Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1191 Zhang Xian Cheng’s Distinguished Guest

"What should I do?!"

After hearing that Zhu Ping'an had impeached Zhang Xian Cheng and others, a group of subordinate officials couldn't help but panic.

If Zhang Xiancheng and others are impeached by Zhu Pingan, then who will they look for to deliver "justice"?

"Zhu Ping'an, this little thief, has always been against us since he entered Jingnan. Now he has become even more serious. Good people will be bullied by others, and good horses will be ridiculed. If you ask me, let's just stop doing it and just be direct. .”

Li Dianshi picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it all in one gulp. He stretched out his hand to make a palm knife shape, slashed his neck, and said fiercely.

ah? !

Li Dianshi's bold proposal caused a burst of exclamations from the audience. However, several people's eyes suddenly lit up and they agreed with Li Dianshi's proposal, and several others began to think about it seriously.

"Li Dianshi, I think you drank too much horse urine! What nonsense are you talking about!" Zhang Xiancheng glared hard at Li Dianshi, slammed the tea cup in his hand on the table, and said angrily.

This brainless idiot! Can you say this in front of everyone? ! Even if you think about it again, even if you do it, it will still rot in my stomach! There are some things you can do, but you can't say!

Having such a brainless brother-in-law in the stall makes me really unlucky for eight lifetimes. If it weren't for your sister's sake, with your stupid pig brain, would you be able to sit in the position of Jingnan's Dianshi? !

"We are all impartial and law-abiding." Zhang Xiancheng emphasized with a cold tone, glaring at Li Dianshi.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Li Dianshi shrank his neck and said angrily. However, he was very unconcerned. He felt that Zhang County Cheng was making a fuss and being too cautious. There were no outsiders here, and besides, we were not. But looking at Zhang County Cheng's cold eyes, Li Dianshi understood. Shut up.

"Master Zhang, Master Yao, what should we do?! This little thief Zhu Ping'an wants to drive us all away."

Although there was a dazzling array of delicacies on the table, some of the subordinate staff had no appetite and said anxiously and worriedly.

Facing the eyes of the subordinates, Chief Yao opened the folding fan in his hand and fanned slightly, smiling without saying a word.

"Hmph! Why are you panic?! His Zhu Ping'an's hair hasn't even grown yet. If he fights with me, he's still far behind."

Zhang Xiancheng snorted, with a contemptuous curve at the corner of his mouth, picked up the tea cup, and took a sip calmly, as if he was a master with a well-established plan, as if Zhu Ping'an was just a clown in his eyes. consider.

When the subordinate officials saw Zhang Xian Cheng's appearance, their eyes lit up. Zhang Xian Cheng already had a countermeasure! ?

"Master Zhang, do you have a good plan?"

A group of subordinate officials looked at Zhang Xiancheng eagerly.

Zhang Xiancheng enjoyed the feeling of being in the spotlight. Under the eager eyes of everyone, he calmly took another sip of tea and slowly put down the cup. Then he turned his eyes to the crowd and twitched the corner of his mouth slightly. He showed a smile and asked everyone, "Do you know why I invite you to gather here today?"


Why invite us to gather here?

Is the food here delicious? Is the wine here good? Or rather, a group of subordinate officials turned their attention to the female musician who was playing the piano. However, why did Zhang Xiancheng suddenly ask this question? !

Seeing the puzzled looks and wild guesses of the subordinates, Zhang Xiancheng felt extremely satisfied. He smiled faintly, tapped the table with his fingers, and said to the subordinates, "Tomorrow In the morning, I am going to entertain a distinguished guest here, who was born in the Jiangnan water town. I specially arranged the venue in advance to make sure that the distinguished guest feels at home."

"Dignified guest?"

A group of subordinate officials looked at each other and asked County Magistrate Zhang curiously, "Master Zhang, who is my distinguished guest?"

"Can this distinguished guest solve our problem?"

