Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1174 Private visit to the teahouse

"Masters, please come in. Please take a seat."

When Tan Lun, the magistrate of Taizhou, and his entourage walked into the Qiwanzhai Tea House, the waiters came forward to greet them warmly. They welcomed Tan Lun and others into the lobby of the tea house, found an empty table, and replaced the tables and chairs with white towels on their shoulders. After wiping it down, several people were invited to sit down.

"Dude, do you have a seat?"

Zuo Zhen pressed the waiter's shoulder with his hand and asked. He noticed that all three religions and nine groups gathered in the lobby. The environment was a bit chaotic and noisy, especially the table the waiter found for them was close to the storyteller in the middle. There were many tea drinkers around. In the bustling center, bursts of cheers came from all around.

"Haha, no need, it's just fine here. We businessmen like to be lively. The more lively the business, the better."

Tan Lun waved his hand with a smile and took the lead to sit down. This time he came to Jingnan for a private visit in private to inquire about the people's sentiments. The more lively the better, the better to inquire about the news. If he sat in a private seat, then the purpose of coming to the tea house would be lost.

When Zuo Zhen heard Tan Lun's words, he let go of the waiter and stopped asking for a seat.

After Tan Lun took his seat, he waved to Zuo Zhen and others, "Stop standing. Sit down. You all have a seat. Today I am treating you. You can order whatever you want to eat or drink. You are welcome."

"Thank you, boss." Tan Lun cupped his fists and thanked him, then greeted his generals and sat down one by one.

"Shopkeeper, you are doing big business, right? Your power seems to be extraordinary." The teahouse waiter complimented.

"Haha, it's not a big business, we are just doing some small business in Taizhou Prefecture." Tan Lun smiled slightly.

"It turns out that the shopkeeper is from Fucheng. No wonder the faction is unusually powerful." The clerk said, "The shopkeeper is coming to our Jingnan County to do business. You are right. Jingnan is not the same as before. ”

"Oh, why do you say Jingnan is not the same as before?" Tan Lun asked with interest.

"Haha, since Magistrate Zhu came to our Jingnan, our Jingnan has never been the same. You have come to Jingnan to do business. Not to mention the distance, let's just say that there are Japanese pirates in Taizhou Prefecture these days. How many counties are there? They were all destroyed by the Japanese pirates. The shopkeeper came from Taizhou Prefecture and watched them all the way. Only our Jingnan County was spared. Why? It’s all because we, Zhu Zhi County, strategized and tried our best to save those things. , turned the tide, caused the little Japanese pirates to have a bloody head, and saved Jingnan County. So, shopkeeper, you can rest assured to do business in our Jingnan. As long as Zhu Zhixian is here, our Jingnan will be as stable as Mount Tai. You are here You will definitely make a fortune by doing business in Jingnan." The teahouse waiter said with great joy. As a Jingnan native, he was very proud.

"Haha, I'd like to lend you some good words. Oh, by the way, we are new here and we are not familiar with the place. They say, 'The county magistrate who destroys the family, the magistrate who destroys the family'. This Zhuzhi County is so good. Can you tell us about it?" "

Hearing what the teahouse waiter said, Tan Lun smiled slightly and said to the teahouse waiter with a worried attitude about doing business.

"Okay, of course. Haha, if you want to talk about our Zhu County magistrate, it will take three days and two nights to finish." The waiter in the teahouse was about to say, but unfortunately another guest came to the door, so he said to Tan embarrassedly Lun and others said, "Shopkeeper, I'm sorry, guests are here, I have to greet them. If you want to hear the story of our Zhu Zhi County, you can listen to Mr. Shu tell it. He is talking about our Zhu Zhi County now."

Oh, the storyteller is telling the story of Zhu Pingan? !

When Tan Lun and others heard this, they turned their attention to the storyteller on the stage and listened carefully.

Well, it turned out to be Zhu Ping'an's story, which happened to be the part about defending the city.

