Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1197 Flagellation Station

Since leaving the capital, local officials from various places have spoiled Eunuch Qian into a disgraceful way.

It was heaven before, now it is hell.

Falling from heaven to hell in one fell swoop, Eunuch Qian couldn't accept such a huge gap, and Eunuch Qian was very angry now.

Seeing that Eunuch Qian was so angry that he was about to lose control, Chief Yao stood up and confronted the inn boy with a smile on his face, adding to Eunuch Qian's anger without any trace, "Do you know who is standing in front of you? ? Eunuch Qian is the emperor’s messenger, why don’t you quickly open the door of the inn, pack up the best room inside, and welcome Eunuch Qian to move in.”

Although Chief Yao was a Shangguan, the servants at the post station knew that he had been impeached by the county magistrate for deserting from battle. I heard that this is a serious crime, which can range from loss of official position to loss of life. Therefore, at this moment, Master Yao's words do not have much weight to the post's servants. In addition, the new military officer Liu Dianli is in the post and has just reiterated the rules. The post's servants do not dare to make mistakes at this juncture. .

In addition, he acted according to Liu Dianli's orders. Even if something went wrong, Liu Dianli would be responsible for it.

Therefore, after Master Yao finished speaking, the waiter in the posthouse still insisted on showing the official document and verifying it before entering.


Eunuch Qian couldn't bear it for a long time. He suddenly became furious. He pinched the orchid and pointed at the door of the inn. With a gloomy black face, he said in a high voice, "The Miscellaneous family has to stay in the inn today!"


The gatekeeper of the post house looked at a loss.

"Get out of the way!"

The guard with a sword following behind Eunuch Qian stepped forward, impatiently grabbed the guard of the post house by the collar, threw him to the ground like a chicken, and then kicked the door of the post house away. , bowed and invited Eunuch Qian and others to come in.

The waiter in the post house only felt that his vision changed drastically. First he was lifted high, and then the world turned upside down. When he realized it, he had rolled several times on the ground like a gourd, and what caught his eyes was Eunuch Qian's feet.

Eunuch Qian snorted, put his hands behind his back and raised his feet to jump over the head of the post boy, and walked slowly into the post house. Zhang Xiancheng and others followed Eunuch Qian, and in turn raised their feet to jump over the head of the post boy.

"Bah! Shameless!"

"If you don't eat the toast, you will be fined with wine! You are such a bitch!"

All the subordinate staff also raised their feet and crossed over the heads of the post boys in unison. Some of them had malicious intentions and even stepped on the post boys a few times. Not only that, they all also made sarcastic remarks, and a few even He spat.

Behind him, the footman of the posthouse was in a mess on the ground, with several shoe marks on his face and his body was dirty.

"what happened!"

Liu Jie and Liu Dianli, who were getting familiar with their work in the post house, heard the noisy movement outside and walked out quickly with a frown. Then they saw that the post house was in a mess and the gatekeeper of the post house was lying on the ground. Yelling, the door was smashed down, and there was a group of unkind people in the post house, surrounded by a feminine eunuch.

Um? It's Zhang County Cheng and the others.

Although Liu Jie has no acquaintance with Zhang Xiancheng and the others, Zhang Xiancheng and the others are the leaders of the county government after all, and Liu Jie still knows them.

"Zhang Xian Cheng, Chief Yao, Li Dianshi, what do you mean by this? Why did you break into my post house?! Tear down the door of my post house?! Beat my post guard?!" Liu Jie took a step forward, raised his hands and asked in a deep voice road.

"Are you Liu Jie, the new military officer? Why don't you come forward quickly and kneel down to greet Eunuch Qian?" Li Dian took a step forward, glanced at Liu Jie with disdain, and stretched out a finger to pick out his nostrils. , flicked in Liu Jie's direction, ignored Liu Jie's question, and instead ordered Liu Jie.

"Eunuch, please sit down." Seeing the principal come out, a young eunuch took the initiative to come behind Eunuch Qian, knelt on the ground, put his hands on the ground, making a stool shape, and asked Eunuch Qian to sit on him.

Eunuch Qian was not polite and sat down on the little eunuch. He stretched out his hand to lift the hem of his clothes and crossed his legs.

He looks like a big boss.

"Eunuch Qian?!" Liu Jie glanced at Eunuch Qian when he heard this, shook his head slightly, and asked again, "Excuse me, Li Dianshi, why did you break into my post house?! Destroy the door of my post house?! Beat my post guard?!"

"Are you blind?! Didn't you see Eunuch Qian's grand drive?! You postmen looked down on others and turned Eunuch Qian away. We taught you a lesson!" Li Dianshi spat impatiently. replied.

Liu Jie looked at the fallen postman. The postman hurriedly got up and said with a mournful face, "Master Liu, I'm not turning them away. I'm just strictly following your instructions and asking them to show their evidence." The official document was verified. But I didn’t expect that they, they beat the young one without any explanation and kicked down the door.”

"Master Li, is this what happened?" Hearing this, Liu Jie looked at Li Dianshi and asked with his hands raised.

"What are you talking about! Haven't you seen that the sun is so high now!? Why don't you quickly clear out the best room in the post house for Eunuch Qian, prepare good wine and food, and invite Eunuch Qian to come in."

Li Dianshi spat disdainfully and ordered Liu Jie arrogantly.

"If you want to check into the post house, please present the official documents to Eunuch Qian. After verification, you can check in to the post house."

Liu Jie replied calmly.

Why do you need to show official documents! There are no official documents from the Za family!

Eunuch Qian's anger grew again. He sat on the little eunuch's back, crossed his legs, pinched the orchid and pointed at his lips, and said in a high-pitched voice, "What if the Za family doesn't produce the official document?!"

"I'm sorry, according to Ming Dynasty regulations, when checking into a post house, you must be an official responsible for military affairs and present official documents, and you can check into the post house only after they are verified to be correct. Please cooperate with me. Otherwise, we will not be able to accommodate you in this post house."

Liu Jie looked at Eunuch Qian and replied seriously.

"I won't accept you?!"

When Eunuch Qian heard this, his face instantly turned as black as the bottom of a pot, the veins on his neck were exposed, and he gritted his teeth.

"Sorry for not accepting you!" Liu Jie nodded.

"The Zajia tell you, the Zajia will stay in this post house today!" Eunuch Qian stared at Liu Jie and said word by word.

"I'm sorry. Come and see us off!" Liu Jie shouted to the postman.

"Presumptuous!" Eunuch Qian was furious. He waved his hand and shouted in a dark voice, "Teach me a lesson for this lowly slave who doesn't understand etiquette!"

Eunuch Qian gave an order, and four guards with swords, several young eunuchs, Zhang Xiancheng and others resolutely carried out the order. Although Liu Jie had some skills, his two fists were hard to beat with four hands. The two postmen were like giving away for nothing. Soon, Liu Jie was knocked to the ground, then tied up and hung from a tree.

A whipping!

A meal of insults!

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