Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1184 Ouyang was so happy when he heard this

When Yuan Wei was grieving, and when he was racking his brains for Zhu Ping'an's reward in Wuyi Hall, Lanting Garden, where Miss Yan Er lived in Yan Mansion, welcomed an uninvited guest - Ouyang Zishi.

Ouyang Zishi smelled of wine and meat, which was incompatible with the fresh and delicate fragrance of Lanting Garden.

"Master Cousin, Master Cousin, this is the lady's boudoir. You cannot enter without the lady's permission."

The little girl at the entrance of Lantingyuan opened her arms and conscientiously stopped Ouyang Zishi who broke into the courtyard.

"Haha, you know that I am the young master cousin, but you are still stopping me. Go, go, go, don't hinder me from getting close to Lan Mei." Ouyang Zishi waved his hands with an unhappy look on his face, and he was in a drunken state. Somewhat frivolous.

"Master Biao, you can't go in!" The little girl blocked Ouyang Zishi's efforts with all her heart, preventing Ouyang Zishi from going in any further.

"Go, go, get out of here! I'm going to be my uncle soon, you still dare to stop me, just eat carrots and don't worry!" Ouyang Zishi got angry when he was stopped, stretched out his arms, and pulled the little girl away. Gone to the side.

"Miss, Miss, my cousin broke in."

The little girl staggered and almost fell to the ground. Seeing that she could not stop Ouyang Zishi, she shouted and went inside to report the news.

The movement at the door had already alerted the old lady, girl and others in the yard. When these people heard the little girl's cry, they hurriedly came to support and formed a human wall to prevent Ouyang Zushi from continuing to break in.

"Go away! You are all blind! Even I dare to stop you! What is my relationship with Lan Mei? I will become your uncle soon. Get out of here, whoever is disobedient, wait until I marry Lan Mei , sold you all out one by one."

Ouyang Zishi claimed to be the future male owner of Lantingyuan. He pointed at the old woman and little girl blocking the road in front of him and threatened him. The smell of alcohol came from his mouth, which made the old woman and girl opposite him frown.

"Who has a bad tongue and is falsely accusing me of my innocence out of thin air!"

At this moment, I heard a scolding sound coming from the house, and then I saw the second Miss Yan, Yan Lan, walking out of the house surrounded by several girls. She looked at Ouyang with raised eyebrows and an angry face. Zishi scolded repeatedly, "Ouyang, don't come here to slander my reputation. What does I have to do with you?! What kind of future uncle?! Who said that I want to marry you?! Stop being so sentimental! You are a filth!" clean!"

"Haha, Sister Lan, haven't my uncle and my father already agreed?"

When he saw Yan Lan come out, even though he was scolded, Ouyang Zishi still put on a smile and said to Yan Lan with a smile.

"Fart!" Yan Lan couldn't help but cursed, "When did my father and your father make an agreement? My father and mother have long promised that my marriage will only require my nod. I have already said that I disagree. How could it be agreed upon?"

Yan Lan was full of disgust for Ouyang Zishi, and looked at Ouyang Zishi as if she were looking at another piece of garbage.

"The day before yesterday, my father came to Beijing to report on his work. My uncle and my father had already agreed on your marriage at the banquet. Lan Mei, you are also well-educated and sensible. How can you not agree to your parents' orders to find a matchmaker if you don't agree with them? "Ouyang Zishi was deeply stimulated by Yan Lan's disgusted eyes. The smile on his face could no longer be held, and he lowered his face and said.

damn it! I, Mr. Ouyang, am a talented scholar and an elegant man. I am a master of learning, a master of debate, and a master of classics. Wherever I go, I am praised as a talented and good man. I am no longer worthy of you. Why don't you agree!

"I have already said that I have refused to my father. The marriage has not been agreed upon at all! Ouyang, from now on, you have to be careful with your mouth. Don't talk like a talkative woman and slander people's innocence! Now, leave immediately Lantingyuan, you are not welcome here!" Yan Lan glared hard at Ouyang Zishi, said harshly, and then coldly ordered the old ladies and maids in the yard, "You all remember, this place This is the inner house, if any unscrupulous people come to the door in the future, I will beat them out."