"The situation was critical at that time. The Japanese pirates were all over the mountains and fields in front of the west gate. There were at least 3,000 people in dense crowds. When they rushed to attack the city, the Japanese pirate army rolled up rolling loess, just like the monsters rolling up the demon wind. The Japanese pirates killed each other without batting an eye, and they were very skilled in martial arts. High strength, to what extent is high strength? When the soldiers guarding the city shoot arrows at the Japanese pirates, the Japanese pirates can catch them with their bare hands. This is much more powerful than grabbing a white blade with bare hands."

The storyteller on the stage was frothing at the mouth and gesticulating while talking, which made people feel the same.

"Although it is a bit exaggerated, there are indeed many Japanese pirates who are very skilled and can catch arrows with their bare hands. We have also seen them in Fucheng." Zuo Zhen said softly.

Tan Lun nodded slightly. He had seen it several times on the top of the city and was very impressed.

"The Japanese pirates not only caught the arrows with their bare hands, but also threw the arrows backhand at the city wall, which was faster and more accurate than shooting with bows and arrows. The defenders fell down. The Japanese pirates laughed loudly and patted their crotch pants against the city wall, mocking the defenders. Ladies, the morale of the city dropped drastically, and when it was about to collapse, the county magistrate Zhu Ping'an stood up. The magistrate cursed, shoot his mother, bent his bow and shot an arrow, and hit the crotch of the taunting Japanese pirate with one arrow. "

The storyteller said with gestures.

Hahaha. There was a burst of laughter in the teahouse.

With a pot of tea and a table of snacks, Tan Lun and others quietly listened to Mr. Shu's emotional talk about the Battle of Jingnan.

"The arrogant Japanese pirates suffered a bloody blow in Jingnan County. When the Japanese pirates landed, there were more than 3,000 Japanese pirates. When they fled from Jingnan overnight, there were only more than 1,000 people left. This battle, in the county Under the leadership of Mr. Zun, we in Jingnan killed at least more than a thousand Japanese pirates. After the war, Mr. Zun of the county was not arrogant, but gave credit to everyone in Jingnan, saying that we are all heroes of Jingnan. We were not afraid of sacrifice and fought to the death to defend Jingnan. What a majestic person, the county magistrate; what a strong person from Jingnan!"

The storyteller ended the Jingnan Station section with a slap in the face.

"Okay, that's well said. The magistrate of the county is awesome, and the people of Jingnan are awesome." Everyone in the teahouse was still interested. They had heard this paragraph many times, but they never got tired of listening to it. They kept cheering and urged the storyteller to say more. a paragraph.

"Oh, didn't we capture 795 Japanese pirate heads? How come it's more than a thousand here? Isn't this too watery?!" Zuo Zhen heard the storyteller say that the final stop at Jingnan Station was When he counted the number of Japanese pirates killed, he couldn't help but shook his head and raised objections.

Amid a burst of applause, Zuo Zhen's objection caught people's attention.

As soon as Zuo Zhen finished speaking, the guests at several tables around him turned their attention to Zuo Zhen's table.

"Moisture? Oh, are you from out of town?" The tea drinkers on the surrounding tables raised their heads and asked.

"Yeah." Zuo Zhen nodded.

"Huh, it looks like they are from out of town. Let me tell you, the men at our table have all been to the city wall and saw it with their own eyes. You didn't see that scene at that time. It was so tragic. The Japanese pirates attacked the city in one day. One night, Japanese pirates died one layer after another under the city wall. Many Japanese pirates were smashed into shape and their heads were shattered. At first, the Japanese pirates pulled the dead Japanese pirates out, buried them, burned them, and then disposed of them. If there are too many, just ignore them and let them pile up under the city. The heads we captured were all found here, and there are many Japanese pirate heads that cannot be found. We have seen this with our own eyes. The Japanese pirates were killed The number of people killed must be more than the number of 795, but some of the heads are no longer found, and they are still wet, huh."

The tea guest snorted coldly and said to Zuo Zhen and others.

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