Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1172 The fierce Zhu Pingan

The Jingnan battle report was like five thunders hitting the clear sky, and everyone at the banquet was shocked and dumbfounded.

Unbelievable! It’s incredible! They couldn't believe what their ears were hearing!

"Are you telling the truth?! Jingnan not only defended it, but also captured the heads of more than 700 Japanese pirates?!"

The secretary of the Taizhou government office swallowed hard, and the shocked look on his face could not calm down. With a "clang", he almost knocked over the table when he stood up and left the table. He took two steps forward emotionally and came to Tanma. The soldier stood in front of him and stared at him, asking in disbelief.

"Sir, yes, Magistrate Zhu led the people of Jingnan to defend Jingnan County and captured 795 heads of Japanese pirates." The detective on the horse replied loudly with his chest held high and his eyes not avoiding the secretary's eyes.

"Jingnan actually defended it?!"

"Haha. Seven hundred and ninety-five Japanese pirate heads?! Hiss. That's amazing, Jingnan County Magistrate! Not only did he defend Jingnan County, he was able to capture so many Japanese pirate heads?! If I remember correctly, this should be Isn’t this our Taizhou Prefecture’s greatest military success against Japanese pirates in the past ten years?!”

"Who is Zhu Ping'an, the magistrate of Jingnan County? He has such ability?"

"I have some impressions of Zhu Zhixian, the magistrate of Jingnan County. Mr. Zhu is very young, only sixteen years old, but didn't he just go to Jingnan to take up his post? He also came to Fucheng to complete the formalities before taking up his post. I received him in the official room at that time. He Did you go to Jingnan for a month?! I didn’t expect to do such a thing?!"

After listening to Tan Ma Xiaobing's resolute repetition, everyone at the banquet was convinced that Jingnan County was really defended, and it was not just defended, but also an incredible gain!

Discussions broke out at the banquet.

After Tan Lun, the prefect of Taizhou, heard the news that Jingnan County had been defended and a lot of gains had been made, his mood suddenly improved. The dark clouds that had been shrouding his head instantly dissipated by more than a third, revealing some sky.

He never expected that the fatal disaster of his political fate would turn around at the moment of complete despair.

Taizhou Fucheng was defended, Tiantai County was also defended, and now Jingnan County was also defended, and there was such a big gain, 795 heads of Japanese pirates. This is not a small number. Taizhou Prefecture had nearly ten In the past years of fighting against Japanese pirates, there has never been such a huge achievement in a single battle.

Although this time the Japanese invasion of Taizhou is the worst in history, with the above achievements, as long as you make good connections and find someone to unblock your joints, you are 80% certain that you can get through this disaster safely.

Guan Yao's ruined hope was unexpectedly restored by Zhu Pingan, well, Zhu Pingan, Pingan Pingan, good name.

However, to be on the safe side, I have to make sure again.

"Do you know the consequences of falsely reporting military information?!"

The Taizhou magistrate suppressed the joy in his heart, pretended to look at Tan Ma Xiaobing with a calm face, and asked slowly.

"I know. What I said is absolutely true. I also counted the heads of the Japanese pirates myself."

Tan Ma Xiaobing replied.

Tan Lun, the prefect of Taizhou, had been paying attention to Xiao Bing's expression and was sure that he did not lie about the Jingnan battle report.

"Yes, I understand. You've worked hard. Go down and rest. I've left food and wine for you on the stove."

Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun smiled and nodded, patted Tan Ma Xiaobing on the shoulder encouragingly and said to him.

Tan Lun was so careful that he had already ordered food and wine to be left on the stove for these scouts, which were just like the food at a banquet. There was enough food and wine so that the scouts who went to seven counties to investigate could all enjoy the banquet.

However, Tan Ma Xiaobing did not turn around and go down to rest as Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun said. Instead, he stood there without moving, with no intention of going down at all. He seemed to have something else to say.

"Eh? Why aren't you going down yet? Do you want to eat here? You've already eaten half of the food. The meat and wine meal specially left for you on the stove is exactly the same as the food on the table. Every dish is not bad."

