Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1196 Zhu Pingan, you go too far.

In front of the gate of Jingnan County, a large sedan with four lifts was parked. Behind the sedan stood Zhang Xiancheng and other subordinate officials.

A palm with slightly thick joints but well-maintained, with orchid fingers stretched out from the sedan chair, opened the sedan door curtain, revealing Eunuch Qian's gloomy face. As Li Dianshi said, Eunuch Qian was very angry at the moment.

Looking at the deserted city gate with no one welcoming him, Eunuch Qian's face was as gloomy as if it was dripping water.

His fingers clenched the curtain so hard that the veins were exposed, and it seemed as if he was about to pinch a hole in the sedan curtain.

"Zhu Pingan, how dare you treat me so lightly!"

Eunuch Qian gritted his teeth and a word escaped from between his teeth.

Eunuch Qian was so angry at this moment that he couldn't believe that Zhu Ping'an ignored him so much.

Since he came from Beijing on a business trip, he has traveled all the way to the south and passed through many counties, cities and counties. No matter where he went, the officials there were not attentive and warm in reception, fawning and giving generous gifts!

Not to mention that Zhu Ping'an is just a small seventh-grade county magistrate. Even the magistrate and county magistrate are equally attentive and enthusiastic when they go out of the city to welcome my father-in-law! Even when passing by a county in Shandong Province, the local magistrate not only went out of the city ten miles early to greet my father-in-law, but also diligently opened the sedan curtain for me, helped me onto the BMW, and personally held the reins of the horse to drive my father-in-law along the way. We arrived at Juncheng Station.

Wherever I go, there is no place that is not warm and hospitable! Only you, Zhu Pingan, will not go out of the city to meet my father-in-law!

How dare you, a small seventh-grade county magistrate, to despise my father-in-law like this!


Don't think that you have made a small contribution, and you don't know how great the world is!

You offended Mr. Yan Ge in the capital and were demoted to this remote small county! Your official career ends here!

What are you pulling at?

It seems that you didn’t have a long memory after being demoted to this small county!


Then this time, my father-in-law will let you remember it for a long time! Let you know how high and thick the sky is!

Heh, Zhengchou doesn’t know what gifts to bring to the Mistress and His Highness King Jing, so I’ll give you, the former subordinate of Prince Yu’s Mansion, a good meal and present it to the Mistress and His Highness King Jing as one of the gifts. Haha, I think Prime Minister Yan, Mr. Yan and others will also be very happy to hear about it!

"Alas! I didn't expect that Zhu Zhixian not only did not go out of the city to greet Eunuch Qian, but even sent people to greet him without any arrangements! Alas, what's wrong with Zhu Zhixian? How could you do things like this? Eunuch Qian is really sorry for making you feel wronged."

Zhang Xian Cheng came to the sedan chair, bowed his body and announced the crime to Duke Qian, and stepped on Zhu Pingan's feet hard in his words.

"Haha, the Za family is just a slave, how dare they trouble the magistrate of Zhu County?"

Eunuch Qian sneered, pinched the orchid finger, and slammed the door curtain hard, his face was terrifyingly gloomy.

Seeing Eunuch Qian being so angry, Zhang Xiancheng and Master Yao looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

"Ahem, Eunuch Qian, maybe. Maybe Zhu Zhixian is waiting at the post house to greet you at this moment."

Master Yao stepped forward, bowed and spoke to Eunuch Qian. His words seemed to be comforting, but in fact they were infuriating. How could he speak for Zhu Pingan? He just wanted to lure Eunuch Qian to the post house and watch another scene of desertion, which would make Eunuch Qian even more angry.

"Inn?! Ha" Eunuch Qian sneered.

"Eunuch Qian, maybe, as Chief Yao said, Zhu Zhixian is waiting for you at the post house right now. It just so happens that our county's post house is in the city, not far ahead." Zhang Xiancheng understood what Chief Yao meant, and continued said.

Under the persuasion of Zhang Xian Cheng, Chief Yao and others, Eunuch Qian got on the sedan chair again, and the group entered the city and headed to the post house.

When County Magistrate Zhang and others rushed to the post house with Eunuch Qian in tow, Liu Jie, the newly-appointed barracks administrator, was inspecting the post house. Yesterday, Zhu Ping'an reorganized the county government and placed the post affairs under the management of the barracks, so today After attending the county office in the morning, Liu Jie came to the post office to familiarize himself with and arrange the work of the post office.

"Open the door, open the door! Eunuch Qian is coming. Where are the people in the post house? Come out to greet him."

Several subordinate officials who showed their intention came to the door of the post house and shouted loudly to open the door.

"Zhang Wenshu, Liu Dianli coughs. The new military dean has reiterated the rules. I don't dare to let you in casually. Please kindly ask Eunuch Qian to show you the official document. I can check in after completing the formalities."

The gatekeeper of the post house knew the subordinates who were called gatekeepers, and also knew that they had been dismissed. Now their immediate boss was Liu Jie, the new military officer. Liu Jie reiterated the rules and strictly followed the laws of the Ming Dynasty. Only the military state Only major events and administrative matters can be checked into the post house. They dare not make mistakes at this time.

"You are so shameless, aren't you? Why don't you hurry up and open the door to welcome Eunuch Qian?"

Zhang Wenshu and Liu Dianli cursed impatiently.

"Zhang Wenshu, Liu Dianli is just a gatekeeper, so don't embarrass him. Liu Dianli reiterated the rules when he took office as a new official. He has a family to support, so he doesn't dare to make mistakes at this time. ." The gatekeeper of the post house said with a smile, insisting on verifying the official documents before checking in.

"What kind of official document?! My father-in-law is the best official document! You dog slaves, why don't you hurry up and open the door to greet me!"

A young eunuch couldn't bear it any longer. He pinched the orchid and came forward, scolding the guard.

In fact, they really don’t have any official documents. Firstly, the official documents are with the imperial eunuch Chen Hong and Eunuch Chen; secondly, they eunuchs are not considered officials, and strictly follow the Ming Dynasty regulations, only officials are eligible to use the post house; thirdly, the purchase of gold, treasures and pearls is just a purchase matter. It is not official business, let alone military affairs.

If they strictly follow the regulations of the Daming Post House, they will not be allowed to stay in the post house.

However, there is no such thing as strict compliance with laws these days.

How many inns did they stay in along the way? snort! This is an inn in the middle of nowhere, where you can only stay if you have no choice! If they were in the city, they wouldn't be willing to stay in a posthouse! How can a broken inn be as comfortable as the VIP building in the city? They don’t have to pay anyway, and local officials are rushing to pay.

"I'm sorry, at this juncture, I don't dare to let you move in without official documents!"

The gatekeeper of the inn shook his head.

"Zhu Ping'an, you've gone too far!" Eunuch Qian couldn't sit still in the sedan. As soon as he threw the door curtain and got out of the sedan, he was already full of anger at the gate of the city, and now he was holding back his anger at the gate of the post house. He became even more angry, and the anger in his stomach could not be suppressed for a long time. With a livid face, he cursed in a high voice, "Since I left the capital and went south, which local official has not fawned over the Zajia along the way? The prefects have all I personally led the Zajia's horse and put it on the pedals! But when we arrived in your little Jingnan County, you Zhu Ping'an didn't go out of the city to greet the Zajia. You didn't even let the Zajia enter the inn! You really think that the Zajia are vegetarians!"

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