Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1190 Let’s scold Zhu Pingan together

Liuhe Town is not big, but it has a long history. This town has existed since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and it is located in the territory of Wuyue. Liuhe Town is named after it is located on the bank of Liuhe River. Liuhe River turns a corner here and embraces Liuhe Town in a semicircle. The soothing and sweet river water gave birth to Liuhe Town, which is like a bright pearl in the south of the Yangtze River.

That night.

The blue waves are rippling on the Liu River, and a double-decker boat with elegant and luxurious decoration is flowing with the waves on the Liu River.

The sound of silk and bamboo could be heard from inside the boat, and the scent of wine and meat floated in the wind. Two wild dogs on the greedy river bank were barking, following the scent, they ran tirelessly after the boat.

Two pretty female musicians were playing the piano in the boat, and they were playing popular music.

There were three banquet tables in the boat, and each table was filled with plates of delicacies from the mountains and seas and jars of fine wine.

Zhang Xiancheng, Chief Secretary Yao, Li Dianshi and others sat at the middle table. The six-room clerk of the county office who was dismissed by Zhu Ping'an today sat at a table surrounded by three people. The other two tables were mostly occupied by people who were dismissed today. A dismissed subordinate.

"Zhang Xian Cheng, Chief Yao, and Li Dianshi, you have to make the decision for us. Zhu Ping'an bullied us so much that he even dismissed all of us. Since ancient times, I have never heard of anyone dismissing all subordinate officials in the county department. The county magistrate, Zhu Pingan, is so unkind and willing to risk the disapproval of the world!"

"That's right, Zhu Pingan is at odds with us. He wants to go against Quan Jingnan."

"At that time, we also moved Master Zhang and you out, but Zhu Pingan didn't give you any face. Master Zhang, Master Yao, Master Li, he Zhu Pingan didn't take you seriously at all. We are not only He, Zhu Pingan, is also your subordinate, Mr. Zhang. He, Zhu Pingan, dismissed all of us without even asking your opinions. He, Zhu Pingan, is slapping you three adults in the face."

"Master Zhang, we offended that little thief Zhu Ping'an because of you. You can't just sit back and watch. I have a seventy-year-old mother and a one-year-old son. The whole family is waiting for me to support them."

"Master Zhang, Zhu Ping'an dismissed us today, and tomorrow it might be Master Zhang and you."

A group of dismissed subordinate officials ran all the way from Jingnan County to Liuhe Town and found Zhang Xian Cheng, Chief Yao and Li Dianshi. They were just like a beaten boy who saw his parents. His voice was trembling with grievance, his eyes were red, his nose was sore, and he complained with a crying sound.

Chief Yao sat at the table and listened carefully to the complaints of the subordinate staff, with no trace of emotion on his face.

"Okay, okay, how old are you all? You can cry more than Xiao Taohong in Yichun Tower. We are the imperial officials appointed by the Holy Emperor. He, Zhu Ping'an, wants to dismiss us, but he doesn't have the qualifications yet!"

However, Li Dianshi was impatient to listen to the complaints of these subordinate officials. Each one of them was like a resentful woman. He reached out and tore off a wing of the roast chicken, bit it in his mouth, and said impatiently while chewing big mouthfuls. What does it mean to dismiss you today? It will be our turn tomorrow. We are the imperial officials. Can you be like us? He, Zhu Pingan, can fire you, but he has no power to fire us!

"I'm aware of this matter. Zhu Pingan's move is truly unexpected. Don't worry, we will make the decision for you."

Zhang Xiancheng nodded to a group of subordinate officials with a gloomy face. He had been operating in the county for decades and had many eyes and ears. As soon as a group of subordinate officials were dismissed, someone came to report to him.

Zhu Ping'an dared to dismiss all subordinate officials in the county department? !

When Zhang Xiancheng learned the news, he couldn't help being shocked. He couldn't believe that Zhu Ping'an dared to dismiss all the subordinate officials despite the disapproval of the world. This kind of thing has never been heard of before.

I never expected that Zhu Pingan, a young scholar from a humble family, could be so bold!

"Master Zhang, Zhu Pingan has been harboring evil intentions for a long time. He has already found a replacement. Today we will be dismissed, and our replacement will come. I have seen through this little thief Zhu Pingan, he is He was full of bad intentions. He was plotting against us as soon as he entered Jingnan. At that time, we had to arrive late and leave early every day when we were supposed to sign in. He, Zhu Pingan, just reminded us to check in on time in the future and did not punish us at all. At that time, I thought he was I didn’t dare to fart, break my teeth and swallow blood. I didn’t expect this evil-minded little thief to be digging a hole for us and watching us jump.”

"No, this insidious little thief, who is full of bad intentions, used the Ying Mao sign-in book at that time as evidence to accuse us of being absent from work for thirty-eight consecutive days without any reason. He also brought out the "Ming Dynasty Law". How can officials be punished for being absent from work for one day? 20 small strokes with the cane, one level will be added every 3 days, and 100 big strokes with the cane after 20 days!"

When the subordinate officials thought of what happened when Zhu Pingan dismissed them today, they couldn't help but curse Zhu Pingan.

"Also, when the Japanese pirates attacked the city, Zhu Ping'an ordered everyone in the county office to go to the city wall to die. The Japanese pirates killed without blinking an eye. There were more than 3,000 Japanese pirates, and they were all highly skilled in martial arts. Catching arrows with bare hands. Of course we are not going to die. He, Zhu Ping'an, is clinging to this point and making a big fuss, either to make us flee or to retreat before the battle, and even threatens to chop our heads off."

"Speaking of which, I have to remind you three adults, Zhang Xian Cheng, Chief Yao and Li Dianshi, that you should also be careful. If Zhu Ping'an can use this against us, he can use this against you."

"Zhang County Cheng, you must make preparations early."

"That's right, let's talk about it. Absence from work, neglect of official duties, and desertion from battle, Zhu Pingan's three serious crimes against us also apply to the three adults. I'm afraid he, Zhu Pingan, will also deal with the three adults in the same way."

A group of subordinate officials said to Zhang Xian Cheng and others, partly as a reminder, partly as a way to add fuel to the fire, and tied the three of them tightly to them.

"It's not that I'm afraid, but it's already."

Zhang Xiancheng looked at the three tables of subordinates and said slowly, emphasizing when he said the word "already".

Not maybe, but already? !

already? !

Doesn't this mean.

Zhang Xian Cheng's words were shocking. When the subordinate officials heard the words, it was like a thunder exploded above their heads. It was like an electric current passed through their bodies. They all looked up suddenly to look at Zhang Xian Cheng and others.

"Yes, as I just said, 'already', Zhu Ping'an has impeached me, Chief Yao, and Li Dianshi. The impeachment memorial was submitted to the Taizhou Prefecture Yamen a few days ago."

Zhang Xiancheng said word by word, his face extremely gloomy.

"Bang! Zhu Ping'an deserves to die! The Japanese pirates are such a bunch of trash, why didn't they break through the county and kill this little thief?"

Although it had been a while since he heard the news, Li Dianshi couldn't hold back his anger when he thought about being impeached by Zhu Ping'an. He slammed the wine glass in his hand to the ground and cursed with gnashing teeth.

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