Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1192 Eunuch Qian

"Zhang County Cheng is so blessed and has a prosperous official career. He actually got to know Eunuch Chen Hong and Chen Hong, the eunuch in charge of the Royal Horse Supervisor. We have nothing to worry about. In the future, when Zhang County Cheng becomes famous, don't forget that we are the ones who are the best." "

"Zhang County Cheng is really enviable. Last time I went to Beijing, I met Mr. Yan Xiaoge, and this time I met Chen Eunuch, the eunuch in charge of the imperial horse. With such a relationship, it will be difficult for him to achieve great success in the future. Zhang County Cheng will be able to do well in the future. want"

A group of subordinate officials stood up one after another to toast Zhang Xian Cheng and flatter him, hoping that Zhang Xian Cheng would take care of them in the future.

As for whether they would be regarded as eunuchs or looked down upon by others if they befriended eunuchs, they had no such concerns at all. Because it is quite common for any official these days not to form cliques for personal gain, but to make friends with eunuchs. Even Mr. Yange of the current Dynasty is said to be very courteous to the eunuchs in the palace, and often win over and make friends with them.

If they could become eunuchs, they would be eager to do so. By becoming eunuchs, they would at least have the opportunity to rise from the lowest end of the chain of contempt of the bureaucratic group, "officials," to become "officials," but they just don't have the chance. They knew well that they were not yet qualified to become eunuchs. As they were, the eunuchs still looked down upon them.

However, tomorrow is an opportunity, and you must seize it. If you can catch the eye of the eunuch with the palm print of the Royal Horse Guard, your future will be secure.

"Ahem, I am not acquainted with Eunuch Chen Hong and Chen, the eunuch in charge of the Royal Horse Supervisor, but..." Listening to the compliments of a group of subordinates, Zhang Xiancheng coughed a little embarrassedly. After all, he was going to entertain a distinguished person tomorrow, so... I can't hide it. If I don't make it clear in advance now, the joke will be bigger tomorrow.

What? !

Mr. Zhang, what did you say? You said that the person you met was not Eunuch Chen Hong, the eunuch in charge of the Royal Horse Supervisor? !

A group of subordinate officials were dumbfounded when they heard this, and their hearts were as excited as fire. Now after listening to Zhang Xiancheng's words, it was like a basin of cold water was poured on their pockets, and their enthusiasm was extinguished with a hiss.

Mr. Zhang, aren't you making fun of us? !

You are not acquainted with Eunuch Chen Hongchen, the eunuch of the Royal Horse Eunuch, so why are you telling us so much about Eunuch Chen Hongchen, the Royal Horse Eunuch? Didn't you make us happy in vain? !

Although the subordinate staff did not complain, their disappointment was palpable.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Zhang Xian Cheng smiled slightly. The old man picked up the tea cup and took another sip of tea. He waited until all the subordinates noticed his unexpected calmness and confidence before he calmed down. He hurriedly said to everyone, "I didn't get to know Eunuch Chen Hong, the eunuch of the Imperial Horse Guards, but he's not far behind. It's easy to get to know Eunuch Chen through this noble man."

Mountain darkly, vista! After listening to Zhang Xian Cheng's words, all the subordinate officials were filled with excitement again. Only now did they understand why when they first asked this distinguished guest if he was the person responsible for purchasing gold, treasures and pearls, Zhang Xian Cheng would meaningfully say yes. Not anymore.

"Master Zhang, please don't be too secretive and please tell us." Youxu said with a wry smile.

"Haha, this noble man is none other than the godson of Eunuch Chen Hong, the Royal Horse Supervisor - Eunuch Qianxuqian." Zhang Xiancheng said to everyone with a smile, "Eunuch Chen, the Royal Horse Supervisor's Palm Seal, has collected all Of the four godsons, Eunuch Qianxuqian is his youngest godson and the one he values ​​the most."

It turns out that the noble man is Eunuch Chen’s godson, Eunuch Qianxuqian! No wonder Zhang Xiancheng said that it was easy to get to know Eunuch Chen through him.

The eunuch is sterile, so if he adopts a godson, what's the difference between that and an ordinary person's biological son? That's a family. Eunuch Qian is the godson of Eunuch Chen. Isn't it easy to get to know his father through his son?

