Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1181 The fierce Zhu Pingan

The Holy One actually laughed! ?

Huang Jin couldn't help but get excited. He remembered clearly that it had been one month and eight days since the last time His Majesty smiled, and His Majesty finally smiled again. My God, you finally showed up. I kowtowed more than a thousand times, and my wish finally came true. The Holy Lord finally smiled again.

Over this period of time, there have been natural and man-made disasters, and the Japanese have invaded the north and south, and the Holy Emperor has been worried about this empire. This morning, when the old slave was tying up His Majesty's hair, he found that His Majesty's white hair had grown eight more, which made the old slave very distressed.

Today, the elixir refined from the "Eight Gong Dan Prescription" that the Holy One had high hopes for was also useless.

It's difficult for the Holy One...

Old slave, I see the unimaginable weight that His Majesty has shouldered for this empire and the successive blows he suffered. I feel pain in my eyes and feel pain in my heart. I only hate that I am incompetent and useless, unable to relieve His Majesty from his worries.

Thanks to God's manifestation, the old slave kowtowed more than a thousand times without any fuss. The Lord finally smiled again.

Smile and you will save ten years. This smile from the Holy One can make you look ten years younger. It is more effective than any elixir.

Thank God. When I go back, I will kowtow a thousand times to fulfill my wish.

Oh, by the way, I would also like to thank Mr. Xiao Zhu. Mr. Xiao Zhu is such a lucky star. He has brought smiles to His Majesty’s face so many times. I still remember the food-related poem Mr. Xiao Zhu composed last time about which of sweet and sour fish and spicy wings is better served with rice, which also made His Majesty smile. Oh, by the way, some time ago Master Xiao Zhu checked the Taicang bank with his naked buttocks. Afterwards, the Lord once thought about it and couldn't help but laugh. And today, although I don’t know what Mr. Xiao Zhu did to make the Lord smile with satisfaction, the Lord smiled, and that was enough. From now on, if Mr. Xiao Zhu encounters any difficulties or troubles, as long as the Za family can help, they will definitely help Mr. Xiao Zhu.

While Huang Jin was full of surprises, the little eunuch at the gate of Yongshou Palace also vaguely heard Emperor Jiajing's laughter. He still thought that His Majesty was laughed out of anger! How big of a fire must it be to be so angry! I couldn't help but feel happy again, and I thanked the gods, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas one after another in my heart.

"Unexpectedly, Zhu Ping'an gave me an unexpected surprise." After reading the performance, Emperor Jiajing felt much better. When he saw the maids and eunuchs kneeling in front of His Highness, he waved his hands and asked everyone to stand up.

"Thank you Lord for your kindness." Huang Jin led a group of eunuchs and maids to thank him and then stood up.

"Huang Ban, take a look. Next month you go on patrol and take this battle report with you to shame those generals in their faces. They are not even as good as a small civil servant." Emperor Jiajing said in Huang Jin After getting up, he threw the memorial to Huang Jin.

Huang Jin took the memorial respectfully with both hands, opened it carefully, and cast his eyes on the memorial.

This is the report of the Japanese invasion of Taizhou submitted by the Taizhou magistrate. Hey... This time the Japanese invasion of Taizhou was really fierce. More than ten thousand Japanese pirates sailed more than 700 ships and plundered Taizhou Prefecture. The troops were divided into three groups to attack the jurisdiction of Taizhou Prefecture. Seven counties... No wonder the Holy Emperor was so angry at the beginning. This Japanese invasion in Taizhou Prefecture was the most serious this year. This group of Japanese pirates who deserved to be cut to death had the audacity to attack seven counties and one prefecture. In the past, Japanese pirates would only attack one or two counties, and some of them were so arrogant there.

Looking further down, Huang Jin knew what surprise Zhu Pingan brought to Emperor Jiajing.

The Japanese pirates attacked seven counties and one prefecture in Taizhou Prefecture, and no one was spared. Jingnan County, where Mr. Xiao Zhu served as the county magistrate, was not spared.