After saying that, Yan Lan turned around and walked back into the room, ignoring Ouyang Zishi.

"Yan Lan! If you don't agree to marry me, are you still remembering that bastard Zhu Pingan?"

Ouyang Zishi's face turned red, he clenched his fists, and shouted loudly, with the veins on his neck exposed.


Yan Lan turned around angrily.

"Hahaha, you must have been right! You must have become angry from shame!" Ouyang Zishi laughed angrily when he saw this.

"You are all dead!" Yan Lan angrily scolded the old woman and maid in the yard, "Where did the mad dog come from in the yard? Why don't you get rid of it quickly!"

Yan Lan was completely angry. She didn't even save the last bit of face towards Ouyang Zishi and directly called him a mad dog.

"Yes, miss."

The old woman and the maid hurriedly nodded to admit their mistake, then rolled up their sleeves one by one and pushed Ouyang Zishi hard.

During the six months since Ouyang Zishi had been in the capital, he had been hanging out with Yan Shifan, Luo Longwen and others, and he had developed a habit of drinking and sex. His body bones had long been drained by drinking and sex, and he was pushed back repeatedly by old ladies and maids.

"Yan Lan! How can I, Ouyang Zishi, not be as good as Zhu Pingan?! In terms of appearance, I, Ouyang Zishi, have a jade tree facing the wind and a dignified appearance. What is the difference between his Zhu Pingan and a village man! In terms of official career prospects, I, Ouyang Zishi At the beginning of the month, he was promoted to the sixth rank in Prince Jing's Mansion, and his future is bright. As for Zhu Ping'an, he was ignorant of political affairs and was demoted due to offence. Now he is just a small magistrate in a remote rural area, and a mere seventh-rank sesame official. , What future can he have! In terms of family wealth, how can he, Zhu Pingan, compare with me!"

When Ouyang Zishi was pushed, he held his neck and roared at Yan Lan angrily, blushing and thick-necked.

"You haven't eaten! Why don't you hurry up and drive this unscrupulous, mad dog that spits feces out of the house!"

Yan Lanli ignored Ouyang Zishi and regarded him as nothing. He raised his head and scolded the old woman and the maid, and ordered them to drive Ouyang Zishi out of Lanting Garden.

"Yan Lan, just give up! Haha, do you know where Jingnan is? Jingnan is a good place that we carefully selected for Zhu Ping'an. What a good place. Jingnan is a small county. In just six years, we have Seven county magistrates have died. Hahaha, Zhu Pingan went to Jingnan to serve, and he was gone forever. The day you hear Zhu Pingan's name again is the time to pay your respects to Zhu Pingan!"

Seeing Yan Lanli ignore him, Ouyang Zishi, who was in a slightly tipsy state, was even more stimulated to the extreme and completely lost his mind. He laughed loudly and screamed at Yan Lan indiscriminately.

"Master, Master, Mr. Luo is looking for you outside the house."

Just when Ouyang Zishi was holding the courtyard gate and fighting with Lao Mazi and others, a maid came over.

"Didn't you see that I was busy? Tell him that I have something to do." Ouyang Zishi was angry, so he turned around and cursed.

"Yes, but Mr. Luo said that he has something urgent to tell you." The maid shrank her neck.

"What emergency can he have?!" Ouyang Zishi scolded.

"Mr. Luo is very anxious. He said there is news about a man named Zhu Ping'an," the maid said, shrinking her neck.

"Hahaha, the news about Zhu Pingan, hahaha, Yan Lan, what did I just say? When I hear the news about Zhu Pingan again, it will be the time to pay my respects to Zhu Pingan, hahaha, now he is here, Yan Lan, you You can give up, just wait, I'll come back as soon as I go." Ouyang Zishi was so happy when he heard this, he couldn't help but laugh happily to the sky.

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