The clerk noticed that the soldier who was exploring the horse was not obedient, and he couldn't help but frowned slightly. If he had seen such a big-headed soldier who didn't know how to advance or retreat, and didn't understand etiquette, he would have reprimanded him a long time ago, but he thought he had brought good news. Go up, the secretary suppressed his dissatisfaction, took a step forward and said to him.

At this time, other people also noticed and looked over.

"Come back to me, sir, I haven't finished reporting the battle yet." Tanma Xiaobing shrank his neck and replied.

What? !

The battle report hasn't been finished yet? !

What you just reported was only half of the Jingnan battle report. Could it be that the Japanese pirates have gone and come back? ! Jingnan fell again? !

The banquet suddenly became quiet and cold, as if summer had suddenly entered winter, silent and cold.

"But there's no harm in talking."

Taizhou magistrate Tan Lun's good mood suddenly turned bad again. He frowned and looked at Tan Ma Xiaobing. It took a lot of effort to move from despair to hope, and now we are facing despair again. No one can control their emotions.

"After the Japanese pirates retreated from Jingnan in the early morning, they transferred their troops to Taiping County and captured Taiping County at noon that day. After Zhu Zhi County settled Jingnan County, he recruited 500 young and strong people, 100 carriages, and simply modified them. Form a car formation to pursue the Japanese pirates who fled to Taiping County, and rush to the aid of Taiping County."

The little soldier who was exploring the horse reported.

What? !

The Japanese pirates who lost their troops retreated and turned to attack Taiping County. They actually captured Taiping County in half a day? !

What does the magistrate of Taiping County do for food?

what else? ! Zhu Ping'an, Zhu Ping'an, he actually mobilized the people to pursue the Japanese pirates and rush to the aid of Taiping County? !

After Zhu Ping'an won a victory, he was so arrogant that he no longer knew who he was. He actually mobilized the people to pursue the Japanese pirates and rush to the aid of Taiping County? ! You are an old man who eats arsenic - don't you think you will live longer? !

Are young and strong people fighting against Japanese pirates? ! You don’t know how much you weigh!

Why did I suddenly think of Guan Yao, who went out of the city to fight the Japanese pirates, but was easily killed by the Japanese pirates in a single battle! What is the difference between Zhu Pingan's reckless behavior and Guan Yao? No, there is a difference. He is more reckless than Guan Yao. At least Guan Yao's subordinates are still soldiers of the Guard, while Zhu Pingan leads all ordinary people!

Young, still young!

If you have no hair on your lips, you will not be able to do things well!

Such a good situation is about to be ruined again!

After hearing the report from the detective, the banquet suddenly erupted with sighs one after another!

There are dark clouds over Tan Lun, the prefect of Taizhou.

"Zhi Zhixian led people to rush to the aid of Taiping County and confronted the Japanese pirates below the city. The Japanese sent 300 troops to attack Jingnan's chariot formation. Nine Japanese pirates were shot dead on the spot by Jingnan's chariot formation. The Japanese pirates returned without success. Then, Zhu Zhixian led his troops to attack. city, killed twenty-three Japanese pirates, and captured the Taiping County seat. The Japanese pirates abandoned the city and fled."

The little soldier Tanma sighed and loudly reported again.

What? !

Damn it? !

Did I hear wrongly? !

You're so cute, you're not joking, right? !

Isn't Zhu Ping'an too fierce? He killed thirty-one Japanese pirates, captured Taiping County, and made the Japanese pirates abandon the city and flee? !

If the news that Tan Ma Xiaobing reported to Jingnan to defend was like igniting a bomb at the banquet site, then the news that Tan Ma Xiaobing reported to Zhu Ping'an about regaining Taiping County at this moment is like dropping a nuclear bomb at the banquet site. .

Even if Tan Lun, the magistrate of Taizhou, was as calm as Tan Lun, after hearing the news of the detective's report, he couldn't help being shocked and knocked over the tea cup in his hand, not to mention other people, who were shocked, dumbfounded, and dumbfounded. No idiom is enough. To describe their shock at this moment.

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