Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1170 Jingnan Battle Report Shocks Fucheng (Part 2)

The Japanese pirates are now alive and dead.

Zhu Ping'an, a mere scholar, had the courage to sleep on the city wall and vowed to live and die with Jingnan County. This courage and courage amazed everyone at the banquet. Zhu Ping'an did not disgrace the reputation of the number one scholar!

But after being amazed, everyone couldn't help but feel pity.

Unfortunately, I heard that Zhu Pingan is only sixteen this year! It’s a great time when the future is limitless! What a pity, what a pity!

Such a talented person could have become a pillar of our Ming Dynasty and left a mark of his own in history. His future is limitless! It's a pity, it's a pity, it's a pity that I had a bad life and encountered Japanese pirates.

There is no way, life is like this, often times things don’t go as planned! Good people don’t live long! Where there is a will, there is no way! A passion and responsibility can often only move oneself, but cannot move God, and cannot solve the practical problems of disparity in power.

During the Anshi Rebellion, Zhang Xun defended Suiyang City with an absolutely inferior force of thousands of men. Facing more than 100,000 rebels, he remained unmoved and vowed to defend the city to the death. Zhang Xun's determination to defend the city was unparalleled in the world. The battle to defend the city at that time was extremely brutal. He experienced more than 400 battles, large and small, and made the rebels pay a heavy price. However, despite the absolute disparity in military strength, Suiyang City was still captured by the rebels, and Zhang Xun died in the city.

In the Battle of Yashan, Lu Xiufu vowed to turn the tide of danger, support the building from collapse, and vow to revive the Song Dynasty. However, due to the huge disparity in strength with the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties, it could only become the most tragic scene in history. In the end, the Song army In a tragic defeat, Lu Xiufu threw himself into the sea with the young emperor in his arms and died for his country. One hundred thousand soldiers and civilians followed closely and jumped into the sea to die for his country.

There are countless such examples in history

It's a pity that Zhu Pingan has to become such an example. What a pity.

"Hey, it's such a pity for Zhuzhi County. There were as many as three thousand Japanese pirates who raided, of which the fierce real Japanese accounted for half. However, Jingnan County had less than a hundred soldiers, and the county magistrate, Zhu Bo, Dian Shi and other officials They ran away again, and the city walls in Jingnan County are low and in disrepair."

"Oh, what a pity, what a pity."

"Good people don't live long."

The more everyone at the banquet marveled at Zhu Pingan's courage and courage in coming to the city and sleeping soundly on top of the city, the more they felt sorry for Zhu Pingan. It was a pity that such a talented Zhu Pingan was lost at the hands of the Japanese pirates.

It's a pity for Zhu Ping'an, and it's a pity for Tan Lun, the magistrate of Taizhou, Jingnan County, and he couldn't help but have this thought.

Hearing the sighs of regret from everyone at the banquet, Tan Ma Xiaobing couldn't help but shook his head, what is this?

"Japanese pirates raided Jingnan County. First, more than a hundred Japanese pirates pretended to attack the east gate of the county, and then the army raided the west gate."

The scout continued to report. Because Jingnan was not captured by the Japanese pirates, and the people in the county had personally experienced the battle, and there were many people who knew about it, the battle report of Jingnan he investigated was relatively detailed.

What? !

The Japanese pirates, who had an absolute advantage in military strength, actually used the strategy of attacking from the east to the west! Japanese pirates are scary, but Japanese pirates who know the art of war are even scarier!

Then Jingnan County is completely out of business. Hey, it's a pity for Zhu Ping'an.

The sighs at the banquet became louder.

"However, Zhu Zhixian had already expected that Ximen would be the main direction of the Japanese pirates' attack. They were well prepared, and the Japanese pirates' cunning plan to attack from the east to the west was not successful." Tan Ma Xiaobing said loudly.

What? !

Zhu Ping'an, the magistrate of Jingnan County, unexpectedly expected the Japanese pirates to attack Ximen? ! See through the Japanese pirates' plan to attack the east and attack the west!

