Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1175 Just because you can’t do it doesn’t mean others can’t do it

"Seven hundred and ninety-five Japanese pirate heads can still be found? Just brag! Even though there are many soldiers in Fucheng, there is no such record in one stop. How can you, a small county town, have so many Gains?!"

After hearing what the tea guest said, a soldier under Zuo Zhen couldn't help but stand up and sneer and question.

Although the tea guest said he had noses and eyes, he didn't believe it. He didn't believe that little Jingnan had achieved so many achievements!

"Hey, do you know my brother?" The tea guest didn't explain, nor was he angry. Instead, he smiled and pulled a skinny tea guest beside him, pointed at the tea guest, and asked the questioning soldier .

"Who is he? How could I possibly know him?!"

The soldier looked puzzled. He didn't know what the tea guest meant. You could pick up a random person and ask me if I knew him. You said I knew him or not. Your brother is not my brother. How could I know him? You must be sick.

"Hehe, let me tell you, my brother is a celebrity in our Qiwanzhai Tea House. Hehe, how to become famous..." the tea guest said with a smile.

When the tea guest said this, there was a burst of laughter in the teahouse, and a strange expression appeared on the faces of the people around him. Well, how can I describe this expression? Yes, it is vulgar, yes, that's what it feels like.

Seeing a group of men because one man showed such an expression, the soldier couldn't help but tighten his hips. Could it be that you...

But your taste is too unique, right? ! Can this be done? ! This man was extremely thin, short, dark-skinned, and had pockmarks on his face. He had nothing to do with being a handsome man.

"My brother once told us that he made thirty men a night, but of course we didn't believe it. Later we made a bet, and the big guy who was at the teahouse at the time pooled together some money and invited my brother to drink at the best Happy Cave in Jingnan. Let's have a drink and verify it. As a result, we lost completely..."

The tea guest patted the thin monkey next to him on the shoulder and said to the soldier with a smile.

"Why are you telling me that I have all these things and don't have them?!"

The soldier could no longer listen any longer. After hearing this, he finally couldn't help but interrupt the tea guest.

Are you really sick? !

Did you get kicked in the head by a donkey? ! Why are you telling me this? ! I don’t care if your brother is okay, I don’t care how many times a night your brother does, I don’t care at all about your crap.

I am questioning you about the abnormal number of Japanese pirate heads captured in Jingnan. What are you kidding me about? ! If Lord Fu hadn't been sitting next to him, the soldier would have cursed impatiently.

"Hey, young man, I tell you this story to tell you, don't judge people by their appearance or be self-righteous. If you can't do it, just think that others can't do it either."

The tea guest had been talking for so long, waiting for the soldier's words, and suddenly he laughed meaningfully.

"Hey, if you can't do it, just think that others can't do it either."

"Just because you Taizhou Prefecture can't do it, doesn't mean we in Jingnan County can't do it. If you can't do it, it doesn't mean we can't do it."

After the tea guest finished speaking, a burst of laughter erupted in the teahouse, and the tea guests around him laughed.

"Damn it! This is too much!"

The soldier couldn't help being ridiculed like this, but at the moment when his temper was about to explode, Zuo Zhen grabbed him.

"sit down."

At the same time, Taizhou Magistrate Tan Lun said softly, and the soldiers immediately sat down obediently.

"Haha, we came to Jingnan from Taizhou Prefecture to do business. The servants are so shameless, which makes you laugh."

Tan Lun, the magistrate of Taizhou, laughed and bowed his hands to the tea guests around him.

"Where is it..." all the tea drinkers around him replied in a flurry, "The shopkeeper looks like he is a big businessman from Taizhou Prefecture, and his rules are very strong. With just one word, the irritable little brother sat down obediently."

"Guixian's battle against Japanese pirates has achieved such great success, which is actually the first military achievement of Taizhou Prefecture in more than ten years. There is no doubt that in the next few years, this will be a hot topic in Taizhou Prefecture and even Jiangsu and Zhejiang. We are also curious, and we have After all, Guizhou County belongs to Taizhou Prefecture, and we have to travel all over the country to do business. If colleagues from other prefectures ask us about this matter, we can easily answer it. This business is just a matter of chatting, isn't it? The more you understand about the topic, the more likely you will be able to negotiate business in the future." Tan Lun, the prefect of Taizhou, said to the tea guests around him with a smile in the tone of a businessman.

"Well, what the shopkeeper said makes sense."

The tea patrons around him recognized Tan Lun's remarks and nodded repeatedly.

"Waiter, come here, I'm treating you. Please give each table a plate of fried peanuts. Haha, we are running a small business and have limited financial resources. Small things are not disrespectful. Please don't dislike it. When the business becomes bigger in the future, I will treat you again. Enjoy your feast." Tan Lun, the magistrate of Taizhou, called the waiter to the table and asked him to put a plate of fried peanuts on the table for the tea guests. He cupped his fists and said to the tea guests around him.

"Haha, the boss's grandeur deserves your fortune. Don't forget to treat us to a big dinner then."

"Thank you, shopkeeper."

"If there is anything you want to know, shopkeeper, please ask us. We will tell you everything you know."

Upon seeing this, all the tea guests clasped their fists to thank Tan Lun, the magistrate of Taizhou, and felt better about Tan Lun.

As the saying goes, the hands that take others are short, and the mouth that eats them is short. With Tan Lun's plate of peanuts, the diners, under Tan Lun's guidance, told Tan Lun and others the whole story of the Battle of Jingnan, big and small.

Tan Lun and others learned more.

For example, in the Battle of Jingnan, Zhu Pingan organized the people with a simple but very effective battle formation. Ten to twenty people formed a battle formation, holding different weapons in the battle formation, but they could Confront the Japanese pirates who have experienced hundreds of battles.

For example, the heads of Japanese pirates were almost all cut off by the young and strong people guarding the city in public. Many teagoers in the teahouse witnessed it with their own eyes.

For example, in the Jingnan Anti-Japanese Heroes Cemetery, Zhu Pingan established a beautiful bamboo forest surrounded by mountains and rivers as the "Jingnan Anti-Japanese Heroes Cemetery" and directed people to bury the government officials, soldiers and young people who died on the city wall. In the cemetery, a monument is erected for people to admire and enjoy the incense and sacrifices of the people of Jingnan County for generations.

When he learned about the "Jingnan Anti-Japanese Heroes Cemetery", Tan Lun also learned about it indirectly.

According to the tea guest, all the victims buried in the cemetery were buried in the cemetery in full view of everyone and with the participation of their relatives. There was no victim whose head was cut off by Zhu Pingan to pretend to be a Japanese pirate. People come to the cemetery to pay homage every day, and there is no way they would dig up graves and cut off their heads to take credit for it afterwards.

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