More than 3,000 Japanese pirates attacked Jingnan County. Master Xiao Zhu fought against more than 3,000 Japanese pirates with less than 100 government officials and soldiers. He not only successfully defended Jingnan County, but also captured 824 Japanese pirate heads.

Mr. Xiao Zhu brought more surprises than that. He also recovered the neighboring county that was captured by the Japanese pirates - Taiping County.

This plot is simply more incredible than a romance novel!

After reading the memorial, Huang Jinjue seemed not to remember the specific content of the memorial, but only remembered Mr. Xiao Zhu's outstanding record. Well, after thinking about it, Huang Jinfu read the memorial again, and then he saw the clues.

This memorial uses the Spring and Autumn style of writing without leaving a trace, briefly describing the Japanese invaders' conquest of the five counties, focusing on describing Master Xiao Zhu's defense of Jingnan, rushing to aid Taiping, and regaining Taiping... Well, it seems that Tan Lun, the prefect of Taizhou, is a man with " Huang Jin saw through Tan Lun's little thoughts at a glance, but he had no intention of exposing them. Firstly, what was stated in Tan Lun's memorial was all true, but it was written in the Spring and Autumn Period, so there must be some emphasis on the narrative; secondly, the Holy Sage smiled, which is more important than anything else.

"Huang Ban, how do you feel after reading this?" Emperor Jiajing asked calmly when he saw that Huang Jin had finished reading the memorial.

"When I returned to the Holy Land, the old slave was shocked. It's true that people are not what they appear to be. Mr. Xiao Zhu looked at a kind and honest scholar, but he didn't expect him to be so fierce. With one hundred against three thousand Japanese pirates attacking the city, he not only defended the county seat but also defended the city. He beheaded 824 Japanese pirates and liberated neighboring counties. Even if I made up a story, I couldn't come up with such a plot. I never expected that Mr. Xiao Zhu not only wrote well, He is so knowledgeable in military strategy." Huang Jin closed the memorial, an unexpected expression appeared on his face at the right time, and then looked at Emperor Jiajing with admiration, "When the Holy Emperor selected Lord Xiao Zhu as the number one scholar, the old slave was still a little dissatisfied. Explanation, now that I think about it, Your Majesty is really wise, mighty, and discerning, and he has long seen how extraordinary Mr. Xiao Zhu is."

"Haha, you old guy can't keep up with young people in flattering skills." Emperor Jiajing heard this and laughed and cursed.

"Hey, when it comes to flattery, of course I can't keep up with young people. I always tell the truth and I don't know how to flatter." Huang Jin bowed in front of Emperor Jiajing, like a shrimp, and replied with a smile.

"You old guy, you said you were fat and you still breathed." Emperor Jiajing laughed and cursed again.

Huang Jin smiled apologetically.

"Zhu Ping'an, a mere scholar, was trapped in a small county in Jingnan with less than a hundred soldiers. When faced with three thousand Japanese pirates attacking the city, he not only successfully defended the city, but also achieved such a record. If he were a general, everyone could be like Zhu Ping'an. , Why should I worry about the unrest at the border." Emperor Jiajing couldn't help but sigh when he thought of the recent bad war situation at the border and compared it with Zhu Pingan.

"When I went to patrol the border in Datong this time, I will definitely take this incident to shame the faces of those arrogant and powerful generals. Each one of them claimed to be from a family of generals, familiar with the art of war, and skilled in bow and horse, but in the end, even a scholar Not as good as that," Huang Jin answered.

"Give me a good shame on their faces. All they want to do is ask me for food and pay for my soldiers and horses. It costs me millions of taels of silver every year, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses can't even guard my borders. We lose our troops and lose our generals." , Lost cities and territory, repeated defeats, my border has become the back garden of the Hulu!" When Emperor Jiajing mentioned the border, he couldn't help but hate that iron cannot become steel.

"Old slave, I obey the order." Huang Jin responded repeatedly.

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