Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1185 Ouyang Xiandi

"Yan Lan, just give up. Brother Luo is so eager to share the news about Zhu Pingan with me. It must be that Zhu Pingan's short-lived little thief has ended his short and sinful life. Hahahaha, it feels good, it feels so good."

Ouyang Zishi laughed up to the sky and left. He waved his sleeves and ran out, turning his head and shouting to Yan Lan from a distance. Because he was tipsy, ran fast and turned his head to talk, he ended up bumping into him. on the wall.

But even though he was hit with stars in his eyes and his forehead red and swollen, Ouyang Zishi's laughter never stopped.

Yes, he is happy, he is so happy, he has never been so happy in his life!

Ever since he came to the capital and met Zhu Ping'an, a little thief, Ouyang Zishi began to feel depressed. He had been depressed for a whole year.

Now, the little thief Zhu Ping'an is finally finished. He stole my No. 1 scholar, Ouyang Zishi. Not only that, this damn little thief also despicably and shamelessly seduced and stole my Ouyang Zishi's fiancée. When I think of the last time, When Ouyang Zishi saw the scene of Zhu Pingan and Yan Lan's "private meeting" at home, he felt like there was a grassland above his head, and his face was so distorted that he wanted to eat Zhu Pingan alive and cut him alive to relieve the hatred in his heart! snort! You wouldn't let me enter your yard, but you had a secret meeting with Zhu Ping'an in your house! Haha, now that the little thief Zhu Pingan is finally finished, Yan Lan, just give up on this idea. It feels so good. It feels so good.

"If you are happy in life, you must have all the fun. Don't let the golden bottle stand empty against the moon. It feels so good, so good. I want to drink to my heart's content tonight..."

Ouyang Zishi was so happy that he went crazy and ran towards the outer courtyard walking, laughing and singing.

Uh... I'm afraid Young Master Biao is stupid, right? !

Behind, the girls, who were stunned, looked at Ouyang Zishi's stumbling and running figure, and their little mouths opened in an O shape in surprise.

"You're crazy... What does Zhu Ping'an have to do with me?! He's talking nonsense, and a stinky dog ​​can't spit out ivory from his mouth."

In Lanting Garden, the second Miss Yan Yan Lan frowned and looked at Ouyang Zishi's ecstatic back. She made an inexplicable expression on her face, pouted her little mouth and cursed, then bit her lower lip lightly and turned to face the person beside her. The little maid whispered, "Tui'er, go and follow him and see why he's crazy?"

Cui'er took the order and chased him out.

Ouyang Zishi was even more happy when he saw Cui'er following him halfway. He knew that Cui'er was Yan Lan's personal maid, so he deliberately slowed down his pace so that she could keep up. Okay, I'll let you die completely. Heart, let your girl hear with her own ears the news that the little thief Zhu Ping'an is dead, so that you don't have to say that I deceived you!

Ouyang Zishi trotted excitedly to the Chuihua Gate and saw Luo Longwen with an eager face outside the door.

Luo Longwen is an outsider and cannot enter the inner house. He can only wait outside the hanging flower door. As for Ouyang Zishi, because he was a relatively close relative of the Yan family and there were frequent rumors of his marriage to Yan Lan, the old lady who guarded the inner house let Ouyang Zishi in.

"Hahaha, finally there is news about Zhu Pingan, Brother Luo, Brother Luo, you know, I, Ouyang Zishi, have been looking forward to this day for a long time. Ever since Zhu Pingan was demoted to Jingnan, I have been looking forward to the stars and the moon. Looking forward to this day”

When Ouyang Zishi saw Luo Longwen from a distance, he laughed and greeted Luo Longwen.

ha? !

Have you been looking forward to this day for a long time? !

Little brother Ouyang, it is true that I have the news about Zhu Pingan, but this news is by no means good news for you and me. You said that you are looking forward to the stars and the moon and you are just looking forward to this day, then...

When Luo Longwen heard Ouyang Zishi say that he had been looking forward to this day for a long time, he couldn't help but look constipated. He knew that Ouyang Zishi was wrong, so he hurriedly said, "Brother Ouyang, this news is..."

However, before Luo Longwen could say the second half of his sentence, "It's not good news," he was interrupted by Ouyang Zishi, who was crazy with joy. When most people drink to a certain extent, alcohol stimulates the central nervous system and they talk more. Ouyang Zishi is in this state now. He continues his happiness and shouts excitedly, interrupting Luo Longwen's words, "Haha Haha, Brother Luo, Brother Luo, my good Brother Luo, you are really my magpie, you brought me good news early in the morning."

What a fucking magpie? !

The news I’m about to say is not good news!

