kneeling to salute Tan Lun, Yu Dayou and others.

Ninghai County battle report!

Hearing Tan Ma Xiaobing mention Ninghai County, Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun put down the wine glass in his hand, leaned forward slightly, looking like he was paying attention and listening carefully, with a pair of eyes filled with expectation.

Ninghai County is the largest of the seven counties under the jurisdiction of Taizhou Prefecture, and it is also the county with the highest and largest city. It is backed by mountains and surrounded by a moat, making the city the easiest to defend and difficult to attack. In addition, Ninghai County is located at the highest point of Tiantai County. In the north, the Japanese pirates came from the southeast and attacked the southern county first. Ninghai County was in the north, so there was enough reaction time. The most important thing was that there was a guard station stationed near Linhai County with nearly a thousand troops. Guan Yao of Qianhu in the Wei Institute was a descendant of Guan Gong. Like Guan Gong, he loved reading "Spring and Autumn". He was often known as a martial artist and was often called the "little martial sage" by people at the time.

The time, place, and people are favorable, and Ninghai County has all been taken care of. If we talk about preservation, who else can save it besides Ninghai County? !

Tan Lun has great expectations for Ninghai County.

Nearly a hundred Shaolin monks rescued Tiantai County, which had no danger and no one to defend, and could save the county seat. Wouldn't it be even more possible to save Ninghai County, which had the support of the garrison, a high city and a deep pool, and was easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Under Tan Lun's expectant eyes, Tan Ma Xiaobing continued to report: "Three days ago, Ninghai County had received news of the invasion of Japanese pirates, and immediately strengthened its defense. At the same time, it sent people to the nearby guard station to ask for help. The guard station Qianhu Pass After Yaoguan Qianhu received Ninghai County's request for help, he led eight hundred soldiers and horses to Ninghai County to assist in the defense of Ninghai County. Not long after Guan Qianhu led his troops to Ninghai County, the Japanese bandit leader Tiejingang led two thousand The remaining Japanese pirates invaded Ningxian County and reached the gate of Ninghai County."

After hearing this, Tan Lun nodded slightly. The magistrate of Ninghai County responded well and dealt with it well. The guard station also provided timely support for thousands of households. He arrived at the county before the Japanese pirates surrounded the county.


Ninghai County is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and there are 800 soldiers and horses from the guard station to assist in the defense. The regular defense force has more than a thousand people, and this does not include the levy of civilians. The group of Japanese pirate Tiejingang only numbered more than 2,000 people.

Sun Tzu said: If you are ten, you will surround it, if you are five, you will attack it, if if you double it, you will divide it, and the enemy will be able to fight.

More than two thousand Japanese pirates want to capture Ninghai County, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, guarded by more than a thousand defenders. Haha, it is difficult.

Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun nodded slightly, relaxed a little, and picked up the tea cup.

Not only Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun, but Yu Dayou and others also nodded slightly. The situation in Ninghai County is good, and the battle report is worth looking forward to.

In the expectant eyes of everyone, Tan Ma Xiaobing continued to report: "While Ninghai County strengthened its defense, it prepared food and wine to entertain the Guan Qianhu army who came to rescue. Guan Qianhu did not pay attention to the Japanese pirates outside the city and regarded them as The crowd said boldly, "My ancestor, the Martial Saint, Guan Yunchang, warmed the wine and killed Hua Xiong. As a descendant of the Martial Saint, I cannot compare with my ancestors. However, I don't take them seriously, just Japanese pirates. Let's put the food and wine first." Wait until I kill the Japanese pirates before I eat them.' After saying that, Guan Qianhu led 800 soldiers, recruited more than 200 government officials and 300 people who were guarding the city, totaling more than 1,300 people, and took the initiative to go out of the city to fight against the Japanese pirates. The Japanese pirates fought in the field and vowed to wipe out the Japanese pirates in one battle. Unexpectedly, as soon as the two armies met, Guan Qianhu was defeated. Guan Qianhu himself was also smashed in the head with a stick by the bandit leader Tiejingang, and was taken out of the city by Guan Qianhu. The soldiers and horses of the guard station, as well as the Ninghai County government officials and civilians were all wiped out, and Ninghai County was also seized by Tiejingang."

Cough cough cough.

Immediately, Tan Lun, the prefect of Taizhou, choked on a mouthful of tea, his face turned red, and he coughed repeatedly.

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