Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1168 Reports on Japan’s Japanese Invasion in Counties (Part 2)

It turns out that this is how Ninghai County was captured by Japanese pirates!

Guan Yao, Guan Yao, his name is not worthy of his name! It's ruining my life! You said it would be great if you defend the city well. If you defend the city well, more than a thousand defenders will defend the city wall against more than 2,000 Japanese pirates. Ninghai County will be as stable as Mount Tai. However, it will be extremely difficult for the Japanese pirates to capture Ninghai County. You said you, this is an emergency that affects the life and death of the entire county. Why are you so blind? Alas, one general is really incompetent and the three armies are exhausted. You are so incompetent that you have harmed yourself, and you have also harmed the entire people of Ninghai County.

Originally, Ninghai County was the most likely to survive the Japanese invasion, but now it was completely destroyed by Guan Yao!

Originally, in this massive Japanese invasion, Taizhou City and Tiantai County were preserved. As long as Ninghai County was preserved, this political disaster would be alleviated a lot. , find someone to clear your joints, and you will be somewhat sure that you will get through it safely.

But now!

All this was ruined by Guan Yao's reckless battle! Ninghai County, which had the best hope of preservation, fell!


Hope was once within reach, but now it is torn to pieces!

Tan Lun, the prefect of Taizhou, suffered a 10,000-point blow in his heart, his face turned extremely dark, and the tea cup in his hand was almost shattered.

"Alas, Guan Qianhu was too reckless. If we had defended the city step by step, how could Ninghai County be captured by Japanese pirates?!"

"That is, Ninghai County is high and deep, backed by mountains and surrounded by moats. It is the easiest to defend and difficult to attack among the seven counties in Taizhou. If there are more than a thousand defenders defending the city, how can more than 2,000 Japanese pirates capture it?! Great situation! , destroyed in one fell swoop!”

"Hey, the incompetence of one general has exhausted the three armies. The ancients are sincere and I can't bully them. It's a pity, it's a pity."

After hearing how Ninghai County was captured by Japanese pirates, everyone at the banquet sighed.

Every sigh from the crowd was like a sharp knife piercing into the chest of Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun

The news of the fall of Ninghai County cast a shadow over the banquet, and the lively banquet suddenly cooled down a lot.

After another tea time, everyone at the banquet heard another rapid sound of horse hooves, followed by another sound of footsteps.

It's such a familiar rhythm. Needless to say, there are new reports of Japanese war from the scouts.

Everyone turned their attention to the entrance of the banquet.

Sure enough, everyone soon saw a small soldier on horseback running in, dressed in dusty clothes.

"Report to the Governor and General, Huangyan County battle report."

Tan Ma Xiaobing trotted all the way into the banquet, half-kneeling on the ground and reported to Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun, Yu Dayou and others.

Huangyan County battle report!

When he heard the battle report from Huangyan County, Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun sighed slightly.

Huangyan County is close to Linhai County, and Linhai County has fallen. How can Huangyan County be spared? ! Huangyan County is different from Linhai County. Linhai County's terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it has abundant resources and people. However, Huangyan County's terrain is long and narrow, and the territory is mostly plains. There is no danger to defend the county. In addition, Huangyan County is not as rich as Linhai County, and the jurisdiction The number of people is also far less than that of Linhai County. Even if Linhai County fell, how could Huangyan County be spared? !

It was pitch dark, no light, no hope. Taizhou magistrate Tan Lun had no hope in his heart.

Sure enough, the next report from the detective also confirmed what Tan Lun was thinking.

"Report to the Governor and General. Four days ago, the Japanese bandit leader Jiangmen led a raid on Huangyan County. Huangyan County was captured by the Japanese before they could respond. The magistrate of Huangyan County led a group of government officials to stand guard at the county government office for about the time of tea. The government office was attacked by Japanese pirates, and the magistrate of Huangyan County was killed in the rebellion."

The little soldier who was exploring the horse reported back.


If it is what you think! Huangyan County fell!

No miracle at all!

The Taizhou magistrate let out a faint sigh, and his face turned darker. He had been hit and disappointed many times, and his whole body was like an ice cube, exuding a thick air of coldness, making the subordinate officials next to him feel like it was winter.

Soon, shortly after the horse scout left after reporting, there was another rapid sound of horse hooves outside.

Another scout arrived.

"Report to the magistrate, the general, the battle report in Xianju County." Tan Ma Xiaobing walked into the banquet and saluted Tan Lun, Yu Dayou and others.

Xianju County!

Hearing only the words "Xianju County" and not hearing the contents of the battle report, Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun sighed again.

In terms of defense, Xianju County is not as good as Huangyan County. Xianju County is notoriously easy to attack and difficult to defend in Taizhou Prefecture, and is a standard weak persimmon. In addition, Xianju County is right on the seaside and is on the front line of Japanese pirates' plunder. How could the Japanese pirates let such a soft persimmon go? Xianju County is doomed.

Thinking of this, Tan Lun sighed heavily.

Sure enough, Tan Ma Xiaobing's next report once again confirmed what Tan Lun was thinking.

"Five days ago, the Japanese pirate leader Tiejingang landed on the southeast coast of Xianju County. On the same day, he marched straight to besiege Xianju County. The magistrate of Xianju County led his people to defend the city and held on for more than half an hour. Finally, because they were outnumbered, the Japanese pirates broke through the city gate. . The magistrate of Xianju County disappeared after the Japanese pirates broke into the city. Some people say that the magistrate of Xianju escaped from the county through a secret passage, while others say that the magistrate of Xianju County was killed by the Japanese pirates."

Detective Ma Xiaobing reported the information he found out.


I wish I could be like Tiantai County and guess wrong again.

It's a pity that there is no turning point! Tiantai County's luck is rare! Xianju County fell, and nothing unexpected happened.

With a heavy sigh, Taizhou magistrate Tan Lun waved his hand and ordered the soldiers to go down and have a meal.

Taizhou Prefecture has seven counties under its jurisdiction, and war reports have been reported from five counties. Of the five counties, only Tiantai County was lucky to survive. The remaining Linhai County, Ninghai County, Huangyan County and Xianju County were all captured by the Japanese pirates.

Only the southernmost counties of Taiping and Jingnan have not yet received reports of the Japanese invasion.

To be honest, Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun had no hope at all for the two counties of Taiping and Jingnan, especially Jingnan County. If Tan Lun, the prefect of Taiping County, still has the slightest hope, then Tan Lun, the prefect of Taizhou, has no hope at all for Jingnan County.

Tan Lun knew very well that the city walls of Jingnan County were low, in disrepair, and severely damaged. After being soaked by rain in recent years, they were even more seriously damaged. The most destructive thing about Jingnan County was that it gave no hope at all. It is a place of right and wrong, and an ominous place. Six county magistrates have died in five years. The new magistrate, Zhu Ping'an, just took office a month ago. He is only fifteen or sixteen years old. He is very young. He came from the imperial examination and lacks experience.

Just when Tan Lun was thinking about it, there was another rapid sound of horse hooves, and after a burst of footsteps, another soldier came to explore the horse.

"Report, report to the governor and general, the battle report of Jingnan County."

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