Luo Longwen couldn't say anything in front of the excited Ouyang Zishi. The corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily, and his face turned red from holding back.

"Brother Luo, do you still remember the song "Serve the Country with Loyalty" that Zhu Ping'an sang at the banquet before the palace examination?! 'How do you feel about being beheaded today? Serving the country is difficult and involves many battles. I am going to Quantai to recruit old troops, and I will kill Yama with a hundred thousand banners. ', this poem has been very popular in the capital recently. Every time I hear it, I can't help spitting. The words of a weak scholar can actually attract so much popularity! However, today, I think I want to recite this poem, hahahaha, what does it mean to be cut off today? I will go to the Quantai to recruit my old friends. What a good poem, how suitable for the occasion. Today, I will be cut off and go to the Quantai, hahaha. If you walk at night, you will often encounter ghosts. , those who brag will be struck by lightning, Zhu Pingan finally got his comeuppance, no, hahaha, no, it should be said that his wish finally came true, hahaha, it’s great, Brother Luo, tell me, Zhu Pingan, he How did he die?! Killed by unruly people? Killed by bandits? Or by Miao Man? Or by Japanese pirates? Or you don’t know how you died? Hahaha."

Ouyang Zishi laughed and chattered endlessly, talking and laughing. Luo Longwen wanted to interrupt several times but could not get in the way. It was not until finally Ouyang Zishi excitedly asked Luo Longwen the cause of Zhu Ping'an's death that Luo Longwen had a chance. Open your mouth.

"Brother Ouyang Xian, Zhu Pingan, Zhu Pingan him"

But when he had the chance to speak, Luo Longwen looked at Ouyang Zishi who looked excited, expectant, and ecstatic. His mouth opened and closed several times, but the words in his throat could not be said out.

"Hahaha, Brother Luo, I am so happy that I am speechless. You still need to develop your concentration."

Seeing Luo Longwen's mouth opening and closing, closing and opening again, Ouyang Zishi thought that Luo Longwen was too excited to speak, so he couldn't help laughing and patted Luo Longwen on the shoulder, joking.

God was so happy that he was speechless!

Luo Longwen gritted his teeth and spat out the words, "Brother Ouyang Xian, this news is not good news. A few days ago, tens of thousands of Japanese pirates raided Taizhou Prefecture, and more than 3,000 Japanese pirates attacked Jingnan County along the way."


Before Luo Longwen finished speaking, Ouyang Zishi shouted excitedly with the veins on his neck exposed.

"Hehehe, Brother Luo is naughty. It's not good news to hear what you said. I couldn't help but feel a little bit in my heart. I didn't expect, hehehe, it turned out that it was Brother Luo who deliberately teased me. Three thousand Japanese pirates attacked Jingnan County. Hehehe, Okay, if this is not good news, what else is good news?! It turns out that Zhu Pingan was killed by Japanese pirates, haha." Ouyang Zishi smiled and patted Luo Longwen on the shoulder.

Smiling, Ouyang Zishi suddenly realized when he saw Luo Longwen's constipated expression.

"Oh, yes, yes, there are Japanese invaders in Taizhou and Japanese invaders in Jingnan. This is not good news for our Ming Dynasty. Well, Brother Luo deserves to be in the officialdom for a long time. This political consciousness is high. Ahem, oh, oh, sorry, Ouch, sorry. Pfft." Ouyang Zishi suddenly realized it and tried his best to suppress the smile on his face, trying to put on a compassionate expression, but he couldn't restrain the smile on his face no matter what. He broke the trick in a second and took the photo with a smile. Luo Longwen rubbed his shoulders and said, "Haha, okay, I know you can't hold it in anymore. It's not too late to pretend to be indignant after we get out of the house. Just laugh if you want. What are you afraid of in this house?"

God is so pretentious!

Luo Longwen almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, shook his head repeatedly, and said sadly, "Brother Ouyang Xian, more than 3,000 Japanese pirates attacked Jingnan, but he, Zhu Ping'an, did not die. Not only did he not die, he also made great achievements! "

"What?!" Ouyang Zishi was shocked, and the smile on his face suddenly withered. He shook his head, squeezed out a smile on his face, and looked at Luo Longwen hopefully, "Haha, Brother Luo, are you kidding me? ?”

"How can I be in the mood to joke with you? Zhu Pingan not only defended Jingnan County, but also beheaded 824 Japanese pirates. Not only that, he also liberated the neighboring Taiping County! "

Luo Longwen said sadly.


When Ouyang Zishi heard this, his eyes darkened, and he fell to the ground with a thud, causing a cloud of dust to fly.

"Brother Ouyang Xian! Brother Ouyang Xian!"

Luo Longwen's panicked shouts were faintly heard in his ears.

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