Suddenly, all the subordinate officials became excited again.

Eunuch Qianxu, your name sounds like a good person to get along with. You must seize the opportunity tomorrow to keep this Eunuch Qian company.

"Master Zhang, tell us how you got to know Eunuch Qian." A group of subordinates asked curiously.

"As for Eunuch Qian, when I went to the capital to clear up relations and visited Mr. Yan Ge's nephew Ouyang Gong, I had the good fortune to have an encounter with this Eunuch Qian. This Eunuch Qian was from the palace of Concubine Lu Jing. Young Master Ouyang is in charge of government affairs in Prince Jing's Mansion, and Prince Jing is the flesh and blood of Concubine Lu Jing. Therefore, I was lucky enough to have an encounter with this Eunuch Qian. What a coincidence, the Holy One took 150,000 taels of Taicang silver and issued an edict. The comprador Jinbao Pearl, this matter is the responsibility of the Royal Horse Supervisor, Eunuch Chen. Naturally, these pearls have to come to our coast in the south of the Yangtze River. Eunuch Chen went to Jiangnan to buy Jinbao Pearl, so naturally he cannot be alone. The so-called brothers in the war, father and son in battle Soldier. This time to buy pearls, he brought his two godsons, one of whom was this Eunuch Qian. This Eunuch Qian was responsible for buying pearls in our Taizhou Prefecture. Unfortunately, he happened to meet the Japanese I was trapped in the mountains due to trouble. I was dealing with Japanese pirates a few days ago, and I happened to hear the news that Eunuch Qian was trapped in a nearby mountain, so I boldly went to visit. Unexpectedly, Eunuch Qian still had an impression of me. , so we got acquainted.”

When Zhang Xiancheng said this, he couldn't help but look proud. He was very proud of his decision to seize the opportunity.

Of course, Zhang Xiancheng did not tell everyone that he dedicated a big pearl inherited from his ancestors to Eunuch Qian.

This is the key to getting acquainted.

Zhang County's Cheng family used to be an ordinary family. I don't know which generation of ancestors got this big pearl by luck, and then transferred it, and the Zhang family became rich. From then on, this pearl became their Zhang family's transfer pearl and became their Zhang family's treasure. A family heirloom, passed down from generation to generation by ancestors, this pearl should be used as a heirloom and passed down from generation to generation.

However, Zhang Xiancheng doesn't care about his ancestor's legacy. What kind of heirloom is not as important as real benefits. If I can use this pearl to get to know noble people, then my future career will be much smoother. If my career is smooth, then my Zhang family will naturally be more prosperous, and then this pearl will naturally be of value.

Hearing that Eunuch Qian came to Taizhou Prefecture to buy gold treasures and pearls, Zhang Xiancheng presented his family heirloom of transfer beads to Eunuch Qian without hesitation. This pearl is big, round, and of good quality. After being nurtured by the Zhang family for generations, the pearl has a faint aura. When Eunuch Qian received the pearl, he was overjoyed.

Eunuch Chen, the master of the Royal Horse Supervisor, came to Jiangnan to buy gold, treasures and pearls. In order to improve efficiency, he sent two godsons to him. In addition to Eunuch Qian, there is also Eunuch Liu. The two are in a competitive relationship. They both want to beat the other one and win, which Eunuch Chen will value. Eunuch Qian was sent to Taizhou Prefecture, and Eunuch Liu was sent to Suzhou Prefecture.

However, Eunuch Qian was unlucky. He encountered a Japanese invasion just a few days after arriving in Taizhou Prefecture, and was trapped in the mountains due to bad luck. Naturally, the errand of buying gold treasures and pearls was delayed. Thinking of Eunuch Liu's villainous deeds, Eunuch Qian became upset and upset. Unexpectedly, at this time, he received the ancestral pearls presented by Zhang County Cheng, and this pearl was still Eunuch Qian was naturally overjoyed to find a rare and top-quality pearl, and he was also very pleased with Zhang Xian Cheng, the person who presented the pearl.

Zhang Xiancheng got acquainted with Eunuch Qian.

After collecting Zhang Xian Cheng's ancestral pearls and a lot of property, Eunuch Qian accepted Zhang Xian Cheng's invitation.

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