Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1171 Jingnan War Report Shocks Fucheng (Part 2)

Although they heard that Jingnan County was once again defended, everyone at the banquet still didn't have any hope for Jingnan County.

How many people can be left in the Jingnan garrison? Originally, there were only a hundred or so people in total. Although Jingnan was able to defend the city during the last wave of Japanese pirates, it also suffered heavy losses. Can there still be thirty or fifty people now? !

The absolute disparity in strength between the offensive and defensive sides made them firmly believe that Jingnan would definitely fall!

"The Japanese pirates retreated after being defeated in their attack on the city, and they cut down trees on a large scale to build siege ladders," Tan Ma Xiaobing continued to report.


The Japanese pirates learned the lesson from the last time they attacked the city with flying claws, and the ropes were burned. They stepped up cutting down trees and building siege ladders. When the Japanese siege ladders were completed, Jingnan County fell!

Everyone at the banquet has "seen" the ending of Jingnan County!

"At this critical moment, Magistrate Zhu told a story and mobilized the people of the city to defend the city."

The little soldier who was exploring the horse reported.

"What story? What story did Magistrate Zhu tell? How could he mobilize the entire city to defend the city?!"

"That's right. What story can be so powerful?"

After hearing Tan Ma Xiaobing's report, everyone at the banquet could not help but be filled with questions. They were very curious about what story Zhu Pingan told. Even Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun and Ningtai Counselor Yu Dayou also looked at Tan Ma Xiaobing curiously.

"At that time, someone also suggested that Zhu Zhixian pray to gods and worship Buddha to ward off Japanese pirates. Zhu Zhixian told this story. Zhu Zhixian said that there used to be a very devout Buddhist. One day he encountered a big difficulty, so he went to the temple to worship as usual. Guanyin Bodhisattva, praying to the Bodhisattva to help him resolve his difficulties. When he entered the temple to worship Guanyin Bodhisattva, he found a person on the futon next to him praying to Guanyin Bodhisattva. He found that this man looked very similar to Guanyin Bodhisattva, just like Guanyin Bodhisattva. The Bodhisattva Buddha statue seemed to be alive, so he asked curiously, "Are you Guanyin Bodhisattva?" Guanyin Bodhisattva replied, "Yes." The Buddhist asked in confusion, "Since you are Guanyin Bodhisattva, why do you worship yourself?" ?' Guanshiyin Bodhisattva replied, 'Because I have also encountered difficulties, but I know that it is better to ask God than to ask yourself!'"

It was difficult to give up, so Tan Ma Xiaobing had to stop and tell the story Zhu Ping'an told everyone. Thanks to the story Zhu Zhixian told was very interesting and his memory was not bad, otherwise this meeting would have been embarrassing.

“It’s better to ask God than to ask yourself?!”

“It’s better to ask God than to ask yourself!”

"It is better to ask for God than to ask for yourself! What Zhu Zhixian said is really inspiring! No wonder the people in the city can be mobilized."

After Tan Ma Xiaobing finished telling about ancient times, everyone at the banquet was filled with emotion and moved deeply by this story.

"After Zhu Zhixian told the story, he impassionedly told the people in the city that it is better to ask for God than to ask for yourself. The only people who can save Jingnan now are the fellow villagers. Although there are more than 3,000 Japanese pirates, there are 30,000 in our Jingnan County. . As long as all the fellow citizens stand up and defend the city, Jingnan County will definitely be able to defend it! But if, if we don’t defend the city, the Japanese pirates will kill us with knives! Kill our parents, wives and children! They will also point their fingers. Our bones said: 'Look, this is a coward without balls!' After Zhu Zhixian finished speaking, the people in the city all shouted 'Defend the city', and the sound of invitations to fight was as loud as a beating."

Tan Ma Xiaobing has a good memory and basically recited Zhu Pingan's mobilization words at that time.

"Okay! Move it with emotion and understand it with reason! Zhixian Zhu said it well."

"When I listen to it now, I still can't help but feel excited! No wonder the whole city has been mobilized."

Everyone at the banquet was filled with emotion.

Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun turned his gaze in the direction of Jingnan County, and a glimmer of light flashed in his dark eyes.