At this time, we were hosting a banquet for distinguished guests. Could it be that these subordinate officials suddenly reacted and looked at Zhang County Cheng eagerly.

"Of course."

Zhang Xiancheng nodded.

"Master Zhang, who is this distinguished guest?" Upon receiving Zhang Xian Cheng's affirmation, all the subordinate staff became excited.

"This distinguished guest can reach the sky." Zhang Xian Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly with a proud look on his face.

Can it reach the sky? !

The subordinates were suddenly excited to the peak of their lives. If they could reach the sky, then Zhu Ping'an, a little official, would be nothing.

"Master Zhang really has a deep foundation and a wide range of friends. He can even make friends with such powerful people."

A group of subordinate officials complimented Zhang County Cheng one after another.

"Where's my Lord Zhang? Don't be too pretentious and tell us who this distinguished guest who can reach heaven is? How did Lord Zhang get to know this distinguished guest?" A subordinate official couldn't help but be curious. , repeatedly urging Zhang Xiancheng to reveal the answer.

"Haha, it seems to be luck. I have been avoiding the Japanese pirates these days. Ahem, no, it was while dealing with the Japanese pirates that I accidentally overheard that the Holy One had taken 150,000 taels of silver from Taicang and ordered the compradors to buy gold, treasure and pearls." Zhang Xian Cheng did not He spoke slowly and slowly.

"Your Majesty is really generous. Could it be that this distinguished guest is the one responsible for purchasing gold, treasures and pearls?"

A group of subordinate officials guessed.

"Yes and no." Zhang Xiancheng said meaningfully.

When a group of subordinate officials heard this, they were confused, yes or no? Is that what it is? !

"Do you know who is responsible for purchasing gold, treasures and pearls?" Zhang Xiancheng asked a group of subordinates.

All the subordinate officials shook their heads.

"The person responsible for purchasing gold, treasures and pearls this time is Chen Hong, Eunuch Chen, the eunuch in charge of the Xiyuan Royal Horse Supervisor." Zhang Xiancheng said slowly.

"The eunuch with the eunuch's handprint?!"

When the subordinate officials heard this, they couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. "The eunuch in charge of the eunuch's seal, this is so powerful that it can reach the sky."

As subordinates, they knew the Ming Dynasty's bureaucracy very well, and the Royal Horse Supervisor was amazing.

The eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty were divided into twenty-four eunuchs, the two most important of which were the ceremonial eunuchs and the imperial horse eunuchs.

The Si Li Jian holds the power of approving the red and acting as regent for Tian. He is the well-deserved first internal eunuch, and his power can compete with that of the cabinet. The status of the Royal Horse Supervisor is second only to that of the Si Li Supervisor. The Royal Horse Prison was originally an institution for raising horses, and at the same time, it also provided official and royal property, such as royal houses, shops, etc. However, gradually, the imperial eunuch raised horses and began to control the army. At the beginning, the army only had a few hundred strong eunuchs for the emperor to inspect. Later, more and more armies were under his jurisdiction, and as many as four troops were directly mobilized. Numbering 50,000, these troops directly obey the orders of the Royal Horse Supervisor and are not subject to the control of the cabinet and the Ministry of War. They belong to the Forbidden Army among the Forbidden Army. The ceremonial supervisor belongs to Wen, and the Royal Horse Supervisor belongs to Wu. In the inner court, one is Wen and the other is Wu. The eunuch who holds the seal of the Secretary of Ceremony has always been called the Internal Prime Minister, while the eunuch of the Royal Horse Supervisor who holds the seal of the Imperial Horse is called the Internal Commander. The status of the eunuch in charge of the royal horse supervisor is no less than that of the eunuch in charge of the ceremonial supervisor. Even the cabinet bachelor dare not look down upon him.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xian Cheng could actually make friends with such a powerful person! We were right when we hugged Zhang Xian Cheng’s thigh.

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