Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1182 I am so sorry that my intestines are blue

"Reward based on merit is a standard of the country. Huang Ban, please send an order to the ministers in Wuyi Hall to discuss it and come up with a reward and punishment strategy and report it to me." Emperor Jiajing paced around the Wuyi Hall. While saying to Huang Jin.

"Old slave, I obey the order." Huang Jin bent down to accept the order.

Before Huang Jin could get up, Emperor Jiajing continued to give instructions, "Pass an edict to order Master Tao to enter the palace to pay an audience."

"Old slave obeys the order."

Huang Jin kept his bent posture and waited for a few seconds before seeing any further orders from Emperor Jiajing before he stood up.

Huang Jin walked down the hall, waved, and summoned Xiao Dezi, who had just submitted the battle report, and said with a smile in a low voice: "Xiao Dezi, you little magpie did a good job today, and the Za family will mark your merits. After the Za family has finished their work, I will reward you well. Now, go to Wuyi Hall to pass on the Holy Spirit's Oral Order, and ask the ministers in the Wuyi Hall's Department of Personnel and Household Affairs to discuss the Taizhou battle report and come up with a reward and punishment strategy. .”

Xiao Dezi was still dazed until he walked out of the gate of Yongshou Palace. In this moment, his fate was as exciting as a roller coaster. In an instant, his fate went from the eighteenth level of hell to the sky. , came to heaven, not only did I have a good face in front of the Holy Master, but Huang Dugong also said that this little magpie performed well, and he wanted to mark my merits and reward me well.

For a moment, Xiao Dezi was so excited by this huge surprise that he couldn't react for a long time.

"Hey, hey, Xiao Dezi, Xiao Dezi."

Xiao Shunzi, who was on duty at the gate of Yongshou Palace, saw Xiao Dezi's dumbfounded look and couldn't help but call him several times.


Xiao Shunzi called out several times, and Xiao Dezi finally reacted slowly and looked at Xiao Shunzi with a blank look on his face.

"Xiao Dezi, Xiao Dezi, you have to express your condolences. Although I don't know what you have been punished for, you have to cheer up. Don't old people often say, 'If you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about having no firewood.' As long as people are here, That’s fine.”

Xiao Shunzi always thought that Xiao Dezi was punished in the palace. Seeing Xiao Dezi's dumbfounded look, he was even more convinced of his guess. Just now, he was laughed out of anger when he heard that the Long Live Lord was furious in the palace, although later I couldn't hear clearly, but Master Long live was definitely very angry. Xiao Dezi must have gotten into Master Long live's bad luck and was severely punished, so he spoke to comfort him.

"Punishment?! Haha." Xiao Dezi couldn't help but laugh after hearing Xiao Shunzi's words.

Silly? !

Is this designation stupid? !

Xiao Shunzi cannot accept the facts and is stupid? !

When Xiao Dezi saw Xiao Shunzi's smile, he couldn't help but have so many thoughts in his heart. At the same time, he felt a faint trace of self-blame in his heart, wondering if he was a little unreasonable, so Xiao Dezi He risked his life and went inside to report, but soon Xiao Shunzi firmly decided in his heart that dead Taoist friends should not die from poor Taoists. We just used "love money as much as life" to decide the outcome. We are willing to admit defeat, Xiao Dezi. I only went there after losing, and it wasn't because I forced myself to do it, so all the traces of self-blame in my heart disappeared.

"Xiao Dezi, wake up, don't be stupid just because you can't bear the blow." Xiao Shunzi shook Xiao Dezi's shoulder.

"What are you stupid about? What are you talking about, Xiao Shunzi? I'm fine. Really, I'm not being punished. Huang Dugong said I was a little magpie and said he would give me a credit. Oh, by the way, I There is still an important errand to be assigned to Wuyi Palace, and I will explain it to you in detail when I come back. Also, don’t forget the fifty taels of silver.”

Xiao Dezi couldn't help but smiled and shook his head. Thinking of his errand, he didn't have time to explain it to Xiao Shunzi in detail, so he simply said it to Xiao Shunzi and trotted away anxiously in the direction of Wuyi Palace.


Is Xiao Dezi really unable to withstand the blow and is his head going crazy? !

Xiao Dezi, what did he tell me just now? He said that Huang Dugong said that he was a little magpie? ! Do you want to give him a credit? ! What do you mean this is not stupid? ! What little magpie? You are here to report the Japanese war in the south. The Japanese pirates are invading Jiangnan again. This is not good news. You are still a little magpie, it should be a little crow! Xiao Dezi must have been unable to accept the punishment or the blow. He imagined in his heart that he was not punished but rewarded, and that Huang Duong recorded a merit for him.


What a good person, stupid, what a pity, what a pity

Xiao Shunzi looked at Xiao Dezi's back and couldn't help but sigh in her heart, shaking her head repeatedly.

As soon as Xiao Dezi left, another young eunuch came out of Yongshou Palace.

"Happy father-in-law."

Xiao Dezi hurriedly said hello. This little eunuch's name was Xiao Xizi. He was very smart and smart. He had recently been appreciated by Huang Jin and was transferred to the palace to serve as an errand. His future prospects would be limitless.

"Hi, Brother Shunzi, just call me Xiao Xizi." Xiao Xizi waved her hands, her face full of smiles.

"That's not possible. Eunuch Xi has a bright future. In the future, I will rely on Eunuch Xi to support me and say a few kind words for me in front of Duke Huang." Xiao Shunzi said repeatedly, complimenting Xiao Xizi very much.

"Haha, when it comes to having a bright future, support and kind words, Brother Shunzi is looking far away from the near. Aren't Brother Shunzi and Brother Dezi always close? Brother Dezi has just informed me about the Taizhou Japanese Poison War Report. In the war report, Xiao Master Zhu made great achievements in Jingnan. He not only defended the county seat, but also beheaded more than 800 Japanese pirates, and conquered a neighboring county seat. After reading the memorial, everyone smiled happily, De Brother Zi was also praised by Duke Huang for this. Huang Duong said that Brother Dezi was a little magpie, and he also credited Brother Dezi with a merit, saying that he would reward Brother Dezi well after he finished his work. Oh, by the way, I still have some important errands to attend to. I have to go to Gongcheng’s Mansion and Master Chuan Tao has come to the palace to pay an audience. I’ll talk to Brother Shunzi when I have time when I get back.”

Xiao Xizi said with a smile. After that, Xiao Xizi said goodbye to Xiao Shunzi and walked out of the palace.

What? !

When Xiao Shunzi heard this, there was a thunder in his ears, and he was stunned. He was even more stunned than Xiao Dezi just now. His mouth opened in surprise. He couldn't believe his ears.

What Xiao Dezi said just now, Huang Duong said that he was a little magpie and gave him a merit, is it true? !

incredible! Did he actually let go of such a good opportunity to Xiao Shunzi? !

Cleverness is misled by cleverness!

At this moment, Xiao Shunzi felt so regretful that his intestines turned green. Without saying a word, he slapped himself in the mouth with his hand!

The sound was so loud that Xiao Xizi, who had walked a few steps away, couldn't help but look back to see what was going on.

"Mosquito, mosquito"

When Xiao Shunzi saw Xiao Xizi turning around, he covered his face and said coquettishly.

"Autumn mosquitoes are more ferocious than tigers. Brother Shunzi, please remember to wear an anti-mosquito sachet next time," Xiao Xizi reminded.

"Yes, yes." Xiao Shunzi covered his face and nodded repeatedly.

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