How did he expect this? !

Isn't it just a coincidence? !

However, what if Zhu Pingan foiled the Japanese pirates' plan to seize the east and attack the west, he only blocked a sneak attack by the Japanese pirates! In view of the absolute disparity in military strength, it was lucky that Jingnan County could withstand a single sneak attack by the Japanese pirates. How could it withstand the continued attacks of the Japanese pirates? !

such a pity.

Everyone was surprised at first, and then felt sorry for Zhu Ping'an, the magistrate of Jingnan.

There is no way, under the absolutely disparity in military strength, no one can have even a glimmer of hope in their hearts.

"After the Japanese pirates failed to attack the west gate, they turned to a frontal attack and continued to attack the west gate."

The scout continued to report.


Everyone couldn't help but shake their heads after hearing this, and sighed again. The Japanese pirates' failed sneak attack inevitably turned into a frontal and continuous attack on the city. With the absolute disparity in military strength, it was only a matter of time before Jingnan County was captured.

"The commander of Zhu Zhixian County defended the city with huge rocks, gold juice, etc., causing heavy casualties to the Japanese pirates who attacked the city. However, the Japanese pirates were fierce and desperate and attacked the city wildly, which also caused heavy casualties to the defenders in Jingnan County," Tanma Xiaobing continued to report.

Golden juice! Zhu Ping'an could think of using gold juice to defend the city, which is really unexpected.

But what a pity.

There are more than 3,000 Japanese pirates, and they can afford casualties, but the defenders of Jingnan County are small in number, but they can't afford casualties!

"Half an hour later, the Japanese pirates finally attacked the city wall," the patrolman continued to report.


As worried, Jingnan County couldn’t afford the expense, and the Japanese pirates attacked the city wall!

What does it mean when Japanese pirates attack the city wall? !

It means it's over!

The only advantage of the city wall in Jingnan County is gone! This is the end of Jingnan County, and this is the end of Zhu Ping'an!

"At the critical moment, Magistrate Zhu picked up his official uniform and tied it around his waist, then rushed to the front line with a knife."

The detective continued to report.


it's over!

Hearing Zhu Pingan rush forward with a knife, the sighs at the banquet became louder! The hero's final song, the overlord by the Wujiang River! How can you not sigh!

"Zhu Zhixian killed the enemy with his sword, which inspired the defenders and boosted the morale of the defenders. Later, Zhu Zhixian seized the weakness of the Japanese siege equipment, which was mostly flying claw ropes, and ordered them to use firewood boiled with gold juice to burn it. The broken rope made it impossible for the Japanese pirates below the city to climb up the city wall for a while. The Japanese pirates who climbed up the city wall were eliminated and Jingnan County was once again defended." Hearing the heavy sighs from everyone, the patrolling soldier couldn't help but shook his head and reported loudly.

ah? !

Actually defended it? !

Everyone at the banquet couldn't help but scream in surprise when they heard the report from the detective.

However, just like last time, the surprise only existed at the beginning. After the surprise, everyone couldn't help but sigh again.

This time, Zhu Ping'an seized on the weakness of the Japanese pirates who first landed, lacked siege equipment, and often used flying claw ropes to climb and siege the city. He used fire to burn the ropes of the Japanese flying claws, making it impossible for the Japanese pirates to climb and attack the city.

However, the Japanese pirates will definitely cut down the wood to build a siege ladder. This siege ladder will burn continuously and will be difficult to destroy. With the siege ladder, the Japanese pirates can project more troops to the city wall, many times more than the flying claw rope! The speed is also several times faster! Facing the Japanese pirates who used flying claw ropes to attack the city, the defenders on the city wall had already suffered heavy casualties and could barely hold on. How to resist the Japanese pirates who used siege ladders to attack the city? ! It’s not enough for Japanese pirates to stuff their teeth between their teeth!

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