"Zhu Zhi County selected two thousand young people to defend the city wall, and asked the other people to help collect and transport stones and other materials for the city defense. Zhu Zhi County ordered the two thousand young people to defend the city to be registered in a book, and promised: After the war, each person will A reward of ten taels of silver will be given; those who are injured will be rewarded with an additional ten taels of silver; those who are killed will receive an additional fifty taels of silver each. In addition, after this battle, all those who want to serve as officials in the county government will be given priority."

Tan Ma Xiaobing continued.

"Eh? Why do you feel like Jingnan can hold on?!" Hearing this, someone at the banquet murmured softly.

"That's disgusting. There are too many Japanese pirates. Although Jingnan mobilized the people to defend the city and made up for the disadvantage of insufficient troops, they are all ordinary people after all. How can they be the opponent of the Japanese pirates who kill so much?!"

Soon the person next to him shook his head.

"Yes, Zhu Zhixian has tried his best, but it is far from enough. Although there are more people, there are only thirty or fifty soldiers left guarding the city. The remaining two thousand or so are ordinary people who have never experienced fighting on the battlefield. They are just ordinary people who have never experienced fighting on the battlefield. How can thirty or fifty soldiers mobilize more than two thousand people?! Once the Japanese pirates start to attack the city, most of the people who have never experienced war will be frightened when they see the scene of swords and swords and life and death fighting. As long as the Japanese pirates attack the city, Put it on the wall, climb up the city wall, it will be a one-sided massacre."

"Well, the common people can be used as auxiliaries, but if they are the main force defending the city, how can they defend it?! The recruit Danzi, who has been trained for several years, goes to the battlefield for the first time. He is so scared that he wets his pants and dare not use his sword to attack the Japanese pirates. Cut down, let alone the common people.”

Except for a very small number of people who have a glimmer of hope in Jingnan, the vast majority of people still do not think highly of Jingnan.

"Shortly after Zhu Zhi County mobilized the people, the Japanese pirates began to attack the city. Before attacking the city this time, the Japanese pirates killed more than 500 people in public under the city. When the people on the city were frightened, they attacked the city in a large scale. "

When Tan Ma Xiaobing came here to report, he couldn't help gritting his teeth. He had a distant relative who was among these people who were killed.

After hearing this, everyone at the banquet couldn't help but gnashed their teeth and sighed. The Japanese pirates took advantage of the shortcoming that the defenders in the city were ordinary people who had never experienced war, and deliberately killed people to intimidate the people in the city.


The Japanese pirates were targeting seven inches of the city!

Those who had a glimmer of hope for Jingnan County just before the banquet had their hopes dashed away at this moment.

"After seeing the young and strong people guarding the city being frightened by the Japanese pirates killing people on the battlefield, Zhu Zhixian stood up, raised his shield and struck it with the hilt of his knife, while running back and forth on the city wall, shouting to the frightened people Dao, brothers, behind us are our parents, wives and children. We have no way out! If we are not strong, who will protect them! I am a man, stand up with me! Many years later, when you sit under the tree and sunbathe When the sun is shining, your son or grandson curiously asks you what you did when you were young. You don’t have to blush and hesitantly say that your grandfather and I shoveled shit in the fields. You can stare into their eyes and say loudly, Proudly, tell your children and grandchildren: Son, your grandfather and I fought side by side on the wall of Jingnan County with the magistrate Zhu Ping'an to fight against the Japanese pirates! We killed thousands of ferocious Japanese pirates and turned them upside down. The city wall was driven down and Jingnan was saved!" Tan Maxiaobing said emotionally, "After Zhu Zhixian shouted, all the people cheered up and straightened their backs as if they had been given chicken blood to face the attack. None of the Japanese pirates in the city retreated, and they drove the attacking Japanese pirates off the city wall again and again, and defended Jingnan County again and again. The Japanese pirates could not attack the west gate for a long time, and they used the strategy of exhausting the enemy and secretly dividing their troops. They attacked the North Gate, but were all seen through and defeated by Zhu Zhixian. The Japanese pirates encountered a head-on in Jingnan and suffered a bloody blow. They lost more than half of their troops and the bodies piled up in mountains. Finally, they had no choice but to evacuate Jingnan overnight. Jingnan County was defended! The Japanese pirates were captured in total. Level seven hundred and ninety-five!"

What? !

Jingnan not only defended it? ! Also captured 795 Japanese pirate heads? !

Tan Ma Xiaobing's report was like igniting explosives, and the surprised voices of everyone at the banquet almost turned the roof off!

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