Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1189 Reorganization Completed

"Everyone, let me briefly introduce the responsibilities of the ten offices of the Office. If you have any opinions after listening, it doesn't matter."

Zhu Pingan said to everyone. When Zhang Tongsheng and others heard this, they all sat upright and listened carefully.

"The official office is responsible for managing the promotion and replacement of officials in the county, issuing letters of appointment, the status of the squire's appointment and reinstatement, and the registration and filing of the county's Jinshi, Juren, etc. who are serving as officials in other places."

"The Hufang is responsible for the county's household registration, fish scale atlas, money and grain inventory, the county's tax collection, grain payment and tax payment, as well as the specific handling of disaster relief and grain distribution in the year of famine."

"The ceremonial room is responsible for the county's worship of gods, worship of Confucius, festivals, establishment of schools, education, etiquette, banquets and other matters. In addition, during the imperial examination, it assists the officials, teaching officials and other departments to organize the examination, supervision, distribution and Collection of examination papers and other matters.”

"The barracks is responsible for the recruitment of soldiers, civil affairs, horses, martial arts, training of young men, public security and other matters in the county. In addition, the county's post station, soldier shop, city defense, bandit suppression and other matters are also under the jurisdiction of the barracks."

"The execution room is responsible for all kinds of large and small cases in the county. It is responsible for solving crimes, recording court affairs, drafting case documents, and managing all matters in Xing Prison. In addition, the county's jailers and prison guards are all managed by the execution room."

"The Gongfang is responsible for the management of sericulture and weaving in the county, the construction of government offices, temples, water conservancy and other various projects, as well as the casting of silver coins, the destruction of money to make money, etc."

"The shop manager is responsible for managing the county's mail delivery and welcoming officials."

"The Chengfa Room is responsible for registering, sending and receiving all kinds of official documents and letters, copying petitions, etc. All official documents and letters are registered by the Chengfa Room and then distributed to all parties for specific transfer."

"The warehouse is responsible for managing the granary."

"The warehouse is responsible for managing the incoming and outgoing of county money."

Zhu Pingan slowly explained the responsibilities of the tenth branch of the county office to everyone in concise and clear words.

When Zhang Tongsheng and others first heard about the responsibilities of the six-room office, they thought it was nothing. It seemed to be no different from the six-room office in the county that is currently in use. However, they then heard Zhu Ping'an talk about the shop manager's room, the delivery room, the warehouse, and the warehouse. When the fourth room was doing their duties, their eyes couldn't help but light up, and the more they listened, the brighter they became.

They all have a certain foundation, otherwise Zhu Pingan would not select them and invite them to succeed him as subordinate officials.

At this moment, after hearing Zhu Ping'an's division of the responsibilities of the ten offices in the county office, it was like an enlightenment, and I suddenly became enlightened.

In addition to the original six rooms of the county office, the addition of four rooms including a shop room, a distribution room, a warehouse, and a warehouse is not as simple as decentralization. After such a division, the responsibilities of each room in the county office have become clearer. The original responsibilities of the six rooms There are still mixtures and intersections, making the operation a bit unsmooth. However, after adding four more rooms including the shop room, the responsibilities are clearer and the county government operates more efficiently. Compared with before, it can be said that there has been a qualitative improvement.

Shame on you, we really misunderstood the county magistrate, we are so superficial. How can the ten houses of the County Lord be set up just to house us? This is an innovation that will benefit all people and will last forever.

As soon as the county's ten-room setting comes out, it is estimated that it will slowly spread throughout the country in a short time.

How lucky we are to be a part of such an innovation that will benefit all people and last forever. Maybe, with the help of the county magistrate, we can leave a name in the history, at least in the county annals.

Zhang Tongsheng and others were excited just thinking about it, so how could they have any objections.

In this way, the setting of the ten houses was decided, and Zhu Pingan then appointed Zhang Tongsheng and others as county officials according to their situations. Zhang Tongsheng has a reputation of being upright and upright, so Zhu Pingan appointed him as the clerk of the household house; Liu Fuzi has assisted the county government in disaster relief many times and knows all about Jingnan in detail, so Zhu Pingan appointed him as the clerk of the household house; Baqiao Village Old man Liu is relatively old-fashioned and proficient in all kinds of etiquette. Zhu Ping'an appointed him as the official of the official house; Liu Jie's ancestor in Zhangjiawan served as Taizu's personal soldier during the founding of the People's Republic of China. Liu Jie organized the villagers to occupy the area when the Japanese pirates invaded this time. He defended the fort and the whole village was spared. Zhu Pingan appointed him as the warden of the military room; Han Cheng of Liujiazhuang hated evil and had a reputation as a chivalrous man in Jingnan, so Zhu Pingan appointed him as the warden of the execution room; Xie of Wangzhuang An old bricklayer was born and participated in the construction of the county government. He had been dealing with large and small buildings for most of his life. Zhu Pingan appointed him as the foreman of the workshop; Sun Tongsheng of the county town was meticulous and conscientious, so Zhu Pingan appointed him as the foreman of the shop manager; The warehouse clerk and storehouse clerk are respectively Mr. Qian and Mr. Zhang, who serve as the accounting room.

Zhu Pingan appointed the extra Wang Xiucai as his assistant, equivalent to the position of secretary.

Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others, Zhu Pingan temporarily made them serve as the head catchers of the third class of government officials, and did not give them higher appointments, because in this battle report, Zhu Pingan gave them credit, according to their killing of the enemy With merit, he can at least enter the ranks of military attachés. Wait until their reward comes down before making plans.

Since the Japanese invasion subsided, a total of 313 young people who had participated in the Jingnan Defense War and the Taiping Restoration War and were interested in serving in the county government came to the county government to register.

In feudal society, the status of government officials was low for the ruling class, but for ordinary people, government officials were quite good positions. Not only were yamen servants exempted from corvee, they were well paid, but they also had a high status. In the eyes of the common people, yamen servants represented the government, and common people generally called yamen servants "Tian Chai."

In the eyes of ordinary people in ancient times, yamen servants were higher than the police in modern public prosecutors and judicial organs. This was a good job.

Therefore, the common people who participated in the defense of the city, especially the poor families among them, cherished this opportunity very much. As for being a government servant and not being able to take part in the imperial examination, they didn't care at all. Firstly, the imperial examination was too far away and they couldn't take part in it. Secondly, there was nothing more important than clothing and food.

These are all heroes who fought against the Japanese pirates, and the county government was also short of manpower. Zhu Pingan did not eliminate any of them, and temporarily incorporated them all into the third class of government officials, and then slowly selected them later to enrich the ten offices of the government office.

In addition, there is another consideration. Zhu Pingan knows that the Japanese invasion in Jiangnan will become more and more serious from this year on, becoming more and more widespread, more frequent, and larger in scale. Wang Zhi, Xu Hai, Xu Dong, Chen Dong, Maye and other big Japanese pirates took turns to appear... At this time, the more Jingnan County Yamen servants, the better, the more the better.

Since then, the county government agencies have been established and people have been established, and the Jingnan County Government Office has been completely established.

As for Zhang Xian Cheng, Chief Yao, and Li Dianshi, Zhu Pingan did not count them among the county